Chapter 183 Arlong: Since When Are Ability Users Not Afraid of Sea Water?

After blasting a Fishman with a punch, Nami became more confident in herself. After the other Fishmen came back to their senses, they were shocked that Nami suddenly possessed such a powerful power, but Nami did indeed attack their companions.

As a human, even though Nami is one of them, how could they not know the fact that Arlong only took a fancy to Nami's navigational knowledge? As for the village, it was the rein that tied Nami, to put it bluntly, it's like they're giving a person a free job, however, as a temporary wage earner, how dares she attacks them, the regular employees.

Most of the Fishman were full of anger, completely ignoring the power of Nami just now. In this world, there are so many idiots that can't determine their own strength. This kind of people only knows to rush and fight, but the One Piece World does not lack such desperadoes.

But now that Nami's power is not something they can compare, none of the Fishmen who rushed over can withstand the impact of Nami's punch. They're basically like a kid who are blown away with one punch.

Even though the number of Fishmen is not low, after a few minutes of tossing around like this, all of the Fishmen are either smashed into the wall or fell into the ground, basically in a half-dead state.

This time, Nami is obviously holding back, so although they were defeated one by one, none of them are dead. Not long after, Arlong brought some of his confidantes over.

There are several cadres of the Arlong Pirates Group, which are Hachi, Kurobi, and Chew.

"Nami, it looks like you have obtained incredible power, but do you know that we Fishmen are specifically designed to restrain this power!"

Although Nami's power has increased so much, Arlong is not panicked at all. For Nami to suddenly have such a big change, it is obvious that she has eaten a Devil Fruit, so her combat power increased to such level, and in Arlong Park, it just happens that there is a seawater channel leading to the sea, and the presence of seawater meant that the ability user is no problem at all.

In fact, Arlong had already discovered Nami's situation when Nami started, but he didn't come over immediately, as he's preparing the seawater.

'No matter what kind of ability you have, as long as you touch seawater, you can only wait for death. Hachi and the others are holding huge barrels in their hands, and with so much seawater, you won't be able to do anything.'

"Along, today I will give you everything that you have imposed on our village!"

Nami didn't know what Arlong meant by saying this. She had heard of Devil Fruit when she sailed so many times outside, but she didn't pay much attention to it, as she had never seen a Devil Fruit user, so she didn't know what Arlong is talking about.

"Then try it, do it!"

Along yelled, and the people behind him threw the barrels directly into the sky, and then Chew spurted out a stream of seawater from his mouth, directly blasting the wooden barrels, and the seawater fell like a rain, and there was no way to avoid it.

Naturally, Nami was drenched all over without any exception. She was a little confused at this moment. She thought that the other party would use some strange weapon, but she didn't expect it to be seawater.

After seeing Nami's body getting drenched by the seawater, Arlong didn't wait any longer, and directly chose to attack her.

He rushed in front of Nami like a sharp arrow. At this moment, Nami didn't know why, but Arlong didn't prevent her from attacking him. Arlong rushed over so blatantly, and with such a large body, he is simply a perfect target, so this time, Nami directly kicked Arlong very simply.


A dull sound came from Arlong's body, and then Arlong flew back directly at a faster speed. With this kick, Nami not only kicked him away, but also broken several of Arlong's ribs.


Arlong's body flew backwards and directly hit the largest building in Arlong Park. In an instant, the building was directly destroyed, and Arlong's body was directly buried by the building.

"Brother Arlong!"

Hachi and the other cadres were instantly dumbfounded when they saw this. At this moment, their heads were still full of confusion. It was well known that the Devil Fruit user would be powerless when touched by seawater, so they are confused why Nami is still all right now! After coming back to their senses, they quickly went to the ruins to dig Arlong.

At this moment, Nami was also a little confused. She didn't understand what Arlong is doing. He first shot a wave of useless seawater attacks, and immediately afterwards, he rushed towards her blatantly as if delivering his head to her.

'Is there something wrong with the brains of these guys?'

Before the cadres could dig for long, an impact suddenly came from the ruins, and then a hole was blasted open in the ruins, and Arlong, whose appearance became a little haggard, quickly crawled out of the hole.

Just now, several of his ribs were broken, and there was also internal bleeding. Moreover, in addition to internal bleeding, he was blasted to the building just now, so his head was broken and blood flowed down. After the building collapsed and fell down, he was smashed all over by the ruins.

Therefore, at this moment, more than half of Arlong's combat power has directly disappeared. Of course, if this guy is desperate, it will be different.

"How is it possible? Why is seawater useless against you? Seawater should be the nemesis of all Devil Fruit users!"

There is still blood on Arlong's head at this time, and he roars at Nami with unconvinced expression on his face. Even the Four Emperors can't break the law of the sea, but now, Nami, who he believes to have Devil Fruit ability, is actually not afraid of seawater.

"Devil Fruit users? You regard me as Devil Fruit user?"

Nami finally understood what's going on, but she didn't talk nonsense anymore, as she wanted to pay back all the pain that Arlong had inflicted on them from back then! Seeing Nami no longer said anything but rushed over to them, the cadres quickly moved, but they were not as good as Arlong, so it was natural that they are punched by Nami like a little kid.

However, this guy Along was vicious enough. Seeing his little brothers fighting with Nami, he waited for the right timing and rushed over directly, using his sharp teeth and nose to directly attack Nami's back.

In the end, Nami has no combat experience, so even if her strength has skyrocketed, she can only throw punches and kicks, so she was caught off guard and was hit by Arlong. However, after a huge force came from behind her, Nami's foot slammed directly on the ground to offset the impact, but Arlong was stunned once again. He found that his attack could not penetrate Nami's body and was directly defended.

'How is it possible?'