Chapter 195 Dragon's Shock

"Dragon, I need an explanation!"

Kuma's voice was very stable, but Dragon was still a little bit dumbfounded about this. How could he have thought that the other party would take him and go so far in an instant. He planned to prepare a ship, and then explained the situation clearly to Kuma on the ship.

But now, they're already here in the blink of an eye, and there is no opportunity to explain it, so he is also very desperate, but Dragon still makes the long story short, and it only took a few minutes to explain it, but he omitted most of the information Asahi showed it to him, otherwise, it would take tens of minutes to explain everything to Kuma.

"So, we came to another world."

Kuma still didn't believe it. Although he was suddenly taken so far, he was more willing to believe that he was transferred to the territory of a certain kingdom. After all, there are many hidden powers in their world.

"That's right, you have come to another world. If you want to be sure, just look at it with your eyes. Let's go, let me show you around our Iwagakure, after that, you will naturally know if this is really another world or not."

After saying that, Asahi took the lead, and Dragon and Kuma quickly followed after him.


After seeing Asahi, the eyes of the two Shinobi at the gate lit up. Asahi is now the idol of all Shinobi in the village, and even the other villages he had defeated admires him. After the reform, the view of him has also changed a lot, so now in Iwagakure, Asahi is the object of worship of all Shinobi, and outside, at least half of him worship him.

In the end, only few of them still hates him. As for most of them, they all have indifferent attitude. It can't be said they worship him, but they didn't hate him either. However, it's already very impressive for Asahi to be able to reach this far.

"Thanks for your hard work. I am bringing some guests over, so I will go in first!"

After Asahi greeted the two of them, he took the others in. Basically, people kept greeting him wherever he went.

"It seems that Asahi-dono is very popular with people!"

In the end, Dragon is also an old monster. He can tell at a glance whether the attitude of these people is true or false, as he has incredible Observation Haki, but not as great as Fujitora who can hear people's hearts.

Although he still can't do as much as Fujitora, he can distinguish between true and false at any rate. He knew that the greetings and kindness these people showed all come from the heart.

"Yeah, I will take you to the Academy to have a look!"

After saying that, Asahi brought these people to the Academy. The education still needs to continue, and Asahi has also reformed it before, so outstanding children are all drawn to a high-level class in advance, and they must stay until the twelve years old.

After all, the Shinobi world is generally peaceful now.

Unlike before, the Shinobi World War would come once every other time, so if a Shinobi wants to survive, it is best to graduate early. Although it is also dangerous, it will also increase their chances of surviving in the future.

Now that the situation has changed, it is different, but Asahi will not waste their talents. Talented children will be placed on the high-level class, and in that class, besides teaching more Ninjutsu, they will also get some actual combat experience.

However, this kind of actual combat will only happen a few times a year.

The place where Asahi brought them now is this high-level class. Most of the people in this class are actually clan's children. It can't be helped, after all, ordinary civilian are six years old when they enter the Academy, and at six years old, they just started training Chakra, but clan's children had already started training from before, but Asahi did not popularize these training methods. It's not that he doesn't want civilian to become strong, but it's because they can't bear it. The children from the clan have the support of their clan's resources. Although training in advance is not good for a child, the clan can prepare herbs and so on to eliminate this kind of trouble, but most civilians can't do it.

Therefore, the civilians' children will only train after reaching six years old, and Asahi did not modify this thing. It's normal for children to only start learning after they go to the Academy, so Asahi will not interfere with this.

This is the case in the Shinobi World. The world itself is unfair, so there is no need for Asahi to insist on being completely fair. Asahi can't do such thing, as the essence of this world is the same as any other world.

Soon after, Asahi and the others arrived at the high-level class. The people in the high-level class have already begun to learn Ninjutsu. Because of that, the situation inside the classroom is kind of chaotic. After forming hand seals, some created clones, some are spitting fire and spitting water, there's all kind of mess, and Ninjutsu are flying everywhere.

"These are?"

After seeing more than a dozen children spitting out fire in a row, Dragon was a little stunned. Only those with Flame-Flame Fruit's ability and some special fruit abilities can spit fire, and there's some exception for those with strange techniques. But now, these dozen kids have directly spit out fires, and the power of that fire is not small, and some of them even spit out a fireball that is bigger than an adult.

This is the fireball released by the children of the Uchiha Clan, which is stronger than the basic Ninjutsu of others.

"This is Ninjutsu, and it is also the foundation of the Shinobi World. Through ninjutsu, you can use flames, water currents, violent winds, etc.!"

Asahi briefly explained.

"Then, can it also control seawater?"

Dragon's eyes suddenly lit up. If he could control the seawater, then he could form a team that specializes in restraining ability users. Kaido is creating an army of ability users, and they can completely create a team of anti-ability users, which is extremely important for every force.

"Yes, but you need to have seawater around, otherwise, the water created out of thin air is not seawater!"

Asahi naturally knows what this guy is thinking about. Shinobi who knows Water Release can make up tens of thousands of people in the Shinobi World.

These people can deal with those ability users, but except for the weaker ones, they are kind of useless.

At this moment, Dragon and Kuma looked at each other, and reached a tacit understanding. They know about the Wano Country, but there is the most basic difference from the Shinobi World. The Ninjutsu here is the real Ninjutsu, not Wano Country's kind.

After that, Asahi took the two to visit some other places, and finally, Asahi took the two to the office and looked for Tsunade and the others. Dragon is okay, but wherever Kuma goes, the rate of people's heads turning back is 200%. It's because the people here are not people from One Piece World, and their looks are quite normal, so the rate of people's heads turning back caused by Kuma is reasonably high. After all, this guy's body is so weird.