Chapter 252 Go To New World

After everything was over, Asahi gave Dragon a list. This list contained Zoro and the others' name. He didn't plan to let these people go, but he didn't want to dig them himself, so he simply handed it over to Dragon, and let him recruit them.

As for Mihawk, he is now a member of the new government. After all, Asahi saved his life before, but this is not Mihawk's pursuit. After finding Asahi, Mihawk almost committed suicide in front of Asahi, which made Asahi speechless for a while, but afterwards, Asahi gave Hawkeye a series of statements.

The simplest is the world's situation. After the two worlds fused, there are no masters with swords in the Shinobi World, and Mifune the Samurai is not Mihawk's opponent at all, not to mention Kakashi and others, who are not pure swordsman.

But there are powerful swordsmen in other worlds, so after he learned about the situation of the world, Hawkeye became Asahi's subordinate immediately.

He also joined the new government and became a member of the new government. Of course, he is not a person with real power. To put it bluntly, he is a bit similar to Hashirama. They usually have nothing to do and can do whatever they want, and they even get a salary, but when they are needed, they have to make a move, so Hawkeye is in the same situation at this moment.

In order to fight with swordsmen from the other worlds, he has completely joined the new government. This sword idiot is made Asahi kind of speechless.

Since the list was handed over to Dragon, he can slowly figure out the way to recruit these people. As for Luffy, he is indeed a big trouble, but it is not impossible to take care of him. He can just let Dragon directly take Luffy to see what those pirates did.

Luffy is muscle-brained. And the reason why he wants to be a pirate is because Garp and Shanks show him the good side, so Luffy wants to be the so-called Pirate King in pursuit of freedom.

In the past, did Roger and others really like to be pirates? It's mainly the World Government who made them pirates. After all, those who pursue freedom will come into contact with the dark history of the World Government. Moreover, this group of people cannot be controlled, so they can only be regarded as pirates.

Over time, the group of people doing adventurers slowly became pirates. This is also a very cheating behavior, so Dragon should take Luffy to look at the so-called pirates, and it is best to distinguish the concepts of adventurers and pirates in this guy's mind.

As for Asahi, he set his sights on the Four Emperors. His first target was naturally Whitebeard and Shanks. He'll ask them throw away their pirate hats, and they will be legal existence in the future, which is equivalent to the type of feudal official.

Asahi has to admit that under the management of the Four Emperors, except for Kaido's territory, several other places are still very good.

Regarding Big Mom, she's actually not that bad. To survive in the New World, if it's replaced by Asahi and if he doesn't have the strength, he will also choose to give his lifespan to survive under Big Mom.

Regarding Whitebeard, as long as he is still in power, his territory won't have any troubles. After that is Shanks, Shanks's territory is incomparable with the others. After all, he only became famous in the later period and didn't have many manpower, but the deterrent power from his title as one of the Four Emperors is still there, so under deterrence, he also managed a part of the New World.

Only Kaido is different. Kaido is basically treating the people in his territory as slaves, so this lunatic needs to be severely taken care of. As for Big Mom, to be honest, as long as Big Mom is gone, most of her family can be kept.

Big Mom's children are also mixed. Although most of them are brutal, it's not impossible to change them, so Big Mom and Kaido must be taken care of, but these two will be put in the end. Asahi will still first focus on Shanks and Whitebeard, as it will be easy to take these two down first.

If they can obtain a legal identity, these two people should not refuse his proposal.

Right now, Dragon and the others are busy integrating the power of the new government. After they are fully integrated, there are still some other countries that need to be dealt with. There are also a lot of these countries in the Grand Line and the Four Blues. And most of Marine's energy is still focused on the pirates. After losing the radicals, Marine has become more stable internally. Although the number of combat forces decreased, the reputation of the new Marine is undoubtedly better, so there are a lot of talents recruited.

Everything is moving in a good direction. As for Asahi, he found Shanks directly. At this moment, Shanks is having a banquet with his crew on an island. This is their life.

To be honest, Asahi finds it a bit unbelievable. After all, people who stay together for a long time will inevitably have some small conflicts. Even a student dormitory will be divided into several parties, such as who plays well with whom.

But the Shanks and his group are very strange, or many of these pirates are very weird.

These people can live together very easily, and there's no conflicts between them. So for Asahi, it can be regarded as an eye-opener.

Of course, Asahi doesn't know much about Shanks's people, but he still knows about Yasopp, at least he was quite disdainful about this person. After all, this guy abandoned his wife and children for his dream. To be honest, everyone has dreams, but the situation of realizing the dream is also different.

Shanks and the others went to East Blue many times, but Yasopp has never seen his wife and children even once. Asahi felt that this kind of person has a huge problem in character.

Is Asahi a womanizer? Of course, after all, he has a lot of girls around him, but will he such thing like abandoning his wife and children? Of course not.

At least, he still has his own bottom line, but Yasopp is different. How many times Shanks used to go to East Blue? But this guy still never thought of visiting his family even once.

Asahi couldn't understand how could Shanks recruit this kind of person and treat him as his companion.