Chapter 253 Almost Fighting

"Shanks, are you not worried at all? The World Government has been taken down. After the new government and the new Marine are established, our situation will not be very good. Maybe they will come to us soon!"

At this moment, Beckman looked at a group of carefree crew members and a captain who was more carefree than the other crew members, and was very speechless, 'Don't you all have any sense of crisis at all?' Such a huge behemoth like the World Government is gone, but Shanks and the others are not even worried about it… They're only eating, drinking and partying, making Beckman very speechless.

"You have already said this many times, and even if you are worried, it is useless. The World Government is not the opponent of the other party at all, and even their trump card is destroyed before it is shown, and they were destroyed without any resistance, so what can we do if we resist?"

Shanks accepted it calmly. Of course, he has actually made up his mind. If the other party really wants to kill him, then he will bite off a piece of the other party's flesh. Don't look at him being so carefree now, in fact, he has already made a decision in his heart.

And when it comes to this kind of time, it is a bit useless to worry about it. If precaution is useful, Shanks will definitely take precautions, but even if they take precautions, it will be useless, that's why he doesn't worry about this.

Beckman also has nothing to say about this. If the other party really act against them, they indeed couldn't do anything to resist, but to be honest, it is not his character to just sit and wait for death, and he always can't help but think about it.

"He's right. If I want to do anything to you, you really won't be able to resist."

Asahi walked out, a little amused at this moment, and he just sat across the group of people calmly. At this moment, everyone fell silent. They were laughing just now, but at this moment, all their expressions froze at the same time.

But in the next second, after coming back to their sense, everyone directly left their positions and put on a defensive posture.

"No need to be panicked. If I want to do something to you guys, I would have done it from before, and you won't even have the power to resist!"

Asahi waved his hand helplessly. If he wanted to act against them, he didn't need to come out. He can just throw down a big move at these people, and they would all be finished.

"Okay, just relax for now. Since you came to us, sir, can you tell us what do you want? Otherwise, me and my companions will not be able to relax!"

Shanks said very helplessly. He just talked about this matter, and in the end, the person he was talking about appeared in front of him, but it seems that he is not looking for trouble, so he felt that the situation is not bad.

"It's not a big deal, but I still have to go to Whitebeard later. After all, I am looking for you for the same purpose. Come with me. I don't want to bother saying these words a second time!"

After saying that, Asahi directly used space movement to transfer everyone to Whitebeard's Moby Dick. At this moment, Whitebeard was sitting on the deck, watching the sea calmly, and there was no one else around.

But this is normal. Even in the Whitebeard's ship, it is impossible to have a party every day, and at this time, it has long passed the meal time, and the other Division Commanders probably already went to rest.

"Red-haired brat!"

Seeing Shanks' group suddenly appearing, Whitebeard couldn't help but blinked his eyes, but he immediately released his Obsevation Haki, and then confirmed that Shanks' group is indeed here, and he was immediately shocked. He wondered if Shanks is trying to start a war with him.

"It's Whitebeard, so this must be Whitebeard's main ship. Whitebeard, don't do anything, we are not here to fight!"

Shanks and the others were also stunned, but after seeing Whitebeard's action, Shanks immediately spoke up. He was not afraid of Whitebeard, but there are his other crew members here.

"Well, you suddenly appeared on my ship. You didn't even say hello, and you dare to say that you didn't come to fight."

Whitebeard didn't believe Shanks's words at all. After all, with them appearing here so suddenly, there's more than 90% chance of them being enemy.

"He was right, they were transferred here by me, and they really didn't come to fight!"

At this time, Asahi spoke. He was a little speechless, as he didn't expect that his sense of existence would be so low that he was ignored directly.

"It's you! The person who destroyed the World Government… What is going on?"

This time, Whitebeard was also dumbfounded, and Whitebeard's voice also alarmed the others. The nearest ship was Marco's ship, and he immediately flew over after hearing his father's voice. And the others naturally rushed over.

"Calm down, I have something to do with you, and because I don't want to explain the second time, I brought them here too!"

Asahi said calmly. Even though they almost started fighting a second ago, it was not out of his control, and it didn't matter even if a fight broke out, as he can take care of everyone easily.

"Then talk about it. Why a big man like you look for us pirates?"

After Whitebeard looked at Shanks with a confused expression, he didn't intend to do anything, but directly sat on the deck again.

"In fact, it is not too troublesome. It's just… I want you to throw away your title as pirates. Your territory in the New World will still be yours, and you can still manage your own territory. But from now on, you can't bear the title of the Four Emperors, how is it?"

Asahi immediately stated his purpose. There is no need to kill Whitebeard and Shanks, and there is no need to fight them either, but their title as pirate cannot be kept, and so are the title as the Four Emperors.

"You mean, make me become Shichibukai? How could I agree to that kind of thing!"

Hearing this, Whitebeard glared at Asahi angrily at the moment. After all, this statement is the same as becoming Shichibukai.

"Wait, wait, don't lose your temper. It's not Shichibukai. As I said, I want you to throw away the title of the Four Emperors, and after that, you are free. The new government will not do anything to you anymore, even if you build a nation. Of course, I personally want you to build a nation even more, as it's a lot better."

"Shichibukai and king are two concepts. Now that the new government is established, you also know that I am going to take care of the Four Emperors, but regarding you two, I don't need to say more about it. I don't want to waste my time and kill you, so as long as you throw away the title of Four Emperors and pirates, you can do whatever you want, even if you go to Raftel, no one will care."

Asahi explained in detail again. This is not Shichibukai, but after Whitebeard and the others found a country, they will still become a member of the new government. It is not that he does not want to reunify the world in one breath, but it's mainly because there are too many countries in the world and the forces are too mixed.