Chapter 251 The Celestial Dragons' Punishment

After Asahi left for a while, Hancock and others finally came back to their senses.

"Nee-san, can we really stop being pirates in the future?"

Hancock's two younger sisters were a little confused. Amazon Lily made a living as a pirate group because of their special circumstances, but now, it was directly washed out by Asahi. This made them a bit speechless, as their pirate group suddenly becomes not a pirate.

"Perhaps, but this is also good. By the way, I recalled he asked me to go back and look in the mirror. What does that mean?"

Hancock's face was a little puzzled, and then she thought of a possibility, but she felt that it was a bit too ridiculous. Even so, she still couldn't help leading the others back to their ship first, then she hides in the room with her two sisters and took a look at her back in the mirror. After that, she found that the ugly mark on her back had really disappeared, including her two younger sisters'.

"This… how on earth did this happen? Why did the mark be erased so easily?"

At this moment, Hancock's complexion is extremely wonderful. It is obvious that Asahi has not done anything, but the marks of their backs have disappeared. She is completely confused by what operation this is.

When she came back to her senses, she burst into tears of joy. It's no wonder she was so happy when she encountered such a thing. At this moment, Hancock is completely devoted to Asahi. After some venting, Hancock returned to her previous haughty posture.

The three sisters will no longer have to worry about their backs being seen in the future. After that, Hancock led the others into the crowd again, preparing to watch the execution of the Celestial Dragons.

After Asahi found Dragon, he talked about Amazon Lily's matter to Dragon. Regarding this, Dragon and the other higher-ups stared at him with expressions like 'Are you still human?' It can't be helped, as it is too abnormal.

Only a few minutes for him to leave, but he already took the Pirate Empress down, isn't this nonsense…

"This… How did this happen? And how long did it take!"

At this moment, Sengoku is a little confused. When he thinks about his own situation, he feels depressed. He himself has not gotten a family because of the Marine. He's indeed very miserable. But look at Asahi, there are a group of girls around him. Moreover, there are also some who come to his door eagerly, and it only took him a few minutes from the meeting to taking her down.

Sengoku suddenly felt a little bitter in his heart. In this regard, some other people who did not have a family were also extremely bitter in their hearts. They had never seen such abnormal person, and those, who did not have a family like Sengoku, suffered a ton of damage at this moment.

But fortunately, the execution of the Celestial Dragons will begin soon. The clothes on these Celestial Dragons have been completely changed, as they are all wearing prison uniforms now. However, Asahi couldn't find the Celestial Dragons, who had been influenced by Princess Otohime, and cast his gaze on Dragon.

"I can't kill those people. Originally, I thought I could just do that, but then, I felt that I would be the same as the World Government if I do that, so I sent those Celestial Dragons away to all parts of the world. At least, it is guaranteed that they will never come into contact with this kind of thing again."

"This kind of thing will no longer be used by other people. As for the few Celestial Dragons that can still be saved, I also arranged them to other places. As for those children who could no longer be saved, I will imprison them. I will release them later, but those Celestial Dragons are very bad, so there is nothing to worry about if there is no accident!"

Dragon told a series of decisions he had made.

Asahi didn't say much about this. What they do is their own business, and Asahi won't meddle in them.

As there's no way Dragon and the others will try to oppose Asahi.

After seeing Asahi's strength, Dragons didn't have any malicious thoughts at all. After all, the gap was too big.

"You can make your own decision, but such a decision is also good. After all, I want you to establish a new government instead of following in the footsteps of the World Government!"

After Asahi left such sentence, he didn't say much more, and the others also agreed with Dragon's decision. At this moment, these Celestial Dragons are dragged onto the stage one by one. All of them have done all the kind of heinous crimes, and they also have extremely bad characters.

"You… damn bastards, we are the Celestial Dragons, how dare you treat us like this…"

Even if they have been thrown onto the execution platform, these Celestial Dragons are still clamoring. Even if they know that the World Government is finished, they still can't forget their identity. This kind of concept has been cultivated since childhood, which is almost equivalent to brainwashing.

And these idiots can't accept reality at all, so even now, they are constantly clamoring, even after knowing that they no longer have backer, they still do so.

"I really don't know what to say. These people are too much of an idiot. They are clearly in this situation, but they are still clamoring!"

Garp said with an unhappy face. He was long since unhappy with the Celestial Dragons. If it wasn't for his identity as a Marine, he might have beaten these Celestial Dragons from long ago.

"Well, this is how they were educated since they were a child after all, so it is normal that they can't be saved. Let's get started!"

Dragon shook his head. He also felt that these Celestial Dragons are too much of an idiot. Of course, he wouldn't think these guys are pitiful, because they didn't even have the right to be pitied. If they are pitiful, then what about those who were killed by them. When he thought about these things, Dragon's anger anger couldn't be suppressed anymore.

But now, it's the execution, and they don't want to do other things, so the Celestial Dragons were executed one by one.

And after seeing someone die, the Celestial Dragons, who were still clamoring before, finally understood the seriousness of the matter. Now is not the time for them to clamor. They can only cry and beg for mercy, but no one will pity them.

After the last Celestial Dragons was executed, the whole Baltigo burst into cheers, and not only Baltigo, but also in other places. After all, it is the best that the heinous Celestial Dragons were just dealt with like this.

However, although Celestial Dragons has been dealt with, there are still many nobles and kingdoms that need to be dealt with. Those guys are also the moths among the moths. The world can't be saved if they don't deal with them. After all, some countries are already dark to the extreme.

So Dragons and the others are still busy. As for Asahi, he wants to focus on… the Four Emperors.