Chapter 233 Asahi's Family's Hyakki Yako

"I really can't tell who is who. If those guys outside see us, they will be scared to death, but this tongue is really terrifying!"

Looking at the appearance of herself in the mirror, Tsunade was still a little bit emotional, as it was indeed terrifying. She even still felt that way now. She was a little confused about where so many weird things popped out of Asahi's brain.

These things are really weird and terrifying, as if they can completely catch people's fears. Regarding this, Asahi didn't know about Tsunade's thought, otherwise, he would laugh. After all, after what he went through, it is absolutely impossible to forget those terrifying things.

"Honestly, what other terrifying thing you have hidden? Tell me quickly!"

Mei and the others asked with some palpitations. They must ask this clearly, otherwise, it would be no good if they were suddenly frightened by Asahi when they scaring people.

"It's boring to say it now, but don't worry, there will be no real danger. You have nothing to worry about, by the way, take this thing with you!"

After saying that, Asahi gave everyone a small bead. When this small bead is attacked, a barrier will appear, and this barrier will protect them. It should have been given to them before, but Asahi completely forgot until now.

"Why did you give us this thing? I don't think there are people in the Shinobi World that can hurt us except for a few. By protecting us so well like this, we might really become vases in the future!"

Knowing the effect of this thing, Kushina said helplessly.

"You all have different levels of strength. You are indeed not afraid, but Hinata and Nami are different. They are still far behind you, and I have considered this point. Except for tonight, it will be triggered when you receive fatal threats at other times, and it will not be triggered when you receive normal attacks. This is equivalent to saving your life!"

Asahi said as he has already thought about it. The people around him are indeed not suitable to be vases. After all, who has seen such a group of ferocious vases?

"If it's like that, then it's not bad, but why is tonight an exception?"

Kushina asked everyone's question. They all wondered why tonight could be so special.

"That's a good question. With your current appearance, I'll just ask you one thing. Are you sure you won't be beaten up when you scare people outside? When it happens, you may be greeted by any kind of Ninjutsu!"

Asahi said. When they go out like this, they would definitely be beaten up by others. In fact, they can also use Transformation Technique to become like this, as long as they can see the appearance they needed to change to, but the Chakra from using Transformation Technique will always be detected, and anyone would know that you are fake. At that time, there is no need to continue to scare others.

"Isn't it impossible to be beaten by someone? I have already given the order. No one is allowed to do anything tonight, even if they see the scary things…"

After Tsunade said this, she felt that even though the order was already given, their appearance was too terrifying, so maybe people will really regard them as the real ones, so they might really be attacked.

"That's why tonight is an exception. Well, since everyone is ready to go, let them see our family's Hyakki Yako!"

Asahi raised his hand and said. At this moment, the sky outside was already completely dark, and there were only a few lights inside Iwagakure. In order to create the right atmosphere, most of the lights were directly turned off. Therefore, at this moment, the village is filled with a sense of fear.

"The first goal, go back and scare your clan's members first, let's go!"

"Scare our clan? Grandpa and Nawaki seem to be good, Kushina, you should go with me!"

After she said that, Tsunade took Kushina away, and Shizune also quickly caught up. As for the others, after being biased by Asahi, all of them set their eyes on their relatives or friends first.

Kurotsuchi went to his father Kitsuchi and his grandfather Onoki. As for Hinata, under Hanabi's lead, she went to the Hyuga Clan. It is unknown how many people will have a heart attack tonight.

Of course, death is definitely impossible, as the people in the Shinobi world are not so fragile.

In this way, Asahi's family's Hyakki Yako started moving, but Asahi didn't take action immediately, but instead directly flew into the sky, staring at the situation below. At this moment, Tsunade and the others was the first to reached their home.

At this moment, Hashirama is also planning to go out, after all, this guy is just like a kid even though he's already very old, and Nawaki can't do anything about him. Uzumaki Mito has also been resurrected, but she has no feelings about this kind of thing, on the contrary, Hashirama is very positive.

And the costume of this guy almost made Asahi laugh to death. This guy wore a mask and went out. A normal mask is not that weird, but the mask this guy wore is the Shinigami type, with fangs protruding on it.

When Hashirama went out, he was seen by Tsunade and others who had returned, so Tsunade began to prepare on a tree that would definitely be passed by Hashirama.

She took two ropes and hung herself and Shizune on it, making Asahi almost laughed to death. Hanging themselves with their physique is a joke, as it is useless even with a few tons of things hanging on them, let alone just their body. But the props is just to create the atmosphere, and with their current appearance, it is indeed a bit scary.

As for Kushina, people really can't tell that it is Kushina now. She is a burnt ghost, so there is no need to say more. Now anyone who sees her will not be able to connect her with Kushina.

'What's going on? It's so windy today, and this atmosphere is also a bit weird!'

Hashirama, who is wearing a mask, continued to move forward, but when he reached the intersection and turned around, he saw Tsunade and Shizune on the tree, but their backs were still facing him now, so Hashirama just felt that it's a little gloomy.

"There are people who even hanged themselves, it's really… Hisss…"

Before Hashirama could finish his words, Tsunade and Shizune turned around slowly, instantly frightening Hashirama.