Chapter 189 Natural Energy Source Restrain Logia

"These weapons are really annoying, but for ordinary Shinobi, they are too powerful!"

After Jiraiya rushed in, these Marines used guns to shoot him. Jiraiya has Natural Energy Source, and even if he does not use the Natural Energy, it is still equivalent to permanently entering Sage Mode, and if someone enters Sage Mode, their defense and physical fitness begin to skyrocket. Therefore, in the face of guns and ammunition, he is not afraid, and as long as he doesn't get hit in the eyes, he'll be fine.

But there is no doubt that guns and ammunition are simply too lethal against ordinary Shinobi. Asahi didn't care about it before, and he didn't know that the world would merge, so when their technology started rising, he did not take the road of hot weapons.

After all, his strength is enough to suppress the entire Shinobi World, and the creation of firearms will only cause huge damage to the Shinobi World. Of course, that is the case, but sooner or later, it will be researched, but Asahi didn't care at all.

Under this circumstance, the technology have not climbed in this direction at all, but apart from some beneficial technologies, there's also weapon appeared, which is… Chakra equipment like in Boruto.

By sealing a Ninjutsu in the scroll first, it can be released through some mechanical equipment, which can also prevent too late to form the hand seals and even excessive consumption of Chakra, but it is not recognized by the old generation of orthodox Shinobi in Boruto.

In fact, Asahi felt nothing about it. To put it bluntly, there are pros and cons of the Chakra equipment. The pro is that they can prepare a lot of techniques in advance, and then use this stuff to bombard the enemy in quantity, but it's bad. The con is that everyone can use this method, so at that time, who will work hard to train and become stronger? So there are pros and cons, and it can't be completely denied.

Asahi has Orochimaru and they do their best to develop the technology. This thing has actually been researched, but Asahi has also ordered that an inspection will be carried out every year. Whoever relies on this thing too much and does not continue to train not only would have this Chakra equipment taken back, their rank will also be demoted directly, so it can be regarded as reducing the con as much as possible.

But guns and ammunition are still very harmful to the crispy mage. In fact, for people in the One Piece World, except for Zoan and a small number of special existences like Big Mom, Kaido, and others, it is still very lethal. As their beody can still be penetrated by bullets. After all, bullets can also be covered with Armament Haki. Zephyr also has bullets made by seastone. And these people are not invincible even if they are strong, after all, even Shiki has his head pierced with rudder.

In short, at this moment, Jiraiya is worried that guns can cause huge damage to Shinobi. Although many Ninjutsu can be avoided, they are not completely immune to it. Now that he has seen the power of guns and ammunition, he is also a little worried.

"Damn, this monster is not afraid of guns at all. Has Captain not arrived yet?"

At this moment, a lot of the Marines have been knocked over by Jiraiya, but Jiraiya didn't kill them, and just knocked the opponent out. When the Marines saw the bullets were useless, they could only be forced to retreat by Jiraiya.

"White Blow!"

At this time, a fist directly blasted towards Jiraya, and there is a series of smoke behind the fist.

"Huh… fist?"

Jiraiya was a little stunned, but he still punched the coming fist directly, but the fist turned into smoke and passed through his fist, and then another punch came immediately from behind him.

"What a weird way to attack. Is this Logia ability user?"

Jiraiya simply stepped back, retreating from Smoker.

"Who the hell are you? Why are you attacking the Marine base?" Smoker appeared with a cigar in his mouth.

At this moment, Asahi is a little curious, 'how much is this guy's salary? Judging from the consumption of his cigarettes, can his salary really support him to buy so much cigarettes? Or because of his fruit ability, so his cigarettes are given for free by Marine?'

"My name is Jiraiya. As for the purpose, I already said it before!"

Jiraiya looked at Smoker with some doubts, 'Could it be that the news I come here to challenge him didn't reach this guy's ears?' Smoker was a little embarrassed when he heard Jiraiya's words. He seemed to have subconsciously asked an idiot question just now, but he didn't expect this kind of person would actually rush in for the challenge, 'I am afraid that this man is a battle maniac.'

"Are you from the Wano Country? Although you are here to challenge me, you can't just leave after attacking a Marine base. You will be captured!"

Smoker is also helpless. The main reason is that the opponent doesn't even have a reputation. If the one challenging him is a slightly well-known strong person, he would probably agree, but Jiraiya has no reputation, and he didn't expect he has good strength.

And looking at Jiraiya's outfit, Smoker couldn't help but think of the people from Wano Country. Smoker came here after graduating from the headquarters, knowing that there are some special forces in the Grand Line and New World.

"If you want to catch me, you must beat me first!"

After Jiraiya said that, he started forming hand seals. He had already tried attacking with bare hand just now, and it was useless and the opponent's weird attack can only be avoided constantly, so now, he needs to test whether Chakra is useful.

"Fire Release: Flame Bullet!"

Opening his mouth, Jiraiya spit out a fireball and it quickly shot towards Smoker. Smoker was stunned by the flame that appeared suddenly, because those who can use flames to attack are those with Logia fruit ability, and it should be Flame-Flame Fruit!

After the flame bullet hit Smoker, the flame bullet directly passed through his body.

"What kind of fruit power are you? Flame-Flame Fruit has obviously been eaten by someone else, is it the weaker version of Flame-Flame Fruit?"

At this moment, Smoker is a little confused. Could it be that he has eaten something like ignition fruit? But is there such a fruit?

"It seems that Chakra is useless, then, I can only use another power!"

Jiraiya uses the Natural Energy condensed by Natural Energy Sources. In fact, this is the so-called Senjutsu Chakra, but Asahi changed the temporary to permanent, and there is no need to worry about the side effects like animalization and petrification. And it is also much more real than the Sage Art of the Three Holy Lands.

"Sage Art: Flame Bullet!"

After using Natural Energy, Jiraiya spit out another flame bullet, but with the increasement from Natural Energy, the scale of this flame bullet has completely surpassed the big flame bullet.

"You already know that kind of technique can't hit…"


Before Smoker could finish his words, he was hit by the flame bullet and was blown away.