Chapter 234 Horror Characters Coming Out

"Tsuna… Tsuna-chan, Shizune, how could it be you?"

Hashirama subconsciously used Chakra to find out who these hanged people are. Of course, only him can do so. He has the Natural Energy Source and his perception ability is also amazing, so even if he didn't see it, he could recognize Tsunade and Shizune easily.

It's no different even if it's someone else, so Tsunade and the others are not to blame, as it's mainly because Hashirama cheated.

"What, Grandpa, you used Chakra to investigate, it's too much!"

Tsunade and Shizune rolled their eyes together at him, and came down from the tree helplessly. They tried to scare Hashirama, but didn't expect Hashirama to use Chakra to investigate their identity. Kushina, who had not appeared yet, also came out of the dark corner, and after seeing Kushina, Hashirama was shocked again, as she is too scary.

"So it's really you. How did you dress up like that? It's so scary. Fortunately, I use Chakra to perceive it first, otherwise, I would have attacked you guys directly!"

Hashirama asked curiously. Seeing this, Asahi in the sky couldn't help but stunned, and then slapped his head, as he forgot the most important point. Although not everyone is a pervert like Hashirama, Hyuga's Byakugan and Uchiha's Sharingan, and some Sensei Shinobi can sense the others' Chakra.

So Asahi simply modified the beads on their bodies, and directly blocked all their aura.

At the same time, Hashirama also knew that this was Asahi's masterpiece, and suddenly felt that his mask was a bit too embarrassing. The gap is indeed a gap, and Hashirama knew that they were going to scare the Senju Clan, so he immediately followed suit.

After all, he didn't want to let go of such an interesting thing.

The time passed by, and because the aura blocker was set up, everyone can't be perceived anymore. Although there was a Natural Energy Source before, this thing was not used to block aura.

They still have Chakra on them, so they can't completely cover up their aura, but now, there's no need to worry about it. In the Hyuga Clan, Hiashi, Hizashi and Neji are all scared by Hinata and Hanabi.

But after that, they didn't scare the other Hyuga Clan's members, and went to the streets immediately, scaring those guys who were passing by. Except for them, everyone else are also doing the same.

Suddenly, the whole Iwagakure was full of screams, and there were even people who released attacks. This was an uncontrolled conditioned reflex operation, so Asahi didn't think much of it.

Soon, the people who had been frightened formed an alliance. Of course, it was limited to those Asahi knew, such as Hiashi and Hizashi, Kitsuchi and Onoki. They formed a small group and went to Asahi's house directly.

'Interesting, let's make a haunted house. It just so happens that these things are best given to acquaintances!'

After Asahi saw these people coming for trouble, a series of existences such as Sadako, Kayako, and Chu Renmei appeared. He also used magic to simulate the scenes. Like Huangshan Village, Kayako's house, and also a Japanese-style room, which is the scene for Sadako.

This group of people broke into Asahi's house in such a mighty force before, but as a result, they found that the atmosphere became very weird, and they were divided into several groups.

"What's going on? Is it Genjutsu?"

Hiashi used his Byakugan directly, but soon found that it was not Chakra Genjutsu, but the illusion created by magic, so no matter how hard he tried, there was nothing he could do.

In this way, Hiashi and Hizashi worked hard for a while and couldn't find anything. After that, naturally, there is no need to say. The two of them observed the surrounding situation, and then headed towards Huangshan Village. Asahi simply didn't pay attention to the outside world, and instead took out a small bench and popcorns, and started watching the show happily.

This is equivalent to putting people in a movie, but it's horror movie.

Hiashi and Hizashi quickly entered the Huangshan Village and strolled around for a while. They didn't find anything strange, but soon, ghosts appeared like this one by one, plus that atmosphere, although they were not very scary, these ghosts still shocked the two.

There are a lot of ghosts in Huangshan Village. After they rushed out, they found out that it was a ghost village, but when they came out, they walked to the location of the pool where Chu Renmei's body was located, so the two of them soon saw Chu Renmei.

But it was actually a series of horror illusions, which made the two of them rolled their eyes white in fright. In this case, strength is of no use. Since Asahi is the one who made this, the ghosts are not afraid of their casual attacks. They are just phantoms, and phantoms are naturally not afraid of these attacks.

The two were so scared that they howled and cried loudly. As for Kitsuchi and Onoki, they were directly split into two by Asahi. The main reason was that Onoki had too much experience, and because of that, he should be hardly scared anymore, so it turned out that Onoki really didn't show much reaction. As for Kitsuchi, he was so frightened that his legs went limp.

The reason Onoki came here is because he didn't expect his granddaughter would suddenly become so terrifying. He's scared of Kurotsuchi because he thought something happened to Kurotsuchi, otherwise, he would not necessarily be scared.

And other people are more or less pitted, as those horror scenes are not amusing at all.

So these people were frightened collectively, and after a while, Asahi released them all.

"Everyone, how do you feel?"

Asahi looked at these people with a smile on his face.

"You… Asahi, you're too much. You actually show us such a horrible thing!"

The group of people complained crazily.

"Well, isn't it because you guys are coming to trouble me? Don't worry, I'm not a stingy person. If you trouble me, I will definitely not say anything. From now on, ghosts will appear in your home from time to time!"

Asahi said very generously, but it was completely different when it reached these people's ears. 'This is a threat, it must be a blatant threat!'

But when they think of these ghosts often appearing in their own home, and they have to worry about being scared every day, they didn't feel too good. All their faces turned strange, and even Onoki couldn't ignore it.

It is true that he is not afraid, but it does not mean that he's not afraid all the time. After a long time, his old man's heart may not be able to bear it.