Chapter 194 Bringing The Revolutionary Army Higher-Ups And Nami Back to The Shinobi World

"I know this kind of thing is really difficult for you to accept. After all, people who know this kind of thing for the first time will find it unbelievable, right, Nami!"

Seeing that Nami was also staring with wide eyes and wide mouth, Asahi said with a smile.

"Does it still need to be said? Boss, you are from another world? So to speak, that previous uncle called Jiraiya is also the same?"

Now, Nami has finally figured out the meaning of the conversation between Jiraiya and Asahi before, and also figured out why Jiraiya's power is so strange, and even more clearly, why Asahi can easily make her stronger, as it has the feelings of not from this world.

In this world, Nami knows that if she wants to become stronger, besides exercising constantly, there is only eating Devil Fruit, but Asahi's strength really makes it impossible for her to compare it with Devil Fruit's ability, as it is too versatile.

She only learned about this after she had supplemented the knowledge of this world. At that time, she was very confused and asked about it, but Asahi kept playing charades with her, so she never knew until now. Thinking of this, she looked at Asahi with dissatisfaction.

Asahi's charades before were definitely very malicious… He wanted to see her making a fool of herself, so he kept playing charades. After this period of time, she has already figured out Asahi's evil taste.

So at this moment, her eyes when looking Asahi became even more sad. As Asahi's secretary and maid, she was actually the same as everyone else. Until now, she didn't know the real situation of Asahi, which made her extremely upset.

On the other hand, Dragon looked at the two with a puzzled expression. He saw that the girl didn't seem to know the details of the person next to her. He believed that the two were on the same side, but he eased back somehow, as the leader of a big force, he also needs a big heart, so to at least be able to accept new things.

"Asahi-dono, although the information you gave is very complete, I still can't believe it until I see it with my very own eyes!"

At this moment, Dragon's head is shaking like a rattle. If what Asahi told him is true, then the other party represents the force of a world. Even if it is weaker than his own world, forming an alliance with the other party will allow his force to obtain great power.

Moreover, the peaceful scene that Asahi showed in the Shinobi World just now is what he dreamed of, so he yearned for it even more. As for why he concluded that the other party's strength should not be very strong, it was naturally because the other party chose to form an alliance with his force.

After all, if their strength is strong, then why do they want to form an alliance? Of course, Dragon is only relying on his general feelings.

But his feeling is obviously wrong. Asahi alone is much more powerful than a world. As for the others, if there is not much hidden existence like Kaguya in the One Piece World, Kaguya can also take care of this world easil.

Of course, because One Piece did not end before he crossed over, who knows if it will be the same as Naruto, which at the end, a few super existences suddenly popped out, instantly shattering the already formed ceiling, and built a new floor on the original foundation.

"That's easy, you can just come with me. Seeing is believing after all!"

Asahi said without caring, as Dragon's answer was within his expectation.

"Can you let me prepare and bring more people?"

Dragon asked. As to whether this is a trap of the World Government, in fact, Dragon has already discarded this idea. After all, if the World Government finds their hideout, they will definitely send people to encircle and suppress them directly, and they definitely will not send people come to their headquarters to form an alliance with them. After all, even if it is just Marine, their Revolutionary Army still can't handle it now.

So Dragon has already believed 80% of what Asahi said. In order to prevent the last 20% of accidents, he still needs to bring some talents, such as Kuma, as a mean of protection. After all, he can go anywhere. Dragon is not stupid, but the Revolutionary Army needs new strength to break the situation, so he definitely wanted an alliance.

"You can take as many as you want, I don't care!"

Asahi said very simply. This is to tell Dragon clearly that he came with sincerity, so other arrangements are fine so that he can come.

"That's good, then please wait a moment!"

Dragon directly called a person, and then asked him to find Kuma. This time, he only planned to bring one person, which is Kuma. Both of them are top powerhouses. So if they are in danger, they will not be directly defeated by the other party, and Kuma's Paw-Paw Fruit's ability is absolutely awesome, it's a super god assist, so Dragon only intends to bring Kuma.

Soon, the huge Kuma appeared inside Dragon's office. Many people in One Piece World are weird, and only a few of them are normal. Regardless of their height, what Asahi confused the most about their body structure is… their feet. Many people's feet are very thin, so it's hard to imagine that such a huge body is supported by such a thin foot. Looking at them, he feels like they are like a compass. And Kuma's upper body also gives him a very strange feeling. Of course, the ability of this guy is definitely unquestionable.

"Dragon, what did you call me for?"

Kuma has always spoken words like it is gold, and most of the time, he is unwilling to open his mouth, but facing Dragon, he didn't keep silent.

"I want you to accompany me to a place. By the way, I almost forgot to ask, Asahi-dono, how long will it take to get to your Shinobi World from this place?"

Dragon suddenly realized that there are other preparations that needed to be done. After all, leaving for too long at a time will cause problems. If he knows the specific location of the Shinobi World, he can even ask Kuma to take them there directly.

"If you say it is far, it is indeed far, but if you say it's not far, it's also not far. Are you sure that only the two of you are going?"

Asahi said while revealing a trace of smirk.

"Ah, yes, what's wrong?"

Dragon was a little puzzled, and didn't understand what Asahi meant by asking that.

"Then, let's go!"

After saying that, Asahi directly used his space movement, and these people immediately disappeared from Dragon's office and appeared outside Iwagakure. By using space movement, it takes only the blink of an eye to go anywhere they wanted to go.

"This… what's going on?"

Not to mention that Dragon was a little horrified, even Kuma, who is known for his stone face expression, couldn't help but showed shocked expression at this moment.

"Welcome to Iwagakure, this is our base camp. I have already explained this place when I introduced it to you before. As for how I bring you here, I use space movement. The border of the two worlds is located at East Blue."

Asahi explained about his space movement, but it was obvious that the two did not understand, but they knew that they had crossed the Grand Line and East Blue in an instant, and then came to another world, which is really incredible.

As for Kuma, he is staring at Dragon with strange expression, and the meaning of this expression is obvious, 'You need to give me an explanation!