Chapter 240 Showdown With Sengoku

Since Morgans cannot be found, and the source cannot be contained, the news is constantly exposed. Morgans's forces want to find the black material of the Marine and the World Government. The dark history is too simple, so the content in the constantly updated newspapers are constantly damaging the World Government and the Marine, but they could do nothing about it, which can be described as tragic.

Five Elders can't find a way to vent, and they also can't just be scolded by themselves, so they turned around and threw the fire on Sengoku. The Fleet Admiral, Sengoku, directly became a punching bag for these people.

But Sengoku can only hold it back. He also wanted to vent his anger, but his character can't allow him to do this kind of thing, so he can only carry it by himself. After half a month, the people who can be trusted and persuaded among the Marine's higher-ups have been persuaded by Garp and the others. So now, they plan to directly have a showdown with Sengoku at the end.

After half a month of torture, Sengoku felt a little nervous at this moment. After Tsuru called him into the conference room, Sengoku was a little stunned when he saw so many people in the conference room.

"What are you all doing here? I didn't issue any notice for the meeting, Tsuru, what the hell is this?"

Sengoku suddenly felt like he was not the Fleet Admiral. If such a big meeting wanted to be held, he, the Fleet Admiral, must be the one to make the decision, but now, he is the last one to know about this meeting, which makes him a little confused. He is even wondering if he has lost his memory, and he just forgot that he has held the meeting.

"Sengoku, this time, the person in charge is not… Strictly speaking, I am still a little skeptical, but today, they are going for a showdown, so we won't be hiding from you!

After saying that, Tsuru pointed to Asahi, who is standing on the stage. After seeing Asahi, Sengoku was in a state of confusion, 'Who is this person? Is he someone from Marine's high-level? But why haven't I seen him before? How can he be in charge?' Right now, Sengoku is dumbfounded.

"I won't say more nonsense, Fleet Admiral Sengoku, let's go now. And if there is any problem, Garp and the others will explain to you!"

After saying that, Asahi directly brought all the people here away and came to the Shinobi World. The way Garp and Zephyr persuaded everyone was naturally to explain about the Shinobi World, but this kind of thing is not particularly credible, so Asahi chose to take them over himself.

Later, Sengoku also understood the matter under the explanation of Garp and the others.

"So I was the last one to know, haaahhh!"

Sengoku looked at this group of people depressedly. After all, these matters have been concealed from him, the Fleet Admiral, especially since even two of the Admirals know, which are Aokiji and Kizaru, who are both whistling while looking the other way.

So it can't be helped that Sengoku is depressed, and if it wasn't for the other party planning to have a showdown, Sengoku really doesn't know when he will know about this matter.

"Yes, you are the last one, but this is also normal. And it is also a very wise choice to let you know the last!"

At this time, Tsuru interjected and said.

This is also the consideration to let Sengoku know at the end, otherwise, with Sengoku's temperament, what will happen? No matter what, as the Fleet Admiral, if this matter is not fully disclosed, he will only think that this matter is very absurd.

"Forget it, since it's already like this, let's not say more. But this gentleman, can you prove it to us now? If your strength can really get rid of the World Government, it would be a good choice!"

If it was normal situation, Sengoku would definitely not be able to say such a thing, but he was scolded by Five Elders several times a day for half a month. So he is very angry at those people. If it wasn't for the Marine, he wouldn't be willing to be the punching bag of these people.

It can be said that he would only be happy after the World Government was gone, so Marine will became more pure.

"Okay then, Nagato, come out!"

After Asahi said that, a figure with white skin slowly flew down. It's Six Paths Nagato. Since being persuaded by Jiraiya with his Talk no Jutsu, Nagato also stayed with Konan in the Land of Water, and after Yahiko was resurrected, he became a real, completely loyal existence.

After all, the Shinobi World is at peace now, and his friend has also been resurrected. Everything is over, so it will be strange if he is unhappy.

"The way to prove it is very simple. Try to beat this guy, and you will know the gap!"

Asahi smiled and said. What kind of concept is Six Paths Nagato? It is impossible if these guys want to defeat Nagato, after all, Nagato still has several Biju in his body, and Kaguya also distributed part of Jubi's Chakra to Nagato.

Therefore, the current Nagato's strength is more terrifying than the Six Paths Madara in the original work.

"I will not participate. I don't want to be abused!"

Garp immediately announced that he didn't want to get involved. He has already learned about the situation here. This new person's strength is much stronger than the Seventh Gate Guy, so it is better for him to sit back and relax.

"Me too, you guys can figure it out by yourselves!"

Zephyr also withdrew. Although it was not Asahi who takes action, he still remembers the power of Asahi's punch when killing Shiki. Shiki has fought Marine and Roger for so many years, but as a result, he's killed by one punch.

Zephyr might not know how strong Nagato is, but since Asahi allows the other party to take action, he believed that Nagato won't be so weak. As he doesn't want to be beaten, he chose to withdrew immediately.

Regarding the choice of these two old guys, the others are a bit contemptuous. Originally, Aokiji and Kizaru wanted to withdrew too, but Sengoku glared at them and they had no choice but to participate.

"Let's start when you are ready. Don't say that I didn't give you a chance. You'd better act quickly, otherwise, you probably won't have a chance to make a move."

After Asahi finished speaking, he also left directly. At this moment, Nagato is left alone to confront these people, but Sengoku feels what Asahi done is complete nonsense. One person fights with so many people from their Marine, and there are also two Admirals and he, the Fleet Admirals. Even the Four Emperors would not dare to be so arrogant.

"Six Paths — Chibaku Tensei!"

Since they didn't choose to act immediately, Nagato naturally did it, and he also used a big move immediately. Dozens of small black balls that condensed the Chibaku Tensei was thrown directly into the air. In an instant, dozens of small black balls released powerful gravitational force, and under this powerful gravitational force, the earth collapsed directly.