Chapter 208 Influencing Dragon

"If you don't know, it means you have no idea if you can succeed. Although things like revolution will appear after extreme oppression, it does not mean that they would be stronger than the other party. The birth of the Revolutionary Army is too short, and the World Government has been standing tall for hundreds of years."

"The Marine under the World Government alone can make you miserable, and you can only live in hiding. Right now, the only thing you can rely on is, the World Government is in the light, and you are in the dark, but the difference in strength between the two sides is still too huge."

"In this case, it is almost impossible to turn against the tide against the wind!"

Asahi started to talk about his own point of view again. In fact, everyone understands this kind of thing, but now that he said it now, the meaning is obvious.

"Asahi-dono, if you have anything to say, just say it!"

Dragon sighed, and it seemed that he has completely guessed Asahi's purpose.

"It looks like you have almost guessed it. It is very difficult for the Revolutionary Army to defeat the World Government, but it is different with the support of the Shinobi World. What I want is not just to form an alliance, I want you to join us!"

Asahi threw out his olive branch. After Dragon came to the Shinobi World and seeing the so-called peace, he would naturally be moved, there's also the strength they showed as a real deterrence. Under the double standards, Asahi felt that it is the best time to throw his olive branch to Dragon.

Because Dragon is the leader of Revolutionary Army, and they are a real revolutionary Revolutionary Army, not the guy who is rotten, that's why Asahi say this now. He originally planned to merge slowly, but he didn't expect the Marine would give him an assist, allowing him to show enough strength.

Dragon is engaged in revolution, and his purpose is to overthrow the current World Government. As for whether he also has ambitions, Asahi didn't know, but even if he is ambitious, will Asahi care? Of course not.

"Asahi-dono's goal from the beginning is this, right? Not the so-called alliance!"

Dragon was a little helpless. At the beginning of the alliance, he thought that the strength of the two parties was similar and that they would help each other for mutual benefit. However, after seeing the high-end combat power of the Shinobi World, he felt that he was ridiculous, as the two sides were not on the same stage at all.

Guy is already good enough, as he drew against Garp without showing the final trump card. And if he showed his final trump card, Garp would die. As for Asahi, he was even more straightforward, as Garp was beaten so easily by Asahi.

This power gap is so big that Dragon doesn't know how to describe it. The alliance is simply nonsense and completely irrelevant, they can't help the other party at all, so this alliance is just a gimmick.

It's just that Dragon didn't expect Asahi to be so straightforward that he said it directly, and he didn't give him any time to react.

"By the way, Dragon-dono, I am talking about annexation, but you'd better not make a mistake. After the Revolutionary Army joins us, the highest commander is still you. This is my sincerity. You can also take a stroll around Shinobi World, and see the peace with your own eyes. What I need is not that kind of unrivaled rights."

"I hope you are clear about this!"

Asahi said. He just wanted the Revolutionary Army to join willingly. Now, by first persuading Dragon, he has made an opening, and then, time will make this opening larger. At that time, the Revolutionary Army will definitely join completely voluntarily.

In order to prevent Dragon from thinking about it, he should make a statement in advance as a precautionary measure.

"So it's like that, then… what if I don't join you?"

Dragon suddenly asked.

"If you don't join, then you don't join. It's not a big deal. Do you think our Shinobi World really lacks the combat power of the Revolutionary Army? If it is combat power alone, it is not necessary!"

Asahi waved his hand. He has never lacked combat power. From the time he received the Sunshine Grace, he has never lacked combat power. He just likes to dig the wall, and compared with directly conquering the next world, it is undoubtedly better to slowly eat them away.

If he tries to conquer One Piece World directly, he can take care of everyone in just a few days, but the world he formed will become extremely turbulent, and everywhere will be chaotic. For the Shinobi World, it has been established on the basis of the fact that he has almost all talents under his command.

Moreover, he also carried out a series of reforms, which was only achieved afterwards. According to the system, if he wants to fuse his world with another world, he must unifies the opposite world, and there should not be too much opposition.

So there are some things that can't be done with brute force. Of course, enough power is also indispensable, but his power is just a huge auxiliary. To put it bluntly, it still depends on the brain.

"Yeah, I indeed think too much, but before that, I want to walk around this world first. And if what you said is true, I will consider letting the Revolutionary Army join the Shinobi World!"

Dragon has also thought about it clearly. He is not the kind of ambitious person. After all, he's relying on the Revolutionary Army to defeat the World Government, and whether he can do it during his life is a huge problem. If he is really greedy for power, he would have entered the World Government directly. With his ability, it is not a problem to climb to the top. Although there would be other people on the top, there are not many of them, and it is better than hiding like a mouse now.

For the current the Revolutionary Army, to be honest, once exposed, there is a high probability that they will basically be wiped out completely, and it is because he has seen the Marine's darkness and those who are oppressed by World Government that he has carried the banner of resistance.

If Asahi is really the type of savior that can make a world completely peaceful, how can Dragon refused to let the Revolutionary Army join him. After all, with the help of the Shinobi World, defeating the World Government is not too difficult! In fact, what Dragon doesn't know is that, even if he doesn't agree, he will slowly be able to liberate other countries once his son, the protagonist, starts sailing on sea. If there's no accident, in the One Piece's late stage plot, even if the World Government is not overthrown by Luffy, it will be overthrown under the influence of Luffy in disguise.

Dragon didn't know this. After all, Luffy hadn't sailed on the sea yet, and it was still less than a year before Luffy went to the sea.

Although the Revolutionary Army has always been growing, Dragon doesn't know about the World Government's background, and he doesn't know what trump cards are hidden.

Of course, Dragon still needs a certain amount of time to determine the authenticity of what Asahi said.

"Hey hey hey, you two, are you serious about discussing this kind of thing in front of me?"

At this moment, Garp, who had been in the background for a long time, finally spoke. He felt that these two are too courageous to speak of such thing in front of him.