Chapter 204 Reckless Unit

"That guy is so strong. He can actually fight like that against Guy-sama, but now it's not the time to watch the show, let's do it!"

All the members of the Eight Gates Technique's unit opened the first gate directly, and there was a layer of lightning on their bodies. This is Raikage's Lightning Release Chakra Mode, and this secret technique is used in conjunction with Eight Gates Technique.

The biggest difference between Naruto World and One Piece World is the physical aspect, and their physical strength is not enough. Even with the blessing of Chakra, their physique is still not as strong as people in One Piece World.

So Asahi created this method, and when forming this unit, he also gave this technique to these people. These people are not like Lee and they still can use Ninjutsu, but their Taijutsu is much stronger than their Ninjutsu.

That's why it became the current Eight Gates Technique's unit. Lightning Release Chakra Mode is a defensive technique that enhances their defense and complements their shortcomings. In fact, this unit has another name in the Shinobi World, which is the reckless unit.

The reason they are called that is because, once they fight, their movements will be very big. Not to mention that they don't want to hide, even if they want to hide, they can't hide, so they can only rush and fight, and people like Guy are absolutely reckless, as he didn't even know to sneak attack.

So this reckless unit also appeared. The group of people who opened the gates and turned on the Lightning Release Chakra Mode rushed into the soldiers brought by Garp, like tigers entering the flock.

The people brought by Garp are actually not as powerful as those brought by Yamakaji, because Garp basically does not go to sea to arrest pirates, so the people on his ship are almost all miscellaneous soldiers, and he himself doesn't train them.

But Yamakaji is different. As an elite Vice Admiral, unlike Garp who lives in the headquarters all day, he arrests pirates everywhere, so the soldiers he brings are of higher quality. It is not a matter of combat power, but also the experience in solving problem is definitely higher.

Although this group of people rushed in only opened one gate, Garp's soldiers is too weak, so they were defeated quickly. Garp's adjutant was good, but he was beaten by a group of people who chose to open a few more gates, so he was defeated not long after.

Everyone was stunned by the reckless unit's action. On the other side, Kakashi and Yamakaji's fight was also very straightforward. Kakashi simply drive the Susanoo to the form which is second only to the Perfect Body. Yamakaji was a person who is good at martial arts and kendo. When he meets Kakashi, who is such a super skinny, he's feeling uncomfortable. After all, no matter how do he slashes, he can't cut through the opponent's defense.

In fact, it is also normal. For Susano in this form, Tsunade can only break its defense with the Strength of a Hundred Seal activated, and Raikage needs Onoki's help to break its defense. Since Yamakaji is alone, he almost can't do anything against Susanoo.

At this time, even if Yamakaji hit the opponent a hundred times, this person won't lose any blood, but if the other party hits him, he will immediately lose half of his blood. If you use a game to describe Yamakaji's current situation, it is level one player suddenly encountered a level ten field boss, which was a tragedy.

'It looks very fierce over there. The duel between the masters of physical skills, let's watch it after finishing it here!'

Kakashi no longer hold back, and his Susanoo has grown two more arms, and on top of the four arms, there are blue magatama, and they were thrown towards Yamakaji, and Yamakaji covered his body with Armament Haki, but after being bombarded, his Armament Haki quickly broken.

Yamakaji was beaten by Kakashi almost instantly. After confirming that Yamakaji can no longer do anything, Kakashi handed Yamakaji over to his subordinates. As for the Marine soldiers, they have long been captured. Whether it is Guy or Kakashi, the unit under them is super elite units. If these two exploded with their full strength, their power would reach peak Super Kage-level or even above, so the unit led by them won't be so simple.

In comparison, Garp and Yamakaji's subordinates are too trashy, as they are quickly taken down. And now, only Garp is left, and he's still colliding with Guy.

"Morning Peacock!"

Guy used his Sixth Gate's big move, but he didn't cause friction with the air to create fire, as doing so would undoubtedly spread his attack power. At the beginning, Asahi had asked Guy why would he punch the air to create so many fireballs and not attack the enemy directly with his punches? Morning Peacock is a technique which is used to defeat a large number of enemies, and when fighting one strong enemy, it's not very good. So when Guy used this technique this time, he didn't punch the air to create fire, but hit Garp's body with his fists directly. Guy suddenly accelerated and increased his strength, and such rapid changes made Garp unable to react for a while.

Numerous fists landed on his body, and he was directly blasted away by Guy in the end. Garp's body flew upside down in the woods, destroying part of the forest.

"Did I beat him?"

Guy looked at the smoke-filled place in front of him with some confusion, but soon, a figure slowly walked out of the smoke. At this moment, the Marine coat on Garp was gone, and even the suit on his body was a bit tattered. However, after Garp walked out, Guy was somewhat stunned by this appearance.

"I haven't used Armament Haki in this way for a long time, but it's still a bit late just now, now my clothes are ruined!"

Garp's whole body is completely black at this moment. His Armament Haki is covering his whole body at this moment, which means that he was starting to get serious. Covering whole body with Armament Haki is not a difficult thing. Bullet even covers the huge combined monster he made with his Armament Haki, the amount of Armament Haki used is indeed amazing, but with that kind of usage, the Armament Haki became too scattered.

As for Garp, his Armament Haki that covers his whole body is the real peak-level Haki, so Guy's Morning Peacock didn't hurt him.

"What an incredible old man! If that's the case, then I'll open the Seventh Gate!"

The green aura on Guy's body turned blue directly. This is the symbol of opening the Seventh Gate. When the Seventh Gate is opened, Guy's sweat evaporates so quickly that it forms this blue aura, and when the Eighth Gate is opened, the aura would be the team of blood.

"He becomes stronger again? Interesting, interesting. This is the first time I saw someone like you. What kind of Devil Fruit ability you have? Can you continue to grow stronger?"

Garp also showed a surprise expression on his face at this moment. The moment the other party forced him to exert all his strength, he thought that the battle was about to end, but he didn't expect that the other party still had a trump card, so he was naturally happy to see such a strong enemy.