Chapter 246 This Is Not a War, It's a One-Sided Slaughter


After the Bijudama was fully formed, Nagato pushed it with both hands and the huge Bijudama rushed towards the World Government's fleet. At this moment, the people from World Government's side inside also saw such a huge Bijudama rushing over, but it is too late to stop it as this Bijudama is already in front of them at this moment.

Although One Piece World can be said to be stronger than Naruto World, the peak-level figures of Naruto World completely decimated One Piece World's peak-level figure.

As for this Bijudama, if the strong people on the World Government's side can free up their hands, maybe it can be blocked, but there are still a series of Logia user such as Kizaru, who are zooming in, and the Shinobi with the Wind Release and Fire Release are also constantly throwing Ninjutsu, and Tobirama's Sea Release has become the real sea attacks. Under such circumstances, they simply can't spare their hands at all.

After the huge Bijudama rushed directly into the fleet, it instantly crushed more than a dozen warships, and finally exploded directly, but before that, Asahi transferred Mihawk away. He also liked this character before, so there is no need to let him die together with the World Government.

A huge mushroom cloud appeared above the fleet. Nagato's Bijudama is so powerful that it is not comparable to the ordinary Biju's. The Bijudama of the ordinary Biju can only blow up a mountain.

But Nagato's Bijudama can be said to be a terrain destroyer, as it can destroy a lot of mountains easily. Facing this Bijudama, Asahi really can't imagine how the people there will survive.

Moreover, the surrounding seawater is almost boiled, so even if some of them survive, they will suffer if they fall into the sea.

However, according to Asahi's perception, 99% of the people there disappeared in an instant, and all the cannon fodders were basically finished. Only some strong men rushed to the sky with injuries. After all, the explosion power of this Bijudama is too powerful for these people to resist.

"Tengai Shinsei!"

Nagato clasped his hands together, and then several huge meteorites appeared in the sky, smashing down towards the group of people in the sky.

'What kind of war is this? It's a one-sided slaughter!'

Those who watched the live broadcast all had such a thought in their minds. They felt that the World Government's people are too miserable. Before they could even reach the other party's base, big moves were already thrown at them continuously, killing most of the people on their side.

It's like in the Dragon Ball World. Son Goku likes to increase his strength little by little as he fight, and he won't make big moves as soon as he makes a move, but then he encountered a guy used his ultimate move at the start of the battle. With this guy using his full power, Goku wasn't given the opportunity to transform, and then he will die directly.

It must be known that the difference between Goku's basic combat power and his combat power after transformation is so huge.

The same is true for the current World Government. Although there are Devil Fruit users, they are useless when they are suppressed by Tobirama and the others. Then a series of big moves are thrown at them, causing heavy casualties at their side. These Shinobi are like the mage in game that can kite the warrior to dead. Because they can stand on the sea, but for the people in the One Piece World, without ships, they are almost useless. Unless there are some special Devil Fruit users, they will be kite to death.

With such a big move like Tengai Shinsei, even if Five Elders, Kong and the others fought back vigorously, they still doubted their lives after being hit by the meteorites. And Nagato added "Chibaku Tensei!" to their injuries.

With a wave of Nagato's hand, a black ball appeared in the sky, and then the huge suction force directly sucked the group of people who were seriously injured into the sky. The wreckage of the warship, the debris after the meteorite was broken, and a large number of sea water directly formed a small moon suspended in the air.

"It's really simple enough, then, let me do my part too!"

Asahi, who didn't plan to take action before, couldn't help but joined in. He clenched his fist, appeared in front of the small moon, and punched it out fiercely.

A terrifying wave of air erupted from the center of Asahi's fist. It spreads in all directions, and the small mon in front of him has been blasted into powder, and the huge force blasted a terrifying tsunami wave on the sea surface. It took more than ten seconds for the sea surface to be completely filled again.

This time, all the main forces of the World Government were turned into ashes under Asahi's last punch.

"Boss, you don't need to call us next time something like this happens. Calling us over just to watch the show. My ability is useless this time!"

Belo Betty, who is next to Dragon, said speechlessly. She has eaten Pump-Pump Fruit. And once she used her ability, she can enhance others' fighting spirit, courage, etc. which is equivalent to increasing the strength of the people.

Originally, Betty's ability would play a huge role in the war. It was like that there were 10,000 people on both sides, and each person's combat power was one, but when Betty used her ability, her side's combat power would increase by 50%. With that increase, the other side can only be defeated helplessly, and there is no suspense anymore.

This is Betty's ability, but now, because of Asahi and the others' series of crazy attacks and ultra-long-range strikes, no one was left behind in the World Government's entire fleet.

This is the aggrieved part of being physical fighter. It's good to be able to get close, but when you can't get close, your ability is restricted, then you will be a sitting duck. Even Akainu has suffered from sea water, and can't play much role.

"How should I say this… This is the largest war I have ever seen, but it is also the most trivial war I have ever seen!"

In Sabaody Archipelago, looking at the war that ended in this way, Rayleigh didn't know what to say.

It was super-large-scale energy bomb erupting, then meteorites fell, and then everyone was sucked up, especially the person who made the last move. Rayleigh couldn't help being frightened with that punch. If this punch fell on Sabaody Archipelago, Sabaody Archipelago would completely disappear.

He has always thought that the fists of Garp, Whitebeard and Roger were the most terrifying, but today, he has seen the truth. Compared with that person, Whitebeard and the others are nothing at all.

At the same time, the Marine and the Revolutionary Army, who were already very nervous, didn't know what to say. It's because this time, there was nothing they could do, and they're just standing like an idiot the whole time.