Chapter 205 Intervening The Battle

"I am not someone with Devil Fruit ability, let's fight!"

Guy didn't care so much anymore. At this moment, his mind is full of fighting spirit. Since he has already opened the Seventh Gate, he no longer has any interest in continue talking nonsense. With their fighting spirit rising, Guy and Garp collided again. The current Garp has already exploded with his full strength, which is not comparable from before, and Guy has also exploded into his strongest state except for the Eighth Gate.

"What a fierce battle! I didn't expect the old man would still have such combat power after he gets old, but Might Guy-dono…"

Dragon was a little excited when he saw this fight. To be honest, Garp's performance really surprised him. He knew that Garp was strong, but it was not this strong. After all, he was already so old.

But Garp told him with facts. Even if he's old, he's already this strong. As for Garp at his peak, God knows how strong he is.

However, according to Asahi's estimation, he should not have entered the Six Paths-level. After all, the One Piece World is developed in all aspects, not like the Shinobi World. When Kakashi had Obito's Mangekyō, his Kamui could easily cut Jubi's body. And when Guy opened the Eighth Gate, Guy can kick Madara with Night Guy, and kill him. Both of them did not reach the Six Paths-level, but their attack power can reach this level.

The main reason is that the power of space is too buggy, and the price of opening the Gate of Death is too much.

As for the One Piece World, unless there are some special fruit abilities, it is difficult for this kind of physical skill to reach that level.

"It seems I still have to take action!"

After taking a look, Asahi suddenly spoke.

"Huh… Might Guy-dono is not the old man's opponent?"

Dragon is a little confused. Since Asahi wanted to intervene, he thought that Guy was not Garp's opponent.

"Of course not. If Guy in the Seventh Gate state wants to defeat Garp, he will probably need to fight for several days and nights, but the time span is too long, and Guy can't open the Seventh Gate for such a long time. As for the Eighth Gate, once opened, your old man's death rate would be too high, so I'd better take action!"

Asahi said. The gap between the Eighth Gate and the Seventh Gate is too big. If after the Seventh Gate is opened, Guy's combat power is 100, then after opening the Eighth Gate, Guy's combat power would reach at least 5,000.

In the original work, Seventh Gate Guy can only defeat Kisame by using some big moves, but once he opens the Eighth Gate, even a punch or a kick is already too powerful. Even Madara with Rinnegan can hardly catch Guy's trace, not to mention the others.

The qualitative change is too strong, and now, Garp is already evenly matched with Seventh Gate Guy, and Guy even has a little bit of the upper hand. But people in the One Piece World like Garp are notoriously resistant to beatings, and their physical strength is almost unlimited, so it is a very simple thing for them to fight for a few days and nights.

If after a while, Guy can't defeat Garp with the Seventh Gate opened, he would consider opening the Eighth Gate, and once the Eighth Gate is opened, Garp may be killed by Guy. After all, the current Guy is not the same as in the original work, but an enhanced version, so Asahi still needs to make a move.

It is too difficult for Guy to control his power and not kill Garp, but Asahi can do it easily.

"The old man will die?!"

After hearing Asahi's words, Dragon was shocked. Asahi has already told him before this technique called Eight Gates Technique, but he didn't expect the gap between the Seventh Gate and Eighth Gate would be so big.

In the blink of an eye, Asahi directly crossed the distance and arrive at the battlefield, just in time to see Guy put his hands in a strange posture, and then a huge white tiger made of air rushed out.

"Daytime Tiger!"

The Seventh Gate's big move, Daytime Tiger, is not created with Chakra, but the real air. The gust of wind caused by this Daytime Tiger directly swept a small half of the Land of Water, as the scope of this trick is too wide. Of course, it's not that the real lethality covers the small half of the Land of Water, but the airflow that drives it. As for the real lethality range, although it is also large, it cannot spread too far.

With Guy and Garp as the center point, the Daytime Tiger spread out for several kilometers, and the forest directly turned into a wasteland.

After releasing the Daytime Tiger, Guy stared at the front, but in an instant, there was an extra figure in front of him, it is Garp who is covered with Armament Haki.


This punch actually hit Guy, and Guy also followed in Garp's footsteps from before, and flew a long way back before stopping.

At this moment, Garp was not completely uninjured, as the inside of his body was shaken. As for the appearance, perhaps because the impact of the Daytime Tiger was relatively spread around, there was no big problem with the protection of the Armament Haki.

However, his internal organs were indeed affected by the huge impact, but it was not too big. Guy, who was blown by a punch, was also not too much injured. If it was replaced with his previous crispy skin, maybe he would have already defeated, but now that he has been strengthened, there is not much impact.

"Okay Guy, leave the rest to me!"

At this time, Asahi directly intervened in the battle, but Guy couldn't help but froze, because he had just decided to open the Eighth Gate.

"Asahi-sama, I can actually win this battle!"

Guy scratched his head helplessly and said.

"I know you can take the old man down, but I'm afraid you will kill him directly. It's not like you don't know how much pure destructive power you have after opening the Eighth Gate. Garp may not be able to resist your punch, so it'll be very troublesome to resurrect him afterwards!"

Asahi said speechlessly. In fact, the trouble it is not as troublesome as he said, as he can just ask Kaguya to do it. In fact, Rinnegan was also tinkered with by Orochimaru, but the sequelae of resurrecting a dead person is still something only Kaguya can handle. As someone with unlimited life and vitality, it's not a problem no matter how much they are consumed.

Therefore, only Kaguya can resurrect people, and Asahi will need to ask for her help every time he wanted to resurrect someone. Asahi also wants to save face, so if someone can be not killed, there's no need to kill them.

"So it's like that, then forget it!"

Guy also knows that he will blow people to death when he opens the Eighth Gate, so after thinking about it, he agreed to Asahi's order happily. He is not a murderous madman, going everywhere to kill people. Right now, unless he uses the last resort, he wouldn't be able to defeat Garp, so he chose to forget it.

After Asahi finished speaking, the blue aura on Guy's body completely disappeared and he returned to his normal state. At this moment, he just feels a little backache and back pain. If it is placed with the Guy in original work, after opening the Seventh Gate like this, he would have been directly paralyzed. How could he still be standing here.