Chapter 250 I Reached Here Without a Guide

In three days, the whole headquarters of the new government was already crowded with people, and there's not even enough for them to stand in this Baltigo. Because of that, Hashirama simply took action again and continued to expand the huge tree in all directions. Baltigo's land area then expanded more than ten times, and land can no longer be seen on the entire island.

Right now, the entire island is just a huge tree. The land has been completely buried by the tree, and it might be the same as Sabaody Archipelago, which is created from tree.

It's just that this wood is a bit too hard, and not only it has area wide, even if someone set a fire on the island, they won't hurt this tree much. This tree has long been strengthened by Hashirama, and it has become as hard as steel, and it is also impermeable to water and fire.

This is the awesomeness of Hashirama, as he created a world wonder in a blink of an eye.

"Asahi-sama, that… What about those pirates who come here?"

At this moment, Baltigo can be said to be a mixed bag. Basically, there are still a large number of pirates coming in, just like when Roger was executed. Since the Celestial Dragons were about to be executed, many pirates have come to see it.

"Don't worry about those guys for the time being. Just wait until the Four Emperors are taken care of. After the Four Emperors are gone, we can just hit them hard, moreover, this is Marine's business, and it is not what you need to do!"

Asahi knew that the pirates will be endless. No matter how strong you are, you can't finish them all, because the human heart has no limit, so no matter how much you fight, it is useless. He also won't hit the pirates too badly. After all, once the situation between the two parties became imbalanced, it might be possible for the Marine to become the same as those Marines in East Blue.

Although the monitoring can be strengthened, there are always some things that you can't monitor. To put it bluntly, nothing can be done to perfection, and even Asahi has to admit this.

Including the Shinobi World he has controlled. There are still some people who are constantly doing things, but these people can't make any waves.

The same is true for the One Piece World, so it's not a big deal at all, and Asahi won't care about the so-called justice and evil in this world. He doesn't care about it, it's as simple as that. To put it bluntly, his purpose is only two, to dig the wall and directly occupy it after digging it, it's that simple. As for those good vs. evil, they are not within his scope of consideration.

The execution had not yet fully started yet, and soon, the staff reported to Asahi and others.

"Report, the Pirate Empress, Boa Hancock wants to meet you, sir!"

After the soldier found everyone, he said his purpose, and hearing this, everyone's expressions became a little weird, even Asahi, but he quickly reacted and almost guessed the reason.

Regarding this, Asahi didn't say much, but went to meet Hancock directly. He was busy dealing with the Marine and the World Government's matters before, so he forgot about Hancock. It can be said that attacking Hancock is very simple as long as you know the method. Of course, the same. Knowing that the method is very simple, it is still more difficult to completely follow the guide.

For Hancock, the focus is on the Celestial Dragons, but once you touch Celestial Dragons, there is no need to say more about the result. If you don't have enough strength, you will be chased by them to death.

However, with enough strength, it will be easy to do this. As there's no need to be afraid of the other party chasing you.

Asahi also knows that Hancock asked to meet him this time, is probably because of what he did during the live broadcast. After all, the whole Mary Geoise was directly annihilated by him. When Asahi appeared on the scene this time, his reputation became quite high.

And now, the title of the Strongest Man in the World has moved from Whitebeard to his head.

Soon, Asahi saw Hancock and her group, but at this moment, they were surrounded by a group of soldiers from the new government, after all, they are pirates.

"Okay, you all can go!"

After Asahi came, he dismissed these soldiers, and these soldiers naturally knew Asahi's strength, so they left without saying a word. Not only they knew Asahi's strength is placed here, they also knew his status.

"Pirate Empress, what do you call me for!"

Although he basically knows what the other party was thinking, Asahi is still a little amused looking at Hancock, who is a little embarrassed at this moment.

"I… I just want to meet the new World's Strongest Man!"

Hancock stammered a bit for some reason, while the others almost stared out their eyes. It can't be helped. After all, the Pirate Empress, who is extremely arrogant and even disdainful of everyone, would actually show such shy girl attitude. It's not strange for everyone to be shocked.

As for Hancock's two sisters, because they know their sisters well, they naturally know what is going on. They are also a little speechless about this.

"It's just because of this or because of the Celestial Dragons or because of the… mark on your back?"

Asahi said with amused tone. In the original work, Hancock showed such an expression to Luffy.

"You… how did you know!"

Hancock was stunned, but didn't think it's too strange. After all, even though people who knew that she had been a slave before were only a few, as her reputation continues to skyrocket, the World Government's higher-ups can find out her details with a random check, so o does Marine.

"Isn't it normal? After all, I have a lot of subordinates, so it is normal to know this kind of thing!"

Asahi shook his head.


Hancock wanted to say something more, but Asahi waved his hand directly.

"I know what you are going to say. This kind of thing is actually not a big deal. After all, it's no one's fault. But in the future, your Amazon Lily should not continue to be a pirate group. Since Amazon Lily is a country, then honestly be a country. The new government will include your Amazon Lily on the list of the countries."

"You don't have to continue to be your pirate. Well, I will also give you a small gift. After you go back, remember to look in the mirror. Check you guys' backs. Then, I'll leave first if it's okay with you. As there's still the execution of the Celestial Dragons!"

After saying that, Asahi left directly. He almost knew what Hancock was thinking at this moment.