Chapter 207 Silver Tounge Is Online Again

"Asahi-sama, is that okay?"

On the way back, everyone looked at Garp, who was picking his nose, and even a rare beast like Guy felt that something was wrong, 'This guy is a captive, but he looks like he is traveling. What kind of captive is this? So casual.'

"No problem, Garp-san won't mess around casually!"

Asahi, who understands Garp's character, naturally didn't say much. Garp is such a character, so it's useless to worry about him.

Soon the group returned to the Land of Water.

"Bastard, where did you find such a terrifying ally!"

After seeing his son, the heartless Garp exploded. To be honest, Luffy is also quite miserable, as he doesn't know his own father when he meets him. But it can't be helped, who told Dragon to become the world's most dangerous man? In this line of work, if he doesn't pay attention to his life, his family will be targeted, so it is much safer for Luffy to stay with Garp, although Garp is also heartless…

The truth is, Garp's operation is really confusing. If this guy really intends to train his grandson to become a Marine, he would have taken him to Marine's Headquarters when he's still a child. Under such environment, there's no way Luffy wouldn't be infected. However, he left Luffy in Foosha Village until now, so this guy is indeed strange.

"Old man, do you think I will talk about this kind of thing? And are you not worried at all? If our Revolutionary Army continues to grow, your Marine will suffer!"

The corner of Dragon's mouth twitched when he heard this. He felt that his old man's skin is getting thicker and thicker. Furthermore, shouldn't Garp be worried now?

"That's a matter for the World Government, as for our Marine…"

Originally, he wanted to dump everything to the World Government directly, but Garp suddenly realized that even if World Government's business is not Marine's business, World Government uses Marine as their weapon at any time, and the Marine can't refuse. If the Revolutionary Army continues to grow, it must be Marine that will suffer at that time, unless Marine can leave the World Government.

But after leaving the World Government, where would such a large expenditure came from? This is such a huge problem, so Garp can't laugh anymore, especially since it was done by his own son.

At this moment, Garp couldn't laugh and couldn't reprimand his son. After all, he has a different position. Could he tell his son to not target the Marine? This is simply unrealistic.

"Garp-san, have you ever thought about letting Marine out of the World Government's control?"

Asahi's eyes lit up at this moment. He hadn't cut into the subject yet, but now, Garp and Dragon took the initiative to lead the topic to there.

"Do you think the World Government and those shitty Celestial Dragons are very pleasing to my eyes? But a force as big as Marine also needs to eat. Do you know how many Marines in the Four Blues, Grand Line and New World are?"

"This kind of huge expenditure can only be endured by the World Government. As for other forces, how can it be possible to bear such an economic burden? Unless dozens of countries are gathered, or some underworld's leader are forming an alliance, it would be impossible, but how could Marine go to the underworld? And the underworld will not gather, neither are the other countries!"

Garp's head shook like a rattle. Garp was alson not pleasing to the eyes of the World Government, so the order given by the World Government generally has nothing to do with him. Even if they ordered him, he will be inattentive, and even cause some troubles.

So in Marine, he was just like an auspicious thug. He couldn't interfere with Marine's high-level affairs, and at most, he could only mobilize a few people to leave. And even if he could bring a lot of people, the funding is still a problem.

"Then, what if there is a new economic support? A huge force similar to that of the World Government"

Asahi asked, and Dragon glanced at Asahi somewhat understanding, but before Garp could speak, he spoke first.

"I understand what you are talking about, Asahi-dono. But let's not mention that Marine is not one-minded and is divided into many factions, although your economic strength is very strong, the currencies of both worlds are basically not the same, and the only thing you can take out is supplies, but without money, the Marine can't do anything!"

Dragon has almost guessed Asahi's idea, but Dragon felt that this idea is a bit unrealistic. One world is indeed strong enough to support a huge force like the Marine, but what about the money? Although the two worlds are merged and a huge channel has been opened in the Land of Water, but the currency is still not available. Those Marines are also paid with money, and if Asahi has no money and only supplies, only a few people will follow him, so Asahi's idea is unrealistic in Dragon's view.

"I didn't say it was us. Isn't there still your Revolutionary Army? We don't have the money from your side, but the materials and strength we give should be enough to support your Revolutionary Army to become stronger, right?"

"When the Revolutionary Army has expanded to a certain extent, it can compete with the World Government, at that time, what are you afraid of?"

A smile appeared on the corner of Asahi's mouth as he spoke, while Dragon was taken aback. He had already seen Asahi and the others' strength, and if the other party tried their best to help the Revolutionary Army, then the Revolutionary Army would reach a terrifying level. However, Dragon is still a little uncertain. If Asahi's people are involved, the Revolutionary Army will indeed grow wildly by then, but as a result, the entire Revolutionary Army might be eaten up by Asahi. His people would become Asahi's people, at that time, won't the Revolutionary Army exist in name only? When he thinks of this, cold sweat starts flowing from Dragon's forehead.

"Dragon-dono, let me ask you, how is this Shinobi World?"

Asahi asked.

"Very… very good, at least what I saw was very good, there's no war or oppression!"

Dragon hesitated for a moment and said his thoughts. Although he didn't see many places, at least the places he saw were peaceful.

"Then, what is the purpose of your Revolutionary Army?"

Asahi asked again.

"To end the World Government's oppression, and make our world more equal and peaceful, just like this world…"

After saying this, Dragon didn't say anything more, as he almost guessed what the other party meant.

"Okay, let me ask you again, how long will it take to overthrow the World Government according to the current rhythm of the Revolutionary Army?"

Asahi smiled as he spoke, and the sweat on Dragon's forehead was getting more and more abundant.

"I don't know!"

In the end, Dragon still replied.

'That's right, the current Revolutionary Army is still very fragile, and if the World Government managed to catch us one time, we will definitely disappear, the gap between us is like a baby and a fully armed soldier.'