Chapter 232 Tsunade And The Others, Who Were Almost Paralyzed When They Came Home

After the others calm down, they asked Asahi to make their appearance scary enough, but this group of girls, because they are very beautiful, must be dealt with properly. For Izumi, Asahi simply gave her a pair of cosmetic contact lenses, the kind of pure red eyes, red eyes that don't contain anything. Without too much dress up, it only reveals the pair of flashing red eyes. Of course, this needs help from the atmosphere, otherwise, her appearance is not special at all.

So Asahi got a few things for Izumi. As long as she comes out, it would be a breeze to scare people. Asahi asked her to experiment it at home, and although she was dressed up very simply, it still frightened the others.

After a series of operations, the group of big and small beauties turned into various scary monsters, from zombies to ghosts, and the faces of zombies were also modified by Asahi.

Asahi also created some small things to stimulate the atmosphere for them. As long as they use them, the atmosphere will become very weird like Izumi. After all of them are done, the time finally comes to night.

The real test of courage will be held from this evening to tomorrow's dawn. It depends on who is more scary. As for the reward, the reward for this event is actually money. It's not that much, but it's better than nothing. After all, it's mainly to fire up the atmosphere.

"Well, Tsunade and the others are coming back soon. You guys hide first. Turn off the lights, and use them to practice your skills after they come back!"

After Asahi sensed the aura of Tsunade and the others, he spoke directly. After that, the others' eyes lit up, and they decisively hid and wait. At this moment, Tsunade, Mei and Shizune came back.

"What's going? Is there no one at home? Why is the light not turned on? By the way, that guy Asahi has also come back, but where did he go to? Could it be that he went out to participate in the event? But it's a bit early!"

Tsunade is a little bit confused, 'The event would only start after it gets dark, so there's no need to be in such a hurry, right?'

"Never mind that, anyway, we won't be able to participate in this kind of event, so let's see what happens!"

After entering the door, Mei planned to turn on the light directly, but after she pressed the switch, she found that the light inside didn't turn on. The power supply had actually been temporarily cut off by Asahi.

"What? Is there a power outage? But how is it possible? If our home is out of power, then other places will be out of power too!"

Mei gave up after hitting the switch for a few times. She thought that there was a malfunction.

"The electricity is gone, so everyone should be gone too. Those guys didn't even wait for us!"

The trio stepped had no choice but to enter the house first, but when they walked, they found Hinata and Hanabi standing on the corridor with their backs to them.

"Hinata, Hanabi, are you dressed up?"

Seeing two little girls in white dresses, Tsunade was a little surprised, but found that the two ignored her. After the three looked at each other, they were a little confused and chose to walk over.

When they stood in front of the two, the three were shocked. After all, the two's upper part of their face was covered with hair, and on the lower part, there's some blood, tears and bloodshot. It looked a little scary, but it was not that amazing.

"What are you two… Ahhh!"

As soon as Shizune opened her mouth, the hair of the two sisters was blown away by a gust of wind, and the upper part of their faces appeared in an instant. Shizune was so scared that her eyes rolled to the back, and she fell straight down. As for Tsunade and Mei, both of them couldn't help but gasped in shock, 'Isn't it too exaggerated!' They are so scared that their legs are trembling non-stop, of course, they were better than Shizune, as Shizune fainted directly.

"What happened? Someone fainted so quickly, I haven't even played yet!"

Seeing someone fainted from fright, the others stopped playing directly. Since the lights was still off, when the group of people appeared in front of Tsunade and Terumi Mei, they were scared again.

"You… You guys are too much. You actually pretended to scare us like this. And who made this? Shizune was so frightened that she fainted directly!"

Tsunade is very speechless. These people's appearances are indeed very scary, but she thinks that the most scary ones is the two sisters. After all, the two sisters had set the atmosphere before, and the others appeared without any atmosphere. Especially Izumi, as without the atmosphere, she has become a little cute. The others are still a little scary, but she is not.

"Damn it, why can't we participate in this kind of thing!"

Tsunade and Mei are very helpless at this moment. When they see the appearance of the others, they are very excited, but with their identities, it is not suitable for them to participate in such things.

"It's simple, after all, no one would recognize you guys after you dress up. You just need to make clone to stand in for you. I will help you dress up, at that time, no one will know that it is you!"

Asahi said lightly. When the two heard this, they looked at each other, and their eyes were directly bright, 'That's right, why didn't we think of it? It seemed very good to do this!'

The two immediately looked like chickens pecking at rice. At this moment, Shizune has also woken up. But to make people unable to recognize them at all, Asahi can only use exaggerated means. After dressing up, three fresh hanged ghosts appeared.

The faces of these hanged ghosts were also drawn so wildly, so it is impossible to tell who is who. Of course, the most important and the most famous thing from hanged ghost is the props shown by their tongues, which are very similar to the real ones.

The appearance of the three also shocked the others again.

"How much is still hidden in your brain? This kind of terrifying thing is too exaggerated!"

Others looked at Asahi helplessly. They felt that this guy's concept of horror is completely different from theirs.

"You haven't seen the scariest one yet, so please stay tuned. I will make the most horrible one when the time comes!"

Asahi couldn't help but sneered again. His tone was so gloomy and terrifying that other people couldn't help but sucked in a deep breath. Just looking at their appearance was scary enough, but Asahi actually said that there is something even more scary. Their barren brains really can't think of anything else at all.