Chapter 239 Continuous Exposure

After Zephyr and Garp went to find Tsuru, they began to persuade Tsuru to prepare to build the new Marine. When these two men dispatched together, even Tsuru could not calm down, in addition, the two made a series of excuses and some evidence, which made Tsuru had no choice but to believe it.

Tsuru is a smart person, so she knows that these two old guys will not talk nonsense, especially one is Zephyr and the other is Garp, so she has to think about the authenticity of this kind of thing, but the two patted their chests and guarantee it with their lives, so Tsuru can only believe it temporarily, but Tsuru also said that she will use her own eyes to observe some things later. After all, if Marine can really be reborn, it would be good.

People like Tsuru are the best to persuade and the hardest to persuade. They are the best because the other party is smart and knows how to think, but it is also the hardest because even though the other party seems to have been persuaded, they are still skeptical before everything is settled.

However, when everything was settled, Tsuru had nothing to say. After a day of fermenting it, Morgans published a series of events that happened yesterday in the newspaper. In addition to these, there are also stories about the truth of Ohara that year.

Although the World Government can control the news before, Morgans is now under Asahi's control, so it is too late for the World Government to put pressure on him, and even if they send someone to find Morgans, there's still Asahi there.

After this newspaper was spread, the whole sea burst out, and even the Marines made a mess.

"What the hell is going on in the end? How could Ohara's affairs back then were exposed? Even if Nico Robin dare to say, but is that guy Morgans really crazy to report such thing?"

Because of what happened yesterday, Sengoku has been paying attention to the content of the newspaper today, but the content of the newspaper surprised Sengoku severely. Morgans really did not hesitate to expose their affairs, which was not unexpected, but Morgans even exposed the Ohara incident, which was very unexpected for him.

Moreover, it blatantly exposed the purpose of the World Government, including the Void Century, and what broke Sengoku the most is that the last few pages of the newspaper turned out to be a contrast between the Poneglyph's text and the current text.

Yes, after recruiting Robin, Asahi did not hesitate to ask Robin to publish part of the Poneglyph's translation method she knew in the newspaper. The World Government wanted to suppress this type of knowledge, but Asahi chose to just expose this thing. However, this is only a small part, and there are many that can't be found so quickly.

But for the Marine and the World Government, the blow is much more serious.

In order to wipe out those who is trying to find the truth of the history, they even directly destroyed Ohara, and from the entire Ohara, only one person survived. This matter has finally come to light.

"Is this true or not? Didn't the Ohara's incident happen because those scholars wanted to create ancient weapons, Pluton, to subvert the world? Why did it become like this?"

The young people may not be very clear about this, but some older people know it well. At the beginning of the Ohara's incident, only one survivor left from the entire island, and even Marine and the World Government madly poured dirty water on these people.

After all, the dead can't stand up and explain the matter, and even if it is cleared, no one will care about their life and death. Compared with the World Government and Marine, the theory is not credible at all, but this time, even Poneglyph's translation method is all public, which is not bad.

"Are you really not afraid of getting burned by this kind of thing? You actually exposed all these things!"

At this moment, Robin looked at her new boss with a complicated expression. She never thought that after the other party recruited her, he wouldn't be like Crocodile, to find some ancient weapon, but to directly expose Ohara's affairs, and even the history was exposed.

When she found out about this, Robin was dumbfounded. It's not that she hadn't thought about such a thing, but she couldn't do it, and no one would believe a wanted criminal, but Asahi did it and used Morgans. And Morgans, like Asahi's diehard loyalist, exposed this kind of thing without hesitation.

This is a matter of world revolution… Once the World Government finds out, they will all be finished.

"I'm afraid that a World Government is not worthy of my fear, and my main target is not World Government, but Marine. World Government is not worthy of me to target. With Celestial Dragons still roaming around, their reputation will be destroyed sooner or later!"

Asahi said disdainfully. If it wasn't for the Marine, he wouldn't have done such troublesome thing, but now, there is no need for such trouble, as he only needs to use Morgans to constantly update various news and hit the Marine's reputation severely. After all, the new Marine will be formed later, so it will be fine for the current Marine's reputation to be destroyed.

In the next few days, the news is constantly updated, not only Poneglyph's translation method, but also some things that Marine has done together, as well as various evidences and Edward Weevil's evil deeds. After becoming Shichibukai, this Weevil and Bakkin have no scruples in doing things.

Burning, killing and looting on the sea crazily. Within a few days of work, the Marine's reputation was directly suppressed to the limit, but because of this, many newspapers have been blocked by Marine. However, the more Marine and the World Government do this, the more it is equivalent for them to admit these things.

Their reputation has directly dropped to the lowest point in history. Because of this incident, Sengoku is going crazy, and Garp and Zephyr plus Tsuru are regarded as invisible. The three of them almost lobbied the entire Marine higher-ups.

Under the pressure of Morgans' newspapers, these people have actually wavered a long time ago. It is not only once or twice. Right now, what the Marine is most afraid of seeing is… newspapers. Although many newspapers have been destroyed, some newspapers office had known for a long time that the Marine was coming to make trouble.

So they took their things and ran away, and even created a mobile newspaper on the sea, which left the Marine no room to exploit. These people still kept updating the news, and things like history have spread throughout the world.

Five Elders' hearts were cold, and after being severely reprimanded by Im, they sent someone to find the culprit, Morgans, and now they can't contact Morgans.

The person, who was monitoring Morgans, was also killed. It can only be described as a tragedy, and they could no longer find Morgans.