Chapter 188 The Strong Are Not Afraid of Sea Water

"The ability to invalidate ordinary attacks, but I am afraid that this ability has great disadvantages, especially the sea water and that thing called!"

After understanding the specific situation, Jiraiya suddenly felt that the aftereffects of this kind of thing is too great, and this world is full of seas, and just a few Shinobi who know Water Release can easily take care of these people.

"The drawbacks are indeed great, but for many strong people, they don't need to worry about things like sea water on their bodies!"

Asahi shook his head. Devil Fruit user in this world is indeed afraid of sea water, and it stands to reason that a Shinobi who knows Water Release can thrive in this world, especially someone like Tobirama, as his Water Release can be said to be Sea Release.

But is it really so? Just look at Akainu, he has eaten the Magma-Magma Fruit, becoming Magma-Human, so even if someone uses sea water to attack him, he can just use magma to wrap himself up, so the sea water would only hit the magma he created at most.

After the magma encountered water, the water would quickly dissipate. And as long as his body does not touch the sea water, then he won't have any problem.

Asahi can even imagine that if Akainu falls into the sea, he can create a large amount of magma in an instant. And even if he sinks to the bottom of the sea and the magma becomes rock, he can use the magma to forcibly make an upward passage from the bottom of the sea. By constantly create magma, and then dug out the center after it cools, he can create a road leading to the surface of the sea.

Of course, such an idea may not be possible. Not to mention a lot, just lack of oxygen alone is probably enough for Akainu to die directly, so it is basically impossible to achieve this kind of thing.

But the fact that top-level ability users are not afraid of the sea water can be said to be the truth. For Kizaru, the sea water can't hit him at all, unless someone can directly punch Kizaru into the sea, but this kind of operation is also very difficult.

Aokiji is even more unafraid, as he can just directly creates ice to freeze the sea. No matter what, there is no chance of touching any water, as it will be frozen in an instant, so only seastone is possible to do anything to him.

Although the top powerhouses have such obvious weaknesses, normal people are basically unable to take advantage of them, or even if the strong ones want to make use of them, it is very difficult.

After hearing Asahi's explanation and fully understood the wonders of this world, Jiraiya was stunned. Things like seawater can only deal with the weak and a few other special existences, and most of the strong are not afraid of it.

As for seastone, it can be used. If you have the same strength, as long as you have seastone weapon, then it'll be a different matter.

"Speaking of which, it should be the most beneficial for Minato, as long as you get him some seastone weapons!"

Jiraiya suddenly thought of Minato and Tobirama's Flying Thunder God Technique, as it is very amazing.

"No, it won't work, as their attack power is not enough. This world also has a power called Armament Haki, which is equivalent to covering you with a thick layer of armor, and the Devil Fruit power can also be covered with it, so Minato and their attack power are temporarily insufficient, but sneak attack is okay!"

Asahi shook his head. Because strong people would have Armanent and Observation Haki, Minato was restrained a lot by them.

"There's also such a trick? It's really amazing, then, can we learn this kind of thing?"

Jiraiya was a little speechless, but after he finished complaining, he started asking again. As he is also greedy for such ability.

"Yes, but you need a very strong body, so you should try to develop your Natural Energy Source, so that you can learn these Haki in a short time!"

Asahi nodded. Right now, he is just waiting for White Zetsu to deliver the things to him. They don't need to send it directly to him, as they can just use a Lacrima to send it to Asahi, and then Asahi's Archive can record the information they send directly.

Haki's practice method is important, and it is even useful for Asahi. Now that Asahi has removed his limiter, once he learns Haki, it is equivalent to the Haki also develops with his limiter, and then he can fuse Haki and his own energy.

All in all, the way for Asahi to continuously improve his life level is constantly fusing his abilities, so these things are also very useful to him. Moreover, there is no need to worry about learning too much and causing the energy in his body to become messy.

"That's fine, I'll go find that guy and give it a try now, but should I just fight like this?"

Knowing that he can learn a lot from this fight, Jiraiya nodded, but he encounters another difficulty again, as there's no way he can just go straight there and beat this guy up, right? At least, there must be a reason or something!

"It's simple, you can just say that you came here to learn from the other party. That Smoker here is also a militant, so if he doesn't agree, you can pretend to be a battle maniac and battle him."

Asahi said indifferently, but Jiraiya's forehead was covered with cold sweat when he heard this, 'This guy is a bit unreliable. What does he mean by pretending to be a battle maniac and battle him? It is completely unreasonable!' But Jiraiya is just his subordinate, so he didn't dare to say anything, and left directly.

"Um… Boss, what are you talking about just now?"

Nami is a little confused, what Haki, what strong Logia, what this world and that world. Her mind is all muddled up by their discussion!

"You will know this later, for now, let's go watch the battle!"

After saying that, Asahi took Nami directly into the sky again. Here, they can clearly see what happened in the Marine branch below, while Asahi and Nami are in invisible state.

In fact, there are many lunatics in this world who challenge people everywhere, that is, those so-called swordsmen and great swordsmen, especially those with the identity of Shichibukai like Hawkeye, as he basically goes wherever he wanted to.

It's just that ordinary people are not worthy of him. Asahi estimated that Hawkeye has already fought most of the strong powerhouses in Marine.

However, Asahi was still a little wrong. After all, Smoker is a Marine, and Jiraiya just came to the door to challenge him, there's no way he would agree, so Jiraiya's excuse was directly rejected, and Smoker didn't bother to care about him.

In desperation, Jiraiya could only start the fight and broke into Loguetown's Marine base.

"Captain Smoker, 's not good, just now… that person who wanted to challenge you directly entered this base, and he is too strong, we are not opponents at all!"

Smoker is still smoking a lot of cigarettes in his office at this time, and a Marine rushed in and reported anxiously.


Smoker was upset upon hearing this, 'Attacking a Marine base? How dare that guy do such thing? It seems that there are still people in East Blue who dare to make trouble in front of me.'