Chapter 247 Destroying Mary Geoise

"Everyone, listen up! Next, we will go directly to Mary Geoise. What you have to do next is to rescue all the slaves in Mary Geoise. And if you encounter Celestial Dragons on the way, just arrest them!"

Just when the others looked bored, Sengoku turned on the Den-Den Mushi loudspeaker and told everyone what to do next. In an instant, these people became energetic again. After all, they finally have something to do, so no matter whether it's Marine or the Revolutionary Army, they were all excited.

One is because of the contrast between before and after the war, and the other is because they really hate those Celestial Dragons. The Revolutionary Army can't wait to chop those Celestial Dragons 100,000 times, and most of the Marines are extremely dissatisfied with what Celestial Dragons did.

In the past, Marine was attached to the World Government, and Celestial Dragons was called the world nobles, so they had no choice but to hold back no matter how dissatisfied they were, including Garp.

No matter how much dissatisfaction they have, they can only hold back, and they have no way to trouble these people.

But now, they finally have this opportunity, so all of them seemed to thirst for blood.

After seeing this scene, Asahi directly stretch his hand, and the Revolutionary Army plus all Marine's troops were reduced to the size of a palm by him, and then, he took them directly to Mary Geoise. The same is true for the live broadcast equipment, as it was also directly transferred here.

After Asahi put everyone down, all of them are dumbfounded. It's because they appeared here in the blink of an eye, so it would be strange if they're not stunned.

"This method, as always, makes people speechless."

Sengoku and the others all looked helpless, and then they told everyone about the situation.

It is equivalent to being sent here by Asahi in the blink of an eye, as his ability is incredible to the extreme.

At this moment, Sengoku and the others are grateful for the original decision they made, 'Fortunately, we didn't fight against this person, otherwise, our end would be the same as the World Government.'

After gathering such a huge fleet, only one Mihawk survived. As for Kong, although he was their boss, after he went to the World Government, he no longer belongs to the Marine, and he's also an enemy this time, so Sengoku has nothing to say.

After Marine and the Revolutionary Army learned about the specific situation, they rushed into Mary Geoise directly. There are not many guards in Mary Geoise itself, as all the people are all pulled to the battlefield. Who would have thought that Asahi's methods are so terrifying? A series of big moves was thrown, and the fleet was directly destroyed.

Although the remaining Five Elders also watched the live broadcast, Asahi came too fast, so they had no time to react. Suddenly, the so-called Holy Land Mary Geoise turned into a sea of ​​flames, and guns' sound continued to be heard everywhere.

"You can't touch me, the hell out of here, how dare you, I'm a Celestial Dragons!"

In the ruins, a blood-stained Celestial Dragons held a gun and glared at the soldiers in front of him furiously. He never expected that someone would rush to Mary Geoise one day and directly attack the Celestial Dragons.

Back then, Fisher Tiger only released the slaves, but now. these people have actually attacked them.

But just after he finished speaking, a bullet hit his hand. After being shot, the Celestial Dragons naturally couldn't hold the gun anymore. The gun fell directly to the ground, and he also became a prisoner.

However, not all Celestial Dragons are scums, and there are small numbers of them who are not scums. Even so, Dragon doesn't care about these. If they leave a Celestial Dragons, then they'll be leaving a chain of hatred. He can only leave the children as much as possible, after all, the children are innocent.

This is his bottom line. He can't do a complete genocide. After all, they are the Revolutionary Army, not the World Government, and they can't do these things without a bottom line.

The slaves, who were released, are also frantically looking for those who oppressed them, and retaliated against them, causing the scene to become very chaotic.

However, after the slaves were released, Asahi directly ordered everyone to leave Mary Geoise. Although everyone was a little puzzled, they could only respect this order. The people who held the Five Elders back was also transferred away by Asahi.

"What's going on? Those guys actually retreated… Do they know something?"

At the moment, the Five Elders' complexion is not very good. They came out only to delay time, as Im has already activated the final weapon. The reason why the World Government has not had any problems until now, it's also because of this thing, Uranus. However, before Uranus could be taken out, the other party has already retreated. They felt like punching on cotton, which is extremely uncomfortable.

"Cruel Sun!"

However, the Five Elders soon heard a very loud voice. But the shocking thing was, after the sound came into their ears, they felt that even their souls were shaking.

At this moment, Asahi, who was in the sky, didn't intend to play with the World Government at all. Instead, he condensed a sun in his hand and threw it straight down.

Asahi doesn't care what Uranus is, and he also doesn't bother to care. He felt that it's enough to just push everything directly with brute force. He doesn't need to know what this thing is, and he doesn't need to care what it can do.

These so-called ancient weapons are indeed very powerful. However, even if Shirahoshi can fully awaken her power and control the Sea Kings of the entire sea, how can this be regarded as her own strength? Shirahoshi herself is still extremely weak. And although these Sea Kings is huge, their strength is just that, so it is too simple to kill them. Because of that, Asahi doesn't care about these so-called ancient weapons at all.

After this sun fall, it immediately expanded into a huge sun, which directly shrouded the Red Line.

The top of the Red Line, where Mary Geoise was located, was directly bombarded into nothingness, while the sun continued to fall, breaking the Red Line in the middle, creating a huge gap. From then on, there will be an unimpeded path between Grand Line and New World.

The huge gap can accommodate large fleets traveling pass at the same time, and Mary Geoise has become a thing of the past.

All the people who watched the live broadcast were speechless when they saw this scene. They all became silent, as this scene was so shocking that their hearts were constantly trembling.

The World Government, the extremely huge existence that has stood for hundreds of years, has been wiped out in this way, and all of this seems like a dream.