Chapter 231 The Horror Talent of The Hyuga Clan

"Dress you up? Hmm, it seems possible. Okay, Hanabi, wake up your sister, I will help you dress as a super perfect horror character, the absolutely terrifying kind…!"

Asahi's eyes also brightened, as there are some differences between Hyuga's white eyes and Uchiha's red eyes.

Although the Uchiha Clan has red eyes, not the entire clansmen's eyes are red, and there are pupils and tomoe, while the Hyuga Clan is different. Their white ones are very thorough, and although Hanabi and Hinata's eyes have been refined many times, but because of their age, their Tenseigan has not awakened yet.

After all, if these children, who have not yet mastered much power, suddenly get that world-destroying strength, something big might happen, so they are still Byakugan, not the blue Tenseigan.

It's much simpler to dress them up. Asahi still remembers that when he watched Naruto before, Asahi would be hiding in the bed when watching it, and it happened to be in the middle of the night.

At the opening or ending, it just happened that the background was completely dark, and it zoomed to Hinata, and her white eyes were flowing with tears. At that time, Asahi took a breath. He had seen a scary anime, but had never seen such a scary anime girl.

But it seems that Naruto is indeed a bit scary. Anko pitted Orochimaru. As Orochimaru's skin is deadly white, and he looked very gloomy, so after horror movies became popular, Anko used Orochimaru's image to create a strange form. It can only be said that Anko's unexpectedness is indeed very surprising.

Of course, now is the time to dress up these two sisters. The two sisters looked cute now, but what they will become after a little dress up will be another concept.

Hinata was quickly awakened by Hanabi. Although she was still a little scared, she still followed Hanabi to dress up. Asahi doesn't know how Naruto and Hinata lived in the original work, as Hinata became so black-bellied.

Obviously, when she was a child, she belonged to the very shy type. But as a result, after having a child, she became black-bellied, and there was even a tendency that she is becoming closer to Kushina, which is kind of amazing.

After that, Asahi began to dress up the two girls. The white dresses on them were not changed, as the image he customized for the two suited these white dresses. In fact, it doesn't need to be too complicated for the two girls.

He just needs do some tricks on their face, as the pair of Byakugan can't just be wasted.

On the faces of the two sisters, Asahi made some scars, but it was not particularly obvious. It was concentrated on the upper half of their face, and in the lower part, there is a line of blood and tears, and some transparent bloodshots spreading in all directions.

The upper part of their faces are terrifying as it is, as it's somewhat similar to the kind of face that has been severely burned.

Although the lower part gave people a sense of horror, it is not scary, but the kind that would evoke people's curiosity.

The upper part of the face was then covered by their hair.

It's okay as they have Byakugan, so they can see everything if they used Byakugan. In fact, in the process, Hinata and Hanabi fainted several times from fright, and then slowly get used to their new appearance.

In fact, from a distance, these two people look like two elves. When someone looks closer, because they can't see the upper part of their faces, they can only see the blood, tears and bloodshots in the lower part. Although it is a little scary, it will also arouse the curiosity of others.

When their hair is pulled apart, that kind of horror, the instantaneous impact can directly scare the timid people to faint. Of course, it is not Hinata's type, as even those who are a little more courageous than her will be paralyzed by fright.

"It's done. I'll take you to scare Hiashi and Hizashi later, oh yeah, and also Neji and the others, it will be fun!"

As Asahi said this, he couldn't help but start imagining the scene. At this moment, he was looking forward to the state of the two brothers being scared to death.

"Let's go out and show it to others!"

After saying that, Asahi took the two out, and when they went out, everyone's expressions became a little strange when they saw the appearance of the two of them.

"Their face is indeed a little weird, but it doesn't seem to be a big deal!"

After looking at Hinata and Hanabi for a while, the others didn't feel much.

"It doesn't feel much, but try to open their hair and have a look."

Asahi said with a smirk. Although the others were already prepared, but in the face of the temptation of curiosity now, they still couldn't help but do it. Kurotsuchi is the first to rush over, after all, she, Hanabi and Hinata are good friends.

And when she looked at it, Asahi didn't let everyone watch it together. Instead, he asked the two sisters to bring people to the back one by one and watch it by themselves. As a result, Kurotsuchi, whose face was filled with curiosity and smile, instantly lost her smiles. Her face became pale, the blood on her face faded directly, and then her face began to change crazily.


After releasing a violent scream, she squatted down on the ground in fright, and then buried her face on her knees. The huge contrast really formed powerful impact. It is reasonable to see that the upper part of the face won't be too scary at a glance, but after seeing the other parts and then looked at the upper part, it is really scary.

"There's actually such a horror? Kurotsuchi's reaction is too…"

As she said that, Izumi walked up to the two of them, but her following words were stuck on her throat. Her face turned pale in shock, her legs are trembling constantly, and he almost fell to the ground.

"Is it really that scary?"

The others are also curious, so they look at the two one by one. After seeing it, they are scared one by one, and their faces turned pale. Even Baby 5, the ones that made people feel scared before, was also a little trembling by the appearance of the two.

After that, Asahi also made a small set of action for the two of them. It doesn't need much. When someone sees them, they first pull the hair out of the eyes a bit, and used their white eyes to scare people.

If they can't scare the other party with this, then they can pull their hair away completely, but this is the ultimate big move. After listening to things planned by Asahi, the girls all rolled their eyes at Asahi, they felt that this man is really the master of terror.