Chapter 262 The Possibility of Mastering The Same Ability of Big Mom

After Asahi released his perception domain, all the energy and life reactions appeared, and here, besides him, the one with the greatest vitality is Kaguya. After spreading out of the village, the most massive is Kyubi, as the energy of Biju is also very huge.

But these are not what Asahi cares about. He continues to spread out his perception, and soon, Asahi perceives three huge energy responses. With these three energy responses and vitality, Asahi doesn't need to think to know the situation.

"I found them… what are you doing?"

After Asahi opened his eyes, he saw the group of people walking around Zeus and Prometheus, and even Tsunade and the others were poking at them with their fingers, but these two guys are very calm, and there is no overreaction.

The two know very well that the people here must have something to do with Asahi, so they will definitely not get mad.

"What are these two little things? I have forgotten to ask you just now!"

After Asahi appeared, the eyes of everyone were attracted by these two little things. After all, when they were not in combat form, these two guys were much more adorable than ordinary pets.

"You should also have the information about the Four Emperors I gave you. These two guys are Prometheus and Zeus. When I dealt with Big Mom, I recruited them to my side, and helped them evolve, so I brought them with me now!"

Looking at these two little things, Asahi explained for a while. He thought the others didn't care about these two, but he didn't expect that when he checked the tracks of those guys, these people started to become interested in them.

"This is Homies? That guy's ability is very special!"

Looking at these two little things, the eyes of the girls began to change, after all, girls really don't have much resistance to cute things.

"Yes, it's very special. Even I can't do this, but I can study it, and maybe I can do it in the future!"

Asahi said. He can't do this kind of thing, as there are too many strange abilities in One Piece World. But after talking about this, Asahi narrowed his eyes, 'Is it really impossible to do it? It seems that I might be able to do it.'

It must be known that Zeref can create demons, which Asahi has also tried himself. However, this world is not a magical world, so it is almost impossible to create those top-level demons, and because of that, Asahi gave up at that time.

As for the One Piece World, the materials in that world are much simpler than the Shinobi World. Seastone has some use, but is also not very useful, but now, Big Mom can give life to dead objects, so Asahi feels that he should change his way of thinking.

He doesn't have to be completely constrained by Zeref's abilities. Just like before, when he created the Natural Energy Source for the people around him, it was modified by him by referring to the Magic Power Source, and it took him a lot of thinking.

To put it bluntly, this ability is already complete, and as long as he wants to, he can change and modify it. He only reached to this thought when he was reminded by the others. After all, the mystery involved in magic is not comparable to Big Mom's Devil Fruit ability.

So in the future, he will try to see if you can achieve something similar to Big Mom. Big Mom's ability is to extracts the life span, which is a part of the soul, and matter regarding soul is already at Asahi's fingertips.

Because of that, Asahi thinks that he would be able to create this kind of existence like Big Mom. In this case, can use his ability to make some transformations for Prometheus and Zeus. Irene can enchant weapons to have lives, so he might be able to do that for Prometheus and Zeus.

Of course, after this idea appeared, it was temporarily suppressed by Asahi, as it's not the time to think about this. After all, the amount of engineering is not small, and it will take time to fully research it.

"Okay, we'll talk about Zeus and Prometheus later, let's deal with those Otsutsuki first."

Asahi glanced at Kaguya and said. Don't look at Kaguya being very calm now, right now, she is still a little flustered. Even if she now knows that the opponent's strength is not as good as her own, their combat experience is not as good as her own, and she can even crush the other party easily, this kind of fear still can't completely disappear.

It's like the fear of teachers and parents when you are young. This kind of thing will not disappear even after you grow up. The fear of your teacher has been rooted in your mind. So the current Kaguya still has a certain fear regarding the other party.

"Let's go, let's deal with those guys!"

Asahi estimated that even if Momoshiki eats Kinshiki, he would only be half a step of Six Paths-Level, and there is still one step left before he can fully enter the Six Paths-Level, otherwise, he will not be beaten by the weakened version of Naruto and Sasuke.

At that time, Naruto was unable to enter the Six Paths Sage Mode, and Sasuke was also nerfed by a lot. Neither of them had the power of Yin-Yang Release, so their combat power fell to the Super Kage-Level.

Based on this calculation, after these guys are combined, they will only be half-step Six Paths-Level at most, unless it is a combination of three people, but this shouldn't happen.

Asahi took everyone directly to the hiding place of the Otsutsuki Trio. At this moment, these three guys are hiding in a forest.

"I didn't expect there would be such a strong person exist in this planet. I wonder how many such strong people there are. In addition to Chakra, there is another very special energy in his body. That's why he can have the ability to fight us. What kind of energy is that?"

At this moment, the three were chatting about their fight with Jiraiya. They are from the Otsutsuki Clan, and Chakra is their root. When Kaguya came to this world, they forcibly used the nutrients of this planet to cultivate Chakra fruit, which is equivalent to the root of the tree absorbing energy from this planet, and feed it back to the tree, and then the tree would bloom and bear fruit.

Strictly speaking, the chakra of the sacred tree also originated from the Natural Energy of this planet, it's just that the God Tree itself is equivalent to a converter, so the energy conversion has been completed, but these people are not the God Tree.

So at this moment, they are greedy for Jiraiya's strange energy, but they can't directly absorb these energy. They can only use the power of the God Tree to do that, so they are now thinking about whether they can find an opportunity to take away this energy and make it into drugs.

It has to be said that the Otsutsuki Can is really wasting their talent. If they train honestly, with their terrifying lifespan, they would have reached a terrifying level long ago, and they will not need to rely on drugs blindly.

It seems that taking drugs is very refreshing, and they can burst out powerful power when they eat it, but there is not much difference between this stuff and doping. It's just that the effect is countless times stronger than doping.