Chapter 236 Roger Becomes A Tool Man

After releasing these people, Asahi also put a lot of food into it to ensure that the strength of these people is restored, otherwise, it will be boring. After one week, the people on Level 6 are completely restored, but no matter how hard they tried, they couldn't break open the barrier and leave this place.

After they recovered, Asahi went straight down and take care of these guys, and the percentage finally broke 10%, reaching 15%. However, this is the accumulation from the whole prison, and the criminals inside have been accumulated by Marine for so many years, even so, after this wave of harvesting, it has only risen so much.

To completely break the limiter, this requires a lot more, and after these people are beaten like this by him, Asahi must wait for a certain amount of time if he wanted to continue harvesting these people.

Otherwise, these people would have no fighting spirit. Giving others hope is the best to do it. For example, after defeating them, Asahi will give them some chances to leave, and then Asahi will also suppress his strength and fool these guys. After all, fooling people doesn't break the law.

In these two worlds, there is no such thing as breaking the law. Just like this, after a wave of harvesting, they will be given some breathing time, and then after a while, the process will be repeated.

"Those monsters were actually defeated by you so easily… How strong are you!"

Nami asked very speechlessly. She also tried to fight these people, but as a result, she is not the opponent of those monsters in Level 6 at all. Although Baby 5 has Natural Energy Source, it has only been so long, so she may not be much stronger than Nami.

Therefore, although the two wanted to fight with these people, they quickly lost the battle and could only go to other floors to beat the other people. The lower two floors are not suitable for them to train.

"You only need to know that I'm really strong, and it's not an exaggeration to call me invincible. Okay, let's go to the next stop. If we wanted to add trouble to the World Government, then we can only go to Alabasta!"

Asahi confirmed his next target, Alabasta. This place was occupied by Crocodile, and even though what Crocodile did here is not as exaggerated as what Doflamingo did in Dresrosa, but it is still very nonsense.

The method is not as smart as the one used by Doflamingo, and he also has Robin under him. Regarding Robin, she is undoubtedly the most important point to attack the World Government. Although the Marine has tried its best to suppress the matter that Doflamingo caused before, the effect is not very satisfactory. After all, Dressrosa still has several surrounding countries, who are very clear about what happened. Even if the Marine comes forward to clarify it, in the New World, where they cannot fully manage, there is no way to perfectly control it.

Now that it's still in a state of desperation, he will use Crocodile to make a wave, and then let Robin disclose the information about Poneglyph.

However, Asahi is wondering if Morgans should also be controlled. After all, some things are related to the World Government, especially history. If Morgans dare not report it, he will just control Morgans at that time. But for now, Asahi has contacted Morgans directly, and say that he will have big news in Alabasta! As soon as he heard te words 'big news', Morgans quickly went to Alabasta, like a shark smelling blood. And in the same way as before, Asahi quickly set up a series of live broadcast equipment, and then after waiting for Morgans to arrive, he started the live broadcast.

Asahi didn't take action himself, but chose to become the cameraman. The person who took action is naturally the Pirate King, Roger. After all, Crocodile also has Roger in his memory, well, most of the Shichibukai was there when Roger was executed.

Asahi didn't understand what the Marine was thinking. At that time, with so many Marine's powerhouses in the town, they still let these people run away. If they captured these people back then, how could they still appear in the later period as big-name pirates? Marine is indeed very strange in a lot of things.

After Roger appeared again, he directly went to Rainbase, and the live broadcast started. Asahi slowly broadcasted what happened here to the surrounding countries and islands.

"It's this kind of live broadcast again, and it's also Roger again, but does Crocodile have anything to do with Doflamingo? Although the methods of the two are somewhat different, they are very similar."

At this moment, Morgans also came to the surrounding islands and began to pay attention to the situation this time, but from Asahi's explanation, he quickly came to the conclusion that these two people have something similar.

Both of them are Shichibukai, but both of them controlled a country, and both of them framed the kings of these two countries, but one was for the ancient weapon, Pluton, and the other was to use the country as a base camp.

The methods of the two are somewhat similar.

"Sure enough, it's really big news. After Doflamingo, there was a Shichibukai who did such a thing. This time, I wonder how many people will spurn on the Shichibukai system created by the World Government!"

Morgans began to write again, and he even already thought of the title, 'The little secret that must be told between Shichibukai Crocodile and Doflamingo.

After this incident, the impact on Shichibukai will be even greater, and of course, the impact on the World Government will also be great. Although Marine will also be affected to some extent, Marine can also avoid most of the trouble.

It's because Shichibukai is under the management of the World Government, and Marine only manages it on behalf of the World Government, which means that to Shichibukai needs the order of the World Government from the beginning of determining this system to its driving.

Since they weren't really involved in it, the impact Marine received this time was much smaller.

However, this time, Marine is moving very fast. After all, this is not New World. Marine cannot be spread everywhere in the New World, as it's not their Marine's territory, but this is on the Grand Line's side, so Marine is almost everywhere.

Marines in these surrounding countries discovered the live broadcast immediately, and then quickly passed the news to the Marine's Headquarters.

As a result, Sengoku, who heard the news, directly ordered these Marines to destroy the live broadcast equipment immediately, but how can Asahi let them do this? He has already taken protective measures.

The live broadcast equipment is protected by barriers, so these Marine soldiers can't destroy it no matter what they do. Moreover, the screens are so large that they can't be shielded, ana also, Marine can't disperse the crowd.