Chapter 263 Drug Users

"I found you!"

While the three of them were constantly chatting about the new energy topic, Asahi brought people here, and the moment he came here, he blocked the surrounding space, so even if they have space ability, they can't run away.

Asahi brought the others here just to take a look at these three guys. As for the one taking action, he must do it himself. The strength of these three guys is good and they're good experience package, so he will not let them go.


Seeing an extra group of people suddenly appearing in front of them, all the three were shocked, but soon, they saw Kaguya. These guys all have Byakugan, but this Byakugan has not evolved, so that's why it is said that they are wasting their talent.

To put it bluntly, this group of people from the Otsutsuki Clan is not as good as Hamura, who can evolve his Byakugan to Tenseigan. This group of people is exactly the same as before, and even if their strengths are close to the Six Paths-Level, but in real fight, their combat power will be weaker by one level. After all, they don't have any combat experience.

It's okay to deal if they're dealing with rookies, but dealing with the existence of the same level and higher level existence, they would only be tortured.

"So it's you!"

Looking at the three guys in front of her, Kaguya just said a sentence and didn't say anything more. She is now at a higher level. These three people are already much weaker than her before, but now, Kaguya is a super strong existence even among Six Paths-Level existence.

Coupled with all kinds of weird methods and her Tenseigan, she is strongest outside of Asahi, and she got these strengths by working hard, so she naturally disdains these guys who only know how to take drugs.

"I was still worried about where to find you, but I didn't expect you to come out and hand over the fruits of the God Tree by yourself!"

As a drug addict, what they look forward to most is the fruit of the God Tree. And beside Urashiki, the other two directly attacked Kaguya.

"Eighty Gods Vacuum Attack!"

A large number of Chakra giant fists like Hashirama's True Several Thousand Hands blasted towards the three, but the power of this Chakra fist is much greater than Hashirama's True Several Thousand Hands. The terrifying power was released crazily, and the surrounding terrain was changed.

"Tsk tsk, the attack is really ruthless, I hope those guys won't be killed directly!"

Asahi is a bit speechless. He still wanted to harvest a wave of experience, so he hoped that these guys wouldn't be hammered to death directly.

In the forest that had been turned into ruins, soon, the three drug addicts stood up again, but they have become a lot more haggard. They could not stop Kaguya's attack at all, but they managed to use Rinnegan to absorb most of its power.

To put it bluntly, Kaguya's Eighty Gods Vacuum Attack was just to check the other party's strength, so it was not surprising that it was absorbed. However, they couldn't absorb it completely, and could only absorb most of it, so the remaining small part still injured them.

"Damn it, did she become this strong because she devoured the Chakra Fruit? She actually injured us like this with just one move!"

At this moment, Momoshiki's anger was gushing out. He didn't expect that the other party's strength would surpass them by too much.

In addition to anger, Momoshiki's fire of jealousy is also blazing. Since Kaguya can directly and permanently gain such power, which is much better than the effect of refining medicine, what if he's the one who ate the Chakra Fruit? Won't he exploded with power? So he was very jealous, envious, and burned with anger.

A few small red pills suddenly appeared in his hand, and then he swallowed them all in one mouthful. At the next moment, the injuries on his body recovered rapidly, and his strength also began to become stronger and stronger. This is the tradition of the drug-addict clan, and after taking the drug, they still look down on people who are training normally.

All three of them took the drugs, and then all their injuries recovered and their strength increased.

"Those things look good!"

Looking at the drugs in those three's hands, Asahi was a little surprised. The power of this thing is not rare, but the healing ability is good. In his opinion, it is like an improved Military Ration Pill. Ordinary Military Ration Pill can only restore Chakra, and this thing can do it too. Moreover, in addition to restoring Chakra, it can also heal the injury. It's a very good thing, and it would be a pity to these people eat it, so Asahi scanned their bodies and transferred all the small pills away directly. Instead of leaving them to waste, it is better to give them to him for research. He can hand them to Orochimaru, and the effect of this thing can also be developed to the highest level.

"Have you seen this? This is the pill of our Otsutsuki Clan, and as long as you swallow this pill, it doesn't matter whether you are injured or overpowered, you can quickly recover, and you can gain longevity!"

At this moment, Momoshiki is like in the original work, he began to introduce the effects of his own medicine like an idiot.

"Hmph, if you felt you are too good, why don't you fight me one-on-one!"

Jiraiya suddenly stepped forward and said. Immediately, Momoshiki's words were stuck in his throat. He naturally recognized Jiraiya. If the three of them had not joined forces at that time, Jiraiya would not have retreated, and they would be the abused party if they fight them alone.

So now that Jiraiya said so, they couldn't say anything.

"Power gained by taking medicine? What if those medicine is gone? don't you know how to train?"

Tsunade was also extremely surprised by these people's method. They have good talent, but they only rely on drugs and never trained.

"Training is just you guys' stupid way of gaining strength, as long as there is medicine… Wait… where's my medicine?"

Momoshiki was very disdainful and wanted to continue mocking them, and planned to take out a few pills to show off, but he suddenly found out that the medicines on his body are gone. He has brought a lot of medicines with him this time, enough for him to replenish his strength several times.

But now, he found that all the medicines he brought are gone. Hearing his exclamation, the other two also checked their body, and the results were the same, their medicines are also gone.

Kinshiki originally didn't have a lot of medicines on his body, perhaps because of his relatively low status, but these few medicines are still gone, and the medicines on the three people have disappeared completely.

Seeing the three people seems to be performing pantomimes, everyone's expressions are quite wonderful, including Kaguya. Kaguya suddenly feels a little ashamed at this moment. She was actually planning so hard to prevent these idiots a thousand years ago. She found that there was something wrong with her brain, what are these idiots worth guarding against?

"Everyone, don't look for itanymore. Your medicines are with me. Since it's all here, then you should be prepared to be our prisoner!"

Asahi said with a smile. These three's lifespans are the same as Kaguya's, so they are perfect tool man.