Chapter 196 Forming An Alliance With The Revolutionary Army

"Well, so you really brought one back after you went out."

The moment Asahi entered the door, Tsunade and Mei had a smile on their faces, but after seeing the person Asahi brought in, their faces immediately collapsed. The guys are fine, but what is going on with the girl? Although they are already numb to it, they are inevitably dissatisfied.

"Cough, let's talk about this later. I have brought some guests. They are the members of the Revolutionary Army in the world over there, you should know it too!"

Asahi coughed and said. The basic information of the world over there has been passed on to the others by him using Archive, so everyone has already learned about it. After they knew about the World Government over there, they are all crazily complaining.

They don't understand why such a government can still exist, and those nonsense Celestial Dragons is simply trash. If it weren't for the strong combat power of the world over there, with Kushina's irritable temperament, it is estimated that she would have rushed to Mary Geoise.

However, she was persuaded by others afterwards. At that time, they have good feeling towards the Revolutionary Army who rebelled against the World Government.

"This is the leader of the Revolutionary Army, Monkey D. Dragon, and the other one, uh, sorry for my mistake, and this one is Nami!"

Asahi originally planned to introduce Kuma, but he didn't see any trace of Kuma at this time, and he suddenly remembered Kuma's strange size, which was nearly seven meters high and extremely burly.

In desperation, Asahi could only transfer everyone out.

"Hiss… such a tall person, even you back then were a bit inferior to him!"

Tsunade looked at Kuma with some surprise. Not to mention his strange body shape, just height is already extremely terrifying, as it's close to seven meters, and Asahi did not reach Kuma's size back then.

"It's because my energy is uncontrollable back then. And this is this guy's real height, moreover, there are real giants in the world over there, so this guy's height is actually not strange."

Asahi said. He felt that the One Piece World is the strangest among the strangest. Some people don't even reach a meter, and some people, who are not even giant, can grow to this height.

"Let me introduce you, this is Bartholomew Kuma. He has eaten Paw-Paw Fruit, a fruit with great power!"

After that, Asahi also briefly introduced the identities of the two women. At this moment, Dragons can't wait to form an alliance, let alone other things. He is very eager for the peaceful scene and the magical power here.

However, because of Kuma's height, they could only re-negotiate at another place, and finally found a relatively empty place in the village, but even the chair was not suitable for the big Kuma, so he simply sat on the stone.

In this regard, Asahi can't do anything about this. So he has decided that he must set up some special places to entertain such huge people in the future, otherwise, it will really make people speechless. As for the giant, he can only ask Hashirama for help.

"Asahi-dono, I already know about your world's situation from what you explained and I saw just now. Our Revolutionary Army is willing to form an alliance with you, but there are those things after the alliance!" Speaking of this, Dragon doesn't have much to say. As an ally, there are naturally many things to do, such as the source of power, information exchange and so on. In short, what Dragon needs the most is… Chakra.

And Tsunade was the one in charge of these, so they quickly discussed it. Dragon also agreed to send a few masters here to teach these people how to use Rokushiki, Haki, etc., and what he wanted is the method of training Chakra .

Although they already have training method for Rokushiki and Haki, it is definitely better to have a master to teach, otherwise, when they follow the records in the book to train, they might face some problem and there will be no one to consult about these problems, so this is very necessary, but speaking of ninjutsu, Tsunade is helpless.

"Is there any problem?"

Dragon looked at Tsunade with a frown, and his heart skipped a beat. He felt that the conditions he had given were already very good.

"The Chakra's training method requires Chakra in the body, and if you want to train Chakra, you must have Chakra seeds in your body, so…"

After she said this, Tsunade looked at Asahi. The only ones who can spread Chakra to these people are Kaguya and few others. Although Tsunade and the others are also very strong, in the end, they mainly cultivate Natural Energy Sources, and only those who are proficient in Yin-Yang Release like Nagato and Kaguya, these Six Paths-level existences can do this.

After Nagato returned, Kaguya also helped him remodel the Rinnegan, so that it finally completely fused with him. This is the convenience of being the ancestor, as it is very easy for him to get Rinnegan, who are not Nagato's, to fully fused with him.

It can only be said that Uchiha Madara is very miserable. After awakening his Rinnegan, his Rinnegan was actually given to others.

So Nagato can now also implant Chakra seeds, and except for Nagato and Kaguya, even Orochimaru and Black Zetsu can't do it. Black Zetsu can't do it by himself, and Orochimaru haven't studied it before, otherwise, by giving him some time to research, he can easily do such a thing, but it is not necessary. After all, Kaguya can do it.

But now, both Nagato and Kaguya are in the Land of Water, and Nagato is obviously a novice, so only Kaguya is safe, but it is better to let Asahi come forward, because Kaguya will definitely give Asahi face.

As for them, although their relationship is also good, Asahi is definitely more useful than them in this kind of matter, and there are still things in the village that need to be dealt with by them, so it's better to let Asahi take care of it.

"I see, I will ask Kaguya!"

Asahi nodded, and then explained to Dragon and Kuma about the source of Chakra, which made the two of them completely stunned. They didn't expect there would be such a disadvantage. The power of their own world can be trained by these people, but on the contrary, they can't train these people's power.

It's like two people went to each other's house to steal things, but in the end, one family put the things brightly on the surface, and the other one used a very powerful safe to directly hide the things tightly. This side returned with a full load, but the other side came back empty-handed, the gap was too big.

Dragon does not ask for how strong this power is, but as long as they can use seawater to attack as much as they wanted, he can create an army of the anti-ability users. At that time, they can defeat those ability users easily.

In short, after knowing that it could be used, Dragon was relieved. At least, there was no major problem, and everyone was happy.