Chapter 254 Whitebeard and Shanks's Compromise

The countries, forces, etc. in the One Piece World would be innumerable once they are counted, and there are also free forces, etc. If Asahi want to completely unify them all, the time and energy required are too much. It is better to let the new government take the lead and re-organize the subordinate countries, and then use time to slowly assimilate these countries, just like the World Government in the past.

Although the world also has a large number of countries, the World Government has absolute control over most of the countries. The new government he established is stronger than the original World Government, and when the subordinate countries is formed later, it will become the same as the World Government's.

This is equivalent to another kind of control, otherwise, it will be impossible to take control of these countries one by one, moreover, it is estimated that after he made this decision, Dragon and the others would immediately turn against him. For the corrupt countries, it is fine to do it, and they will definitely agree, but some other countries that love their people are different. If he really does it, the world would turn against them in an instant, and another war will break out. Asahi can indeed take care of the war himself, but the aftermath will be very bad. In this way, he will become the second World Government, and a new Revolutionary Army will rise up and cause trouble again.

After thinking about it, Asahi decisively chose to take the original route of the World Government, but he would not do things like the World Government, which is equivalent to making the new government an empire, while other countries are the kingdoms under the management of the empire.

It's just a different statement, and the truth is the same. In this way, the evil of this world will be in the bag, and now, the last piece is the New World.

"Let the old man build a nation…"

Marco, who flew over, also heard the content of the conversation. This is indeed a huge difference from Shichibukai. Shichibukai is serving as a dog for the World Government and obtains a legal pirate status, but now, the promised given to Whitebeard and Shanks are different.

From now on, they will be civilians, not pirates, and if they build a country, they will become kings, completely different from pirates.

"Gurararara, interesting, interesting, so the red-haired brat is the same as me, but what do you want to do with the other two?"

In fact, Whitebeard is moved. He has long lost his previous thoughts of fighting for hegemony. He just wants to live a good life with his family, so if he obtains a legal identity, even if he dies, his children will not be in trouble in the future, and he doesn't have to worry about the future of his children.

He is different from Shanks. He is old, and he has even started using a lot of medicines. Who knows when he will die, maybe he will lose consciousness once his eyes are closed, so he is very excited now, but he still need to ask about the other two.

Since Asahi only approached him and Shanks, the other two probably won't end well. Hearing Whitebeard's question, Shanks also pricked up his ears. He himself went to sea for adventure, so having a legal status is also very good.

"Those two are different from you. Big Mom's governance is pretty good, but for the sake of desserts, she destroys many countries. Naturally, this kind of people can't stay. As for Kaido, let me tell you, he is much worse than Big Mom."

Asahi said. Big Mom can be said to be the shame of the Four Emperors. Of course, it is not a problem of strength, but a problem of operation. Big Mom is definitely the easiest to kill among the Four Emperors. By just adding some ingredients to the dessert is enough to finish Big Mom. There's no need to do much, just throw some seastone in it is enough to make Big Mom useless.

Moreover, the several homies made by Big Mom are the same as her. They just don't care about everything else if they see their food. One eats fire and the other eats thunder. They are all unreliable types. And once Big Mom goes crazy, she will do everything.

She doesn't care if she is at sea or not. Once she loses her mind, she can be easily lifted off from the ship she's standing. With the ship full of Devil Fruit users, no one would be able to save them when their ship was destroyed. Even King has once defeated Big Mom in the original work. Defeated by one of Four Emperors' Commanders, this is the shame for the Four Emperors.

No matter how to find the reason, Big Mom was indeed defeated at that time, and it was not too difficult for King to kill Big Mom.

As for Kaido, this is what makes Asahi unable to complain. When Kaido first appeared on the stage, he committed suicide crazily, and the things he did were very strange. Asahi always believed that this guy is a tough guy who is not afraid of death.

But when Doflamingo was arrested, this tough guy collapsed, and then howled and cried. His image from before was completely destroyed, and subsequent series of drunkenness operations also made people speechless to the extreme.

In the memoirs, the operation of this guy is also very strange. Strictly speaking, he is a treacherous giant. Don't look at the muscles of this guy, as in terms of treacherousness, only few people can compare to this guy.

And he likes sneak attacks very much. Kozuki Oden was sneak attacked by this guy, otherwise, Kaido might have died in Oden's hands, and Oden was also complained by a lot of people.

In a war, even Asahi knows very well that there can be no sacrifice. Just like the war between the Revolutionary Army and the World Government. Many people say that the World Government cannot have an accident, and if that happen, the sea will become chaotic, and with such situation, a lot of people will die.

But what is the result of continuous indulgence? The World Government has continued to persecute the world, and the final sacrifices are even many times more than that caused by the chaotic time. It can be said that Oden's ideas are always too naive.

Big Mom and Kaido, Asahi will not let these two go, and the Four Emperors must disappear. As for the way of disappearing, it is up to him to decide.

"So it's like that. It seems that I should be thankful that I haven't done evil in these years, otherwise, it is estimated that I will also end up like them!"

Whitebeard said with amused tone. It was unbelievable to hear such words from his mouth. After all, Whitebeard is quite domineering, but now, he is grateful for not in trouble. However, this is also normal, after all, the person he is facing is Asahi.

They all saw how Asahi defeated the World Government at that time. Even if Whitebeard was domineering, he had to admit that Asahi was stronger than him, and also much stronger. Once that kind of attack fell to his pirate group,

his Whitebeard Pirates Group will become history. He has no doubt about it.

"You are very fortunate indeed… So, what's your answer?"

Asahi stopped talking nonsense and asked the two.