Chapter 266 Blackbeard Who Threw Himself Into The Trap

After receiving the news, Asahi went to find Whitebeard directly. Since Whitebeard is now a great official of the frontiers, he can't just leave this matter alone.

Shanks, who also received the news, also approached Whitebeard.

They are all here to help. In this regard, Whitebeard didn't refuse. He knows Kaido's character. Compared with the things between him and Sengoku in the original work, he is more defensive towards Kaido. After all, that guy is a real despicable villain.

Those who have dealt with Kaido all have such a reaction, so this time Shanks said he wanted to help, he did not refuse. And with Asahi here, it will be just a matter of getting Ace safe this time.

"That bastard Teach, he even handed Ace to Kaido, what the hell is he going to do?"

"That guy intends to seize take power. Dark-Dark Fruit is quite special and it can absorb the power of others, and the target he chooses is you, Whitebeard. Everyone knows that your ability is very strong, it also made you known as the man who can destroy the world, so he is eyeing you."

"But if he fights you alone, he is not your opponent, let alone you have such a big pirate group, so he intends to use Kaido to severely wound you, and then he will have the opportunity to seize your abilities."

"Once he seize your ability, he can make up for the shortcomings of his own attack power. In this way, in terms of defense, he can invalidate the attacks of almost all Devil Fruit user. And in terms of attack, he would have Tremor-Tremor Fruit."

"At that time, his strength will directly reach the level of Four Emperors, or even exceed it a little bit. This is his plan, that's why he gave Ace to Kaido. However, he has made some mistakes in his calculation this time!"

Asahi said. He felt that Blackbeard really has a good brain. After knowing that Whitebeard is not a pirate anymore, he directly set his sights on Kaido, but he also made a wrong move now, that is, he is still heading towards Impel Down. While the world's eyes were attracted to this matter, he quietly went to Impel Down to get the people out.

But what he doesn't know is that Impel Down has become Asahi's experience bank, so after this guy went in, he will not be able to get out. This is the news given by White Zetsu to Asahi. However, Blackbeard can't be blamed for making such a stupid move, after all, he doesn't know the specific situation.

So Asahi directly sent a message to Magellan, and ordered him to act more realistically, and let Blackbeard throw himself into the trap, and don't let him come out after entering.

Regarding the mistakes Asahi said about Blackbeard, the other two people were also very interested. Asahi didn't say much, but directly stated Teach's purpose. In response, Whitebeard also nodded.

"Perhaps that place will be more suitable for that bastard!"

Whitebeard sighed and said. To put it bluntly, he was still soft-hearted. It was like when he was on the Summit War in the original work, he was still soft towards Blackbeard. Asahi doesn't know what to say about Whitebeard, and it is the same now. If it's changed to other people, of Blackbeard falls in their hands, he would definitely be killed.

But Whitebeard, who is already old, no longer has the dominance of the past, and the object he is facing is his adopted son. He still has some feeling towards Blackbeard. Even if this person has never regarded him as a father, or even turned to attack his own brothers, he would still be soft. So his choice now is very good.

Of course, that guy would spend his entire life in Impel Down, and it wasn't much better than killing him directly.

Regarding Whitebeard's thoughts, Asahi can almost guess it. After people get old, they will become sentimental, and regardless of Whitebeard's strength, to put it bluntly, he is only a mortal. After getting old, he has experienced a lot and become a little indecisive.

"Then, before dealing with Kaido, let's see how this guy threw himself into the trap, but it's a pity that this guy didn't bring his subordinates with him!"

Asahi said and activated the viewing screen. The entire Impel Down was monitored by Asahi inside and outside, so they can watch everything.

In order to catch up with the time when the war started, Blackbeard attacked Impel Down in advance, but this time, it was only him alone going there. Of course, those subordinates are not that important, as the main target is Blackbeard.

Right now, the new government is busy dealing with those kingdoms and the Marine also has to deal with the pirates, and even the Admirals are not staying in the headquarters, but ran all over the sea. He knew that Kizaru couldn't catch up, that's why he dared to come here.

According to his estimation, although Magellan's strength is strong, he is still Demon Fruit user. As long as they are Demon Fruit user, they will be weakened by several levels in front of him, so he attacked Impel Down with the thought of ​​quick battle.

After a fierce battle, Blackbeard 'defeated' Magellan, and then went directly to Level 6.

The barrier Asahi's created prevents the prisoners inside from escaping, but Blackbeard doesn't know about these things, so he went directly to Level 6. How could he know that there is a huge trap waiting for him.

"What's going on? Is this really Level 6?"

Looking at the people talking and laughing here, Blackbeard seriously wondered if he had a problem with his eyes. Because these people were imprisoned and couldn't escape, and there was also no way to hurt each other, they just slowly became friends.

And here, there is no single room, and everyone is semi-free state.

Asahi has only been here once, but Asahi is not worried that they have no intention to fight. When he came by next time, ten people who have no intention to fight will be executed directly. If they resist, they will only be beaten, but if they don't resist, they will be killed, so these people will definitely choose the best choice.

Blackbeard originally thought that the people here would be locked up in a cell, but who would have thought that these people were actually in a semi-free state. The speech he had prepared is now completely useless, and he didn't know what to do now and he didn't know what to say now.

"How did Impel Down's Level 6 became like this?"

Shanks and Whitebeard have never been inside Impel Down before, but they have heard of it. They knew that these guys shouldn't be so free like that, moreover, these guys didn't even try to run. They wondered what is going on.