Chapter 163 Non-Human Appetite

'Isn't it too exaggerated? How much have he eaten?'

As time went by, Asahi's table could no longer hold any plates, so he directly requisitioned the table next to him. A plate of tempura has ten tempuras on it, and now there are more than 300 plates on Asahi's table.

This number is still increasing rapidly, which means that Asahi has already ate three thousand tempuras alone. At this moment, let alone other, even Choza was so frightened that he dropped his chopsticks on the table. After all, this thing is not just shrimps, and it is also wrapped in flour, but after eating so much, Asahi has no reaction at all. He is now suspecting that his eyes have problems.

"I'm convinced. Although I didn't dare to say that the Akimichi Clan is the strongest in eating, but they are still very good, but now, I finally see the existence that crushes the Akimichi Clan!"

"As expected of Asahi-sama, but I think it's normal. After all, I heard that when Asahi burst out with all his strength, his body size would skyrocket to five or six meters, so it's understandable for him to be able to eat so much food!"

At this moment, the group of people began to discuss continuously, mainly because before Asahi was able to fully control his power, his body size was indeed very scary. At noon, he was a proper little giant. At that time, as long as Asahi was wandering around in the village, it is like a behemoth walking, but fortunately, they don't have to worry about this problem after he fully grasp it in the later stage.

But everyone still remembers Asahi's appearance from the past few years, and Asahi's horror at the time will never be forgotten.

"Nawaki, tell me why grandpa would join too!"

At this moment, Tsunade looked at Nawaki speechlessly. Since the resurrection, Nawaki's philosophy has also changed a lot. He has experienced a lot, and naturally he will not escape, as he has become much more mature, however, Hashirama's matter still caused Nawaki complained.

"I can't help it, it's not like you don't know Grandpa's character. He is always the first to rush up when encountering such things!"

Nawaki couldn't help but scratched his face, feeling helpless. It's not like he didn't persuade Hashirama, but persuasion was useless, so Nawaki explained that he was innocent, and also felt very embarrassed. Although no one recognizes Hashirama now, but as a grandson, he always feels very embarrassed to look at his grandfather's current appearance.

"Damn it, I envy the two of them. If it wasn't for this Tsuchikage's identity, I would have joined too!"

Tsunade squeezed her fist and complained softly. After hearing this, Nawaki immediately shut up and was speechless. He thought that his old sister was better and normal, but he didn't expect it was just because she was jealous, so what else can he say?

Finally, after the time is up, the plates in front of Asahi piled up to more than 700 plates. It can be said that Asahi ate food several times larger than his body. The concept of 700 plates means there are a total of seven thousand tempuras, which is very exaggerated to be piled up in a person.

But it was all eaten by Asahi, and he still looked relaxed. Hinata on the side also showed a very exaggerated talent. She just ate more than a hundred plates, which caused Choza to be dumbfounded. The foods prepared by his clan is very fulfilling, and it is not the same as a normal food, but these people actually ate so much.

Looking at the plates in front of him that were even less than Hinata, he really didn't know what to say. In fact, Asahi was also very surprised in how did Hinata eat so many things. Although her record in Ichiraku Ramen was forty-six bowls, but that was also after she got married with Naruto. But now, how long has it been since she graduated? And she actually has walked so far on the road to foodie, and even Choza was defeated.

Asahi originally thought that Hinata's combat power should be better than that of an adult, but he still underestimated the potential of human beings. The appetite that Hinata showed was indeed terrifying. Of course, he was the least qualified to say this, because the appetite he showed is no longer in the realm of human at all. Well, who told him to directly convert the food into energy, that's why he can eat so much.

Of course, what surprised Asahi the most was that Hinata's belly didn't seem to be bulging at all, and it still looked two-dimensional, which is awesome.

"Forget it, I can squeeze into the top three anyway. If I can't even squeeze in the top three, our Akimichi Clan would have lost its reputation!"

Choza was very helpless, and could only give up and accepting this third place. 'At any rate, third place is also in the top three, right? There's no need to compare myself with non-human beings.' This is Choza's current thinking.

"Choza, your top three dream seem to be broken. I have just finished counting, and the one over there ate two more plates than you, so you are fourth!"

Shikaku suddenly laughed and said to Choza. As for Kakashi, his fighting power can't be maintained in the late stage, so he can't be compared with the monsters. Although he is powerful, it is only enough to bully Guy and the others.

"What?! I'm fourth?"

Choza was stunned again. After turning his head mechanically, he saw that from a position not far behind him, an unknown person was smiling and waving his hand at him, as if to say hello. This person is none other than Hashirama!

Choza also used his eyes that he had trained for countless years to scan the plates, and instantly obtained the number of plates. He then found that there are indeed two more plates than his, because of this, he fell into despair.

"How could it be possible…! Our Akimichi Clan didn't even squeeze into the top three!"

Choza was sitting on the spot with a grayish color tone, and he wasn't able to say anything more.

"Forget it, anyway, starting from the fourth place, most of the top rankings are from your clan, and your son also eats a lot, so he should be able to rank in the top ten!"

As a teammate, Inoichi also began to cheer Choza up. In the end, Choza slowly recovered. Finally, the game was over and the statistical results came out. Not surprisingly, Asahi took the first place, and his non-human appetite really shocked everyone.

In the later period, Asahi's incident became more and more outrageous. From the more than 700 disks he ate, the people would say that the numbers were dozens of times more than what these people saw right now. Some people even said that he ate all the ingredients used in the competition in one breath.

This kind of rumor is indeed the strongest, and even Asahi is skeptical afterwards. It might not even become such an exaggeration that he eats the entire Iwagakure's food reserve in the future. As for the free coupons in his hand, to be honest, Asahi doesn't need it.

It's okay to eat the food in the restaurant once in a while, but he still likes to cook by himself, and some are not used to eating these things, so he directly gave the free coupon to Hinata.