Chapter 161 Youth Trio

Hearing Asahi's words, Onoki didn't think much. Since Asahi wants to give himself something good, it must be a good thing. His face is not thin, so he can accept such things happily. After a while, Kurenai started to relax, and became a qualified host, and after Choza and a few others said a few words, the competition officially began.

"Uncle Duy, you also come to participate in the competition!"

Asahi, who also chose to participate in the competition, saw a familiar figure, Might Duy. When he went to the Kirigakure Battlefield back then, he happened to encounter this plot, so he saved Might father and son once. And now, Duy is almost fifty years old.

'Asahi-sama, you also participate in the competition? Indeed, the things made by the Akimichi Clan are pretty good, and even though I am almost fifty years old, I still want to pursue my youth!"

Duy said excitedly, and Asahi also smiled, and chatted with Duy for a while, and not long after, two green suit approached then, which is none other than Guy and Lee.

"Uncle Duy, are you sure that Lee is not Guy's illegitimate son? If it is someone who doesn't know, one hundred out of one hundred would say that they are father and son, believe it or not."

Asahi looked at the two thick-browed people with green suits, one big and one small, that are walking towards here, and they can be said to be completely carved out of the same mold.

"Uh, that, I am also not very clear about this!"

Duy couldn't help but shed a huge drop of sweat on his forehead. Obviously, not only Asahi has said this, as others said the same. Not to mention them, even he has some doubts about this.

Because these two people are so similar, especially the thick eyebrows. The green suit, the mushroom head and the personality can all be cultivated, but how to cultivate these eyebrows anyway? Duy also doubted his own son for a while, and he wondered if Guy had some fun with a woman before.

But after thinking about it again, even if his son wants to have some fun with a woman, such a thing won't be possible, as he knows exactly what his son is, he is basically a rare beast.

In terms of emotional aspects, he's a 0 out of 100.

"I think you should ask them to do a paternity test, in short, it's too suspicious!"

Asahi said a little amused. He naturally knew that Lee was not Guy's son, but he still couldn't help but want to play a prank. At this moment, Duy's face also changed, and he was thinking about this issue too. He felt that he should really check it out. Over the years, Iwagakure has been able to carried out this kind of identification, after all, evolving the technology is not just for fun.

"Asahi-sama, you also participated in the competition? It's really great. Lee, Dad, our opponent turned out to be Asahi-sama. Although we are not his opponent in terms of strength, we finally have a chance to defeat Asahi-sama!"

Guy suddenly let out a loud howl, and said something loudly, and a group of people's eyes were immediately placed on Asahi. Just as Guy said, basically all people who have experienced the Third Shinobi World War knew about Asahi's strength. So when they heard Guy's words, the fiery emotions of these people also began to skyrocket.

"You really caused me trouble, but if you want to outperform me in eating, you have to be mentally prepared!"

Although Asahi feels that it is a little troublesome, these troubles are just minor problems. In terms of eating, he is definitely the strongest in the entire Shinobi World.

"Grandpa, are you sure you want to participate in this competition?"

At this moment, at the registration table, Hashirama also holds a number plate in his hand, and Nawaki looked at his grandfather with a helpless expression. According to Asahi's words, they, who are resurrected people, must hide their true identity.

It's not that they can't show people in their true identity, but the main thing is that, once they know that Hashirama is resurrected, there might be resurrection trend. It is estimated that at that time, there will be a wave of riots and they won't be able to hide.

Therefore, for the resurrected people, no matter what, they must hide their identities. After that, Asahi will find the opportunity to throw the blame to others, so that they can truly appear in front of everyone.

"Of course, after all, I have never participated in such a big event before!"

Hashirama said, as he likes such lively scene very much. He is even more happy with today's lively scene, so he naturally wants to participate too.

"Well then, you can figure it out yourself!"

Nawaki also feels his scalp numb. He feels that his grandfather was no match for him in terms of maturity. He is simply an old child, and he didn't know what to say.

In addition to these people, there are actually another group of people, such as Naruto, Sasuke and Sakura. Now, Konoha's Team 7 has become Iwagakure's Team 7, and Kakashi is still their teacher. Of course, according to the original plot, Kakashi won't have his own students, of course, the situation is different now.

Orochimaru was busy researching and didn't have the chance to teach Sasuke, so Kakashi is naturally the top choice, and Kakashi's Mangekyo was already available for unlimited use. In addition, in terms of strength, Kakashi was more than enough to be Sasuke's teacher.

Moreover, Sasuke still has a father who awakened Mangekyo, and his clan is still there, so the clan's secret technique has not been lost. Sasuke is also not living as an emo, mainly because Fugaku began to teach him since he was a child, and he also has not experienced the night of genocide and the various stimuli from Itachi.

Now he has everything, he is actually living well, so with multiple education and Asahi's attention, even Indra's Chakra can't change his life view. As for Naruto, there is no need to say anything, as his life view don't need to be overly guided.

After all, under the influence of Ashura, Naruto did not explode after being treated like that in Konoha, let alone now, so the education of Konoha 12 is normal. As for the young Sakura, Asahi didn't do anything, and doesn't bother to comment, as he really doesn't like this character, so he doesn't bother to pay attention to her.

Now, it's no surprise that the little Sakura won't have anything to do with Tsunade, and of course, Asahi doesn't care too much about it. After all, it's not Konoha, and there's no need to care about it.

The registration time passed quickly, and many Shinobi participated, and the numbers of participants swelled to a terrifying level. Of course, the Akimichi Clan still can afford it.

As Shinobi, the most indispensable thing is money, let alone the people from Shinobi Clan, and the Akimichi Clan is also in the business of military ration pills, and it can be said that their industry is diversified. There are also advertisements on the counter, and the Akimichi Clan also used this opportunity to promote their own military ration pills, so they didn't suffer at all.

There is a huge difference between the price of goods in the Shinobi World. Shinobi will never go bankrupt because of what they eat, it's just that simple.