Chapter 162 The Akimichi Clan Who Began To Doubt Life

"So you all participated in the competition?"

Looking at the group of small heads in front of him, Asahi was a little speechless. Although Izumi, Pakura and the others did not participate in this competition because it is shameful, all the juniors participated, and Hanabi also insisted on dragging Hinata over. After seeing Hinata, Asahi suddenly remembered something.

Hinata's appetite seems to be a bit too terrifying. In the original work, just the scene of Hinata and Naruto eating ramen, Hinata ate at least ten bowls of ramen in one breath, and Naruto vomited directly. It was later recorded that Hinata ate forty-six bowls of ramen, which is a terrifying number.

So Hinata can be said to be super big eater, and she belongs to the real type that won't gain weight even after eating a lot of food. Asahi feels that even if he doesn't compete this time, it is estimated that Hinata can also make the Akimichi Clan began to doubt life.

Of course, in front of so many people at this moment, Hinata has already blushing shyly to the ears, and visible smoke appeared above her head. To be able to shy to such an extent, Asahi has to sigh, as he thought as expected of the anime world.

"Choza, isn't it a bit too much for you to participate in the competition yourself!"

On the Ino-Shika-Cho's side, Shikaku and Inoichi both agreed to participate in the competition because they wanted to support Choza, but seeing Choza sitting in the competitor's seat, they are speechless. Moreover, there are also many contestants from the Akimichi Clan.

"We didn't stipulate that our people wouldn't be allowed to participate in the competition, and such a competition needed be lively, right? Even Asahi-sama participated in the competition, so we have to give him face by participating!"

Choza randomly found a reason. With Asahi also participating in the competition, it directly raised the competition to a higher level. He was naturally very happy, and he can already predict that his restaurant business will be booming after this.

To be honest, he himself doesn't really value these things, but the people in the family have to find something to do, so they opened this restaurant, otherwise, the mission bonus and the money from selling pills is already more than enough for their clan to consume.

Seeing Choza participating, the others are also helpless. As it is Akimichi Clan's own competition, so they couldn't do anything about it, after all, they still wanted to participate in this competition, so they can only pinch their noses and turn a blind eye to it.

As for the food in the competition, it was deep-fried tempura and fresh shrimp-type. The taste is very good, and at this moment, there are a large number of chefs working in the back kitchen. The ingredients are also not a problem, and it is enough for the contestants here to consume.

At the beginning of the competition, a group of people started to eat and drink, but the truly experienced people just keep eating at a constant speed. This thing is like running. No matter how awesome you are, if you eat too fast at the beginning, you will have problems later on.

But for Asahi, this is not a problem. But he also did not speed up, and maintained a constant eating speed. He felt that the taste is indeed good. The Akimichi Clan is amazing, and in terms of taste, they are very good.

The time of the competition is two hours. Those who can continue to eat for hours is definitely the kind of person who is terrifying to the extreme. After ten minutes, those who ate fast before already started being eliminated. Asahi is not very optimistic about the average contestants.

Against Shinobi, those ordinary people won't be able to win, after all, the average Shinobi has a huge amount of training and they needed to eat a lot. Therefore, unless those ordinary people have the talent of a big eater, they won't be able to compete with Shinobi. After half an hour, all those ordinary people have already been eliminated.

The rest of the contestants are Shinobi, and the Akimichi Clan began to exert their strength at this moment and accelerated their speed, which made the other Shinobi open their mouths in shock. In the end, they also gave up directly, it's not because they are a coward, it's mainly because the enemy is too cruel.

After this wave of cleanup, the number of people quickly decreased, and only a small number of stronger ones were left, and those with larger stomach capacity still persist. As for the youth trio, they also have a lot of training, but they can't eat so much, so they are also eliminated not long after.

Among the three, Duy is the better one, as he is almost fifty years old, he is much mature, but Guy and Lee started to hug each other and cry, making everyone around them dare not to approach them. Such a youthful and passionate idiot is really lethal. Hashirama is also terrifying, but he is just a strange face, so no one pays much attention to him.

Anko and others have already completely defeated, as they are not Akimichi's opponents, they can only admit defeat.

Of course, the most eye-catching at this moment is not the Akimichi Clan and other Shinobi, but Asahi, Hinata and Kakashi. That's right, Kakashi… This guy also has a large stomach capacity, and thanks to Guy, who often look for Kakashi to compete in this and that, Kakashi's stomach capacity was increased. In fact, Tsunade is also an amazing player, but due to her reputation as the Tsuchikage, she did not participate in the competition. In fact, she also wanted to participate.

However, the most attractive part of Kakashi is not his appetite, but the mask. Asahi has always wondered how this guy eats, as he can still eat with a mask, but in the end, this guy didn't take off his mask, but instead opened a hole in the mask, which is kind of shocking. If it wasn't because Asahi already knew what this guy looked like, he would have doubted whether he really has that buck-tooth or thick lips underneath the mask.

In addition to Kakashi, Hinata is also gathering attention. A plate tower has been erected next to her, and it also surpassed all the Akimichi Clan's members. Her amazing appetite makes people can't help but click their tongues in wonder. She is only a little girl, but her appetite is surprisingly big.

"Hanabi, your sister actually has such a big appetite, why do you never tell us?"

Kurotsuchi has long been eliminated, and she looked at Hanabi with a dumbfounded expression. At this moment, Hinata's fighting power is simply going against the sky.

"Actually, my sister is usually not like this. It's probably because of the competition!"

Hanabi also started to doubt life. After all, she has never seen Hinata eat a lot, but now, she actually burst out with such huge combat power when participating in the competition.

The last one is Asahi. Asahi's movement does not seem to be rough at all, but his speed is outrageously fast, and the movements in his hands have formed afterimages. Asahi learned this move from the eater king in his previous life. They are elegant, and don't seem to have changed much, but their eating speed is very fast, and they were able to eat a lot.

Because of that, the plates accumulated in front of Asahi are three times as many as on Hinata's table.

Asahi's body has been covered up by the plates. Kakashi is not doing well, but Hinata and Asahi are the authentic monsters, and they are making the Akimichi Clan began to doubt their lives at this moment.

'This is so wrong, who is the one from Akimichi Clan? How are you eating so much?'