Chapter 182 Let Nami Take Care of Arlong

"Nojiko, why are you standing here, and who is this guy!"

After Nami buried her treasure, she saw this strange scene when she came back, so she was also a little confused.

"This… mister said he is looking for you and wants to make a deal with you!"

Nojiko is already standing in front of Nami when she said that. Although both of them have no blood relationship, she really treats Nami as her sister.

"What is the deal and how much is it?"

Nami didn't know Nojiko's thoughts and concerns at all. As soon as she heard the word 'deal', she immediately thought of money. As long as there is money, then everything is easy to say.

"It's very simple. You will work for me in the future, and I will help you get rid of Arlong's group, or I will give you the power to get rid of Arlong and his group!"

Asahi didn't talk nonsense, and said his purpose directly. After all, he is here to poach Nami.

"You are joking with me"

Nami's face changed when she heard this. Arlong's strength is very trashy in the New World and Grand Line, but it is different here. This is the East Blue. Nami herself often leaves Cocoyasi Village over the years, and she has also seen quite a lot of things when she leaves Cocoyasi Village, but she also knew Arlong's status and strength in East Blue.

With Arlong's strength, she basically cannot find a few people who can deal with him. At least, Nami has never encountered such a person until now, and Arlong and the Marine are in the same boat, so Marine is useless.

Thinking that Arlong is the overlord of East Blue, Nami doesn't believe that someone can help her get rid of Arlong, so she immediately believes that Asahi is trying to fool her.

"Is there any benefit in fooling you? You can experience it yourself!"

Asahi directly used Enchantment Magic to add power to Nami. With Irene's high-level Enchantment Magic, let alone power, even personality can be added. At this moment, Asahi added some power to Nami, making her strength surpass the strength of Arlong's group.

To put it bluntly, Arlong's strength is like a rooster, which is just a larger cannon fodder, so it is enough to add a little strength to Nami.

"What is going on? Why do I suddenly feel that my strength has increased a lot?"

Nami waved her hand with some doubts, but found that the wave of her hand actually caused a wave of air flowing.

"I add some power to you, which makes you stronger than Arlong and his group. How is it? I can give you the power to defeat Arlong, but then you have to work for me!"

Asahi asked with a smile, as nothing is more convincing than real experience.

Nami's expression is directly frozen at this moment. She was suspicious of the guy in front of her, but he actually gives her such a strong power directly, which was a bit too shocking. At this moment, Nami tried to step on the ground with her foot, and a small depression was formed with her at the center.

"You better be careful. Your strength is not weak now, and if you hit someone, they will basically be crippled!"

After Asahi reminded her again, Nami's action became more cautious. Of course, this additional magic is not permanent, unless Asahi maintains it forever, which can be done, but it is not Nami's own power.

"I promised, I will work for you in the future!"

Nami agreed without even thinking about it. She still understands Arlong's strength, so she knew that her current power has surpassed Arlong. She can steal money desperately in order to redeem her village, that means she can naturally sell herself. Therefore, Nami agreed without any hesitation.

"Then the deal is established. You can now go to Arlong and his group for revenge now!"

Asahi nodded and said. Regarding Nami, he felt that he needs to get her to his side first, and then starts slowly.

Nami, who had the power now, left without saying a word, and went to find Arlong. As long as Arlong is not dead, she really can't feel at ease, and now that she has the power to defeat the other party, she no longer hesitates.

Asahi waved his hand, and a screen appeared in front of him. In this screen, Nami was heading to Arlong Park at an extremely fast speed. As for Nojiko, although she was worried, she can't do anything now. She couldn't even chase after Nami, but because she was worried about Nami, she still chased after her, and Asahi didn't bother to care about it.

After Nojiko reached Arlong Park, it was estimated that Nami would have already dealt with Arlong and his group. Originally, Asahi planned to use the Historia of the Dead to materialize Fisher Tiger to clean up Arlong and then kill him, but now, there is no need to do so.

He just needs to leave it to Nami to handle it by herself, but based on Nami's situation, it is estimated that Arlong and the others will not be killed by her. To put it bluntly, even if she has a lot of hatred for Arlong, Nami is still extremely kind in nature, and there's no way she can kill someone. Even when she meets Hachi again in the original work, she chose to forgive Hachi, which shows her kindness.

Hachi followed Arlong to do so many things. Even if he was not involved in certain events, he was also part of Arlong's group, and in Arlong's group, none of them were innocent.

So according to Asahi's understanding of Nami, the most she would do is defeating Arlong, and it is still up to him to take care of the aftermath. This kind of existence is simply scourge, so there's no way he would let them go. Of course, the current stage is Nami's, so he would let Nami went to take care of Arlong, as there was nothing more comfortable than this.

Nami in the screen soon came to Arlong Park.

"Nami, you are back, how much money did you stole this time?"

After seeing Nami, some Fishmen began to laugh constantly. They knew Arlong's character very well. Let alone 100 million, even if it was one billion or 10 billion, Arlong would not let go of Cocoyasi Village and Nami, so they just take Nami's affairs as a joke.

"Where's Arlong?"

With strength, Nami also has the confidence, and there is no need to talk nonsense with these Fishmen. When she said this, almost all the Fishmen's faces looked unsightly.

"You actually called Arlong-sama by his name? How dare you…!"

A Fishman looked at Nami with a displeased expression and said, and planned to teach Nami a lesson, but before he could finish his words, Nami's fist had already hit his body, and the Fishman turned into a cannonball and blown away. He directly smashed into a house, and his life and death are unknown.

The scene turned quite in an instant. At this moment, the remaining Fishmen have shut their mouths. They couldn't understand how Nami did it, and why she could blow a Fishman so easily.

'When did Nami have such a terrifying power? Isn't the Fishmen's strength much superior than human?' At this moment, all the Fishmen have this thought in their minds.