Chapter 187 Helpless Jiraiya

"The defender of Logue town should be the Marine with the highest status in the East Blue. If he insists on justice, how could East Blue become like this!"

Nami still couldn't believe it.

"That's why I said he is staying too much in his home. You have to know that if you don't check things yourself, some things will be concealed. And he has always stayed in Logue town, and at most, he would send someone to check the situation out, but those people are also easily bought off!"

After Asahi said that, he stopped talking. There were moths everywhere, that's why Nami was kind of skeptical. It's because she had seen too many corrupt Marines, so she also thought that the highest commander of the East Blue was also a corrupt person.

Who would have thought that it would turn out to be like this in the end, in short, Nami was completely speechless.

"This is the end of the explanation. Now, we should go to Captain Nezumi's base to find trouble!"

After he finished speaking, Asahi stood up.

"I'm going to prepare the ship now!"

After Nami said that, she planned to go out, but Asahi stopped her directly.

"No need, I don't know how to use a ship. I can go to wherever I want!"

Asahi said with a smile. When he uses spatial movement, he needs coordinates. He can also use spatial movement to teleport to places that he has not visited before, but it is not suitable to teleport to a strange place, but now, White Zetsu is acting as his eyes.

In the entire East Blue, as long as there are islands with people, there will be White Zetsu, so he already has the coordinates, and he can teleport to wherever he wants to go directly. Naturally, there is no need for a ship. After Nami came to her senses, she found that the environment around her changed directly, and she appeared above a sea area.

At this moment, the two just floated in the air.

"Wow, where is this place, and how do I fly in the sky!"

Nami is completely dumbfounded. The two of them are flying in the sky so well, but Nami is supported by Asahi's energy, and Asahi himself is floating in the air with his own strength.

"Space movement, as long as I want, I can go to any place in the East Blue in an instant. As for flying, when your Natural Energy Source grow stronger in the future, you will also be able to fly by learning some special magic, but you can't do it now. Our goal is right below!"

As he said that, Asahi pointed at the sea area below, and there is a warship sailing. This is Nezumi's warship, and on the warship, there was White Zetsu, but now, the White Zetsu has left, because Asahi didn't plan to let go of this warship.

"Can I learn these things in the future?"

Nami's eyes began to light up. Thinking that she could fly freely in the sky, and would even have the ability to go anywhere with a single thought, she is very looking forward to it.

"Of course, but for the time being, you can't learn it. You need to wait until the Natural Energy Source in your body grows."

As he said that, a small sun appeared on the tip of one of Asahi's fingers. After sweeping away the treasure on the ship, he directly threw the small sun down.

The small sun, who was originally only the size of Asahi's fingernails, swelled instantly after arriving on the warship, and immediately wrapped the warship in it. Before the people on the ship could utter a scream, they were burned up completely.

Since then, there will be no such person as Captain Nezumi in this world.

"This… The ship is gone."

After the small sun disappeared, the spherical hollow that appeared in the center was instantly covered by sea water, and then disappeared, as if the previous warship did not exist at all.

"If there's no accident, you can do it too in the future, and this kind of power is nothing to the strong people!"

Asahi doesn't care about it. After all, it's just destroying a warship. Many people in this world can do it.

"This world is actually so dangerous! Why haven't you heard of it before?"

Nami was a little speechless. This world is actually so dangerous, but she doesn't know anything.

"Strictly speaking, compared to other places, East Blue's overall combat power is less than one-tenth of that of other places, and compared to the Grand Line and New World, it is even weaker."

"An existence like Arlong can be mixed in Grand Line a little bit, but in New World, this kind of person is not much different from cannon fodder, that is to say, he's just bullying people on the East Blue!"

After Asahi finished speaking, he took Nami and left again. This time, they went to Loguetown. By the way, the Arlong Pirate's tattoo on Nami's shoulder has been removed by him. Asahi thinks that if he is going to poach Hancock, he can definitely do so without taking too much effort. He can directly remove the mark on her body, and he would at least earn half of the favorability.

After arriving in Loguetown, Asahi did not appear directly on the street, but came into a forest, and then he called Jiraiya over.

"Um, where is this place? Asahi-sama, what do you want me to do?"

Jiraiya's way of addressing Asahi has never changed. Even if he can directly call Tsunade and others by their names, he would always address Asahi with the word 'sama'. This is due to the respect in his heart, and it's not because he's coerced.

Asahi actually told everyone that there is no need for this, but Jiraiya and the others are still like this. Except for the people around Asahi, and elders like Onoki, other people call him 'sama' even if they are older.

Even Hashirama is the same, as over time, he gets used to calling Asahi that.

"This is the side of the world that borders us. By the way, let me introduce you first. This is Nami, she can be regarded as my secretary. This time, I asked you to come here this time to test something!"

Asahi introduced Nami, but the look Jiraiya gave him made Asahi a little speechless. This guy clearly expresses a meaning, 'To be able to find a girl just after you go out, you are very amazing.' But Asahi doesn't care about it, instead, he told Jiraiya about the situation of Logia ability user.

Hearing this, Jiraiya understands the reason why he was called this time.

"So this time, I came here just to experiment, right? Why is it me…?"

Jiraiya was speechless, but he also accepted it, as he is also very interested in the so-called Logia ability.

"Try Ninjutsu first, then use Natural Energy if it doesn't work."

Asahi reminded. Natural Energy and Chakra are two kinds of power. Of course, Natural Energy can strengthen Chakra when using Ninjutsu. The Natural Energy Source is equivalent to permanent Sage Mode, but whether to strengthen Chakra with Natural Energy depends on the user's own decision. However, Asahi feels that Chakra is probably useless. After all, elemental attacks are of the same as elementalization. Unless it is mutual restraint, it will not be of much use. And only Haki can be used, so in truth, Asahi's main test is the Natural Energy Source.