Chapter 261 The Otsutsuki Clan Appeared In Advance

After dealing with Big Mom's affairs, Asahi originally planned to deal with Kaido in one go, and after that, the world is probably in his hands completely, but when he was going to deal with Kaido, news came from the Land of Water. Because there is no need to continue to hide, the channel barrier he created before was removed by him, and he has also taken back his Thought Projection. On the Land of Water, there's only the original Land of Water's army left, and everyone else already went back, including Kaguya, who went back to Iwagakure.

And now, his Archive has been connected by Tsunade and others, so he has received some news. In the Shinobi World, some traces of the Otsutsuki Clan were found. This surprised Asahi a little, after all, although the plot was indeed changed beyond recognition by him, the butterfly effect shouldn't happen on the people of the Otsutsuki Clan, so he was very surprised that these guys actually arrived early because it can be regarded as the end to the Naruto's plot.

Hearing this news, Asahi chose to put aside the things in his hands and went back to the Shinobi World directly. Although the guys of the Otsutsuki Clan are all relying on drugs to become stronger, they are basically weaklings, and Kaguya can also handle them, but in order to prevent accidents, it is better for him to go back.

In the blink of an eye, Asahi returned from the One Piece World to Iwagakure. Inside Iwagakure's meeting room, everyone is in a meeting at this moment. Most of the higher-ups are here, and only a small part of them are not wandering around in the village.

And Asahi's appearance is like having a backer, which directly makes everyone no longer have any worries.

"What a convenient ability!"

The people here have all gotten the Natural Energy Sources, but learning this kind of magic is not something they can do overnight. Even if they learn it, they also need a lot of energy if they want to use Space Magic to teleport, so those, who have already learned this magic, can only teleport a short distance. And if they wanted to move over a long distance, they need to keep teleporting short distances and use the number of times to make up for the length.

As for Asahi, he can go wherever he wants, so it's no wonder they envy it.

"If you're jealous, work harder and train more, and you will naturally be able to do it too in the future. Now, tell me about the situation of the Otsutsuki Clan!"

Asahi opened his mouth and said. After that, Tsunade and the others stopped talking digressing, and talked about the Otsutsuki Clan.

"The first person who found them was Jiraiya, and Jiraiya also recorded their appearance. It seems that it's because the Chakra inside Jiraiya is very large, so it attracted the other party."

As Tsunade said that, she projected the information. After seeing these three people, Asahi also confirmed that it is indeed the Otsutsuki Trio, Momoshiki, Kinshiki, Urashiki, an idiot, a servant with brain damage, and someone, which is a little better than the two.

In Tsunade's introduction, Jiraiya flees afterwards. If he fought them alone, then with Jiraiya's current strength, he is not the other party's opponent at all. After all, these three people have Six Paths-level combat power.

After taking his own subordinate as drugs, the fused Momoshiki only became the opponent of the weakened Sasuke and Naruto, and even lost to Boruto, who is using Naruto's Rasengan.

It's not a problem for Jiraiya to take care of one, and he might be barely able to take care two. But when the three of them work together, Jiraiya is a little bit overwhelmed. After all, he is not very strong. Excluding the Natural Energy Source, he is only a Super Kage-Level when using Sage Mode. And with the Natural Energy Source, he might reach these people's level.

The other party's strength can be seen, so Kaguya's decision before was really weird, but it's true when you think about it, after all, Kaguya doesn't understand how to use her power, and she naturally doesn't know the strength of the person chasing her, so it's kind of normal for Kaguya to make such a stupid plan.

Kaguya's character is also a little more cautious.

"I see, is there any news from White Zetsu?"

Asahi asked. Although most of the White Zetsu were sent to the One Piece World, there are still a lot of White Zetsu in the Shinobi World, and the manufacturing of White Zetsu is still going on. As for the candidates, they are naturally those death row prisoners, as well as the pirates of the One Piece World, which can be used as raw materials to make White Zetsu, so it can be regarded as waste utilization.

"It's useless. Their range of perception is stronger than that of White Zetsu, and they also have Rinnegan, so it is impossible for White Zetsu to determine their position. It is also because of Jiraiya's strength that those three began to become more careful!"

After saying that, Tsunade rolled her eyes at Jiraiya. After Momoshiki and the others found Jiraiya, they had a fight. Although Jiraiya was not their opponent and ran away, it was a three-on-one situation, so because Jiraiya's performance was too strong, these three guys who were supposed to be aggressive, have become cautious now, which made them more difficult to deal with.

"You can't blame me for this kind. I can't just sit back and take the beating, right!"

Jiraiya feels wronged. How can he be blamed for this kind of thing? He is just fighting back.

"Okay, don't mention this kind of thing anymore, leave finding them to me. Finding them is nothing It's too difficult, and if nothing unexpected happens, they probably have already started coming this way."

"With Rinnegan's ability, they will know that the Biju are in our Iwagakure, and it will be a matter of time to find it. Of course, I still feel that being passively beaten is not something I like!"

After Asahi finished speaking, he released his perception. There're too many strange abilities from his magic, and there are also large-scale perceptions, but it is still a bit of a dream to perceive a whole world with them.

Of course, Asahi is different. He also has the blessing of the perception ability from Sunshine, and the other is the most important point, the limiter. After having the limiter, all of his abilities are continuously improved.

So his perception range is also improved, and the coverage area now is quite terrifying.

Asahi's perception domain spread, and everyone's energy reactions appeared in his mind, which can be understood as similar to when Professor X perceives mutants.

Of course, Asahi didn't read everyone's thought, as this is not his ability. This is equivalent to using his eyes to find someone in the crowd. He would not do such thing like reading people's thoughts. All he perceives is energy, whether their vitality is huge or not, and the vitality and energy of the Otsutsuki Clan are much larger than others, so it is very convenient and easy to search in this way.