Chapter 235 Departure And Harvesting Experience

Under the coercion of Asahi's ghosts, these people can only leave in despair. There's no other way, everyone is afraid that when they go home to sleep at night, a ghost will pop out next to their pillow, or when they open their eyes, they would see Sadako or Chu Renmei staring at them. At that time, they will be really scared and might suddenly be killed by a heart attack.

So they could only retreat, and Asahi also created a large number of ghosts and threw them out. As a result, this evening, the girls in the Asahi's family didn't get them, but he got them instead.

And what makes Asahi most amused is that these girls are also scared by these ghosts running around. Others think that it is horrible and weird, but Asahi really wants to laugh. Of course, the result of this is that Asahi got a lot of blank stares, after all, he was trying to scare his own girls, but they still couldn't handle Asahi's sugar-coated words, so they're not angry for long, and the time for the event ends.

"Where shall we go next?"

Asahi took Baby 5 and Nami to the One Piece World again. It's not that Asahi didn't want to take the others, but there were too many people, and there is no good reason to bring them, everyone had their own affairs after all. Nami is his own secretary, and as for Baby 5, she's a real maid, so it's a must to carry them with him.

Now that they returned to the One Piece World, both of them are very curious about where Asahi is going.

"We'll go to Impel Down, I need someone to help me!"

Asahi said with a smile. Impel Down is a super huge experience field, so he will control the entire Impel Down in the future, so that he can continue to provide himself with experience.

"Impel Down? Isn't it the place that the Marine claims to be the place where only Shiki can escape from beginning until now?"

Nami doesn't have much impression of it. She just heard some rumors, but Baby 5 is different, as she knows everything about Impel Down.

"That's right, it's that place."

Asahi nodded. In fact, it is not particularly difficult for the people who entered Impel down, to escape. The main reason is that they didn't eat enough. It must be known that seastone is not indestructible, it can also be destroyed, and those guys on the Level 6 are all very strong.

If it's not a Devil Fruit user, destroying the seastone shackles is not too big a problem, but the One Piece World has a drawback, that is, if you can't eat enough, you can't use much of your strength.

These people are heavily injured when they are just caught.

It is because the prison does not give them enough food, and the amount is just enough to keep them from starving to death. In this case, they don't have much strength, Luffy and Big Mom belong to this type.

If Luffy can't eat enough, he will have no strength. The physical experts are like this. In the Impel Down, there is not much to eat. It can be guaranteed that they will not die, but the speed of healing from their injury would be slowed down a lot. After healed, they would have no strength to destroy the seastone shackles.

This is also the only possibility Asahi can think of, otherwise, since seastone is not indestructible, how could it be possible to lock so many strong people, so this drawback can make sense.

The setting of seastone was nerfed by the original author in the later stage, and it's almost useless after being nerfed. Not only he weakens the effect of seastone on the Devil Fruit user, but even the sea water is nerfed.

Reasonably, apart from Logia, idiots like Big Mom and Kaido are easy to kill.

Both of them are Devil Fruit users. For Big Mom, just put some seastone in her dessert and let her eat it. It won't be strange if she would become a waste. The same is true for Kaido. He liked to be drunk, so just replaced his sake with sea water and seastone. After drinking it, he would be crippled too. The Devil Fruit users seems to be awesome, but once some insidious tricks were used, they would become useless.

So if the seastone and sea water are not nerfed, only Shanks will not be affected, and the other Four Emperors, including Blackbeard, will be in troubles.

With the two of them, Asahi went directly to Impel Down, and then without saying a word, he went directly to the place where Magellan was. He wanted to control Magellan and the other jailers first, and then completely control this place.

As for the prisoners, he just needs to send some food inside every other time, enough to ensure that these people will not starve to death. He doesn't need to think about other things. This is a stable place for learning experience. Of course, he has to give the people inside some things, such as the type of spells that make them can't kill each other and can't commit suicide. This is very easy and simple for magic.

Facing Asahi, Magellan had no ability to resist, so he was directly brainwashed by Asahi, and then the other jailers were also brainwashed one by one. In less than a minute, the entire Impel Down, except for the group of monsters like Ivan, is already under his control completely.

Then, Asahi placed a big barrier for each level of the big prison. These barriers would only allow people to come in and not come out, so Magellan and the others only need to throw people in from here.

This is equivalent to experience field created by Asahi, and there will also be a steady stream of people coming in in the future.

After that, Asahi cast a spell on the people on the Level 5 and Level 6. They will not be able to kill each other, nor can they commit suicide. This is just a hint, not considered control, after all, once they are under his complete control, these guys can no longer be his enemies.

In the future, Asahi will throw away any enemies here, and treat this place as a place for leveling.

As for Ivan and the others on the Level 5.5, Asahi directly asked him to find Dragon. It's useless for them to stay here after all. He really doesn't care what these people are after, but as long as they don't try to do anything funny, then he would let them do what they want.

It took a while for Asahi to finish all the modification. After that, he opened the prisoners' seastone shackles and the prison gate, so that these prisoners can around on each floor by themselves, but they are not allowed to go out.

So it can only be regarded as being locked into the big room from the single room, and those brought by the Marine are handed over to Magellan and others, so there will be no big problems. Furthermore, it doesn't matter if it is exposed, he will just brainwash them, and it will be over.