Chapter 238 Nico Robin

After the Marine's farce, everyone's attention turned to the live broadcast at this moment. Because the causes and effects have been clearly stated, the people, who are watching the live broadcast at this moment, can't help but feel sorry for Cobra. By the way, King Riku, who was plotted by Doflamingo, was also given a wave of pity, as these two people are really miserable.

As for the so-called Shichibukai, they can't wait to beat the other party to death.

Roger also lived up to the expectations and rushed all the way to Crocodile's office. Those, who blocked him outside, were too trashy. Crocodile and Doflamingo have similarities and differences. The similarity is their operations, and the difference is their strength and the strength of their subordinates.

There are a lot of talents under Doflamingo, but Crocodile's people are all a group of cannon fodders. This is the importance of the order of appearance. Doflamingo appeared in the later stage, so his subordinates and so on must follow the strength of the protagonist. It can be said that Crocodile is kind of miserable.

Of course, Asahi's goal this time is not Crocodile, but Robin.

"Ro… Roger"

After seeing Roger, Crocodile showed the same expression as Doflamingo. Although he had already read about it in the newspaper, he dismissed the fact that the Pirate King is still alive, but now, this Pirate King has appeared in front of him, so he can't be blamed for being shocked.

However, Roger didn't have the time to talk nonsense with him, and attacked him directly. In the face of Roger's attack, Crocodile didn't even have time to dodge. After elementalization, he found that Roger's knife was covered with Armament Haki and he was instantly killed on the spot.

The gap between the strength of Roger and Crocodile is so much that it might be greater than heaven and earth.

"Don't be nervous, little girl, I won't do anything to you. Strictly speaking, you are a pitiful person. Someone will come to pick you up later."

After saying that, Roger disappeared, and Robin, who was very vigilant and planned to do something, was a little confused. She didn't understand at first, but she soon figured it out. She has something that everyone in this world wanted, the ability to translate the Poneglyph.

Although she doesn't know that there is such a thing as the Red Poneglyph, she believed that she is the only person who can interpret this kind of thing. It is unknown whether the World Government has someone like that, but on the bright side, she is the only one.

So no matter which faction Robin goes to, she will be treated kindly. Strictly speaking, it is the best choice for Robin to join the Four Emperors, except for Kaido and Shanks, Whitebeard like to recognize people as his sons and daughters. Big Moms also need this kind of translator talent, so these two people are the best choice.

It's just that the current Robin didn't have the ability to go to the New World, let alone get the protection of the Four Emperors. It is estimated that she would either caught on the road or died, but at this moment, Robin didn't panic. After all, she knows her abilities is cherished by others, and now that her backer has fallen, she just needs a new backer, and this time, her backer will have the ability to get Roger's help.

"Nice to meet you, Nico Robin. You will be my subordinate in the future. As a deal, you will be protected by me. At least, you don't have to worry about being targeted by the World Government."

Asahi didn't talk too much nonsense after seeing Robin. Robin has been used to being betrayed since she was a child, so it is impossible to convince this kind of person with just words, so he can just let time slowly dilute everything.

"No problem!"

Robin nodded. Since the other party said so, what else can she say? So she nodded decisively.

After seeing Robin nodded her head, Asahi directly took everyone to Morgans' side, and instantly controlled Morgans. Morgans was courageous enough to report many things, but the next thing to report is the so-called dark history of this world, so Asahi doesn't believe this guy would be courageous enough to publish it.

To be honest, Asahi didn't intend to go to places like the Sky Island. He already sent the Akatsuki there. After all, after the Akatsuki was controlled by himself, they didn't do much things, so now, they can be used to help him deal with some small things.

As for Asahi himself, he is still focused on the World Government and Marine, but after this blow, the Marine should also be shaken very badly, especially for those radicals, they are receiving heavy impact.

"Morgans, after today's news came to light, immediately gather people from all over the world who have been persecuted by the radical Marines, and then find out all of their dark history, and expose them uniformly, and also, get some people to follow Edward Weevil and try to publicize all of his cruelest and most brutal crimes!"

Asahi gave Morgans an order. Now that he has control of Morgans, then Marine and the World Government will be in a lot of troubles. Before the establishment of the new Marine, the old Marine will be the one who bear all the blames, and after the other part of the Marine is separated, Asahi will dump all the blames on the radicals later, so now, he is desperately dumping all the blames on the radicals and expose their past crimes.

With Morgans doing these things, it will be much easier. After all, there's no news Morgans can't dig.

On the other side, in Marine's Headquarters, in the conference room at this moment, looking at the blacked-out screen, the radical Marines are all very gloomy, and those who have no conflict with the Radical Faction are also not very happy, after all, Marine's reputation has been affected by a lot.

As for some people who have hatred with the radicals, they are gloating. They knew that if this basin of water is poured on the Radical Faction, it will definitely be very good.

After all, they are all radicals.

After that, Sengoku talked about a lot of things before the meeting adjourned, but most of the radicals were showing furious expression. At this moment they wished they could pull out the person behind this incident and beat him to death.

But until now, they don't know who the other party is, making them bewildered. Moreover, because of these things, the hearts of a small number of Marine's higher-ups are a little shaken. Is what Marine represent really justice? Just like Saulo at the beginning, he couldn't understand Marine's behavior, so it eventually led to such a result. As for Zephyr and Garp, they have already started to act, and the first person they found was… Tsuru.