Chapter 267 Congratulations To Blackbeard For Being Imprisoned Indefinitely

"Impel Down has long been modified by me. These guys can't escape from Level 6. That place is completely sealed, and I've used some small tricks on them that make them unable to be hostile and unable to hurt each other. They're still a little useful to me, so I keep them!"

Regarding these experience packs, Asahi only intends to keep them in captivity and harvest a wave of experience every once in a while. As for how they operate inside, Asahi will not care about it. It is not that he deliberately gives these people a good life, but it is necessary to feed them so that they can exert all their strengths. They will be useful this way, otherwise, they will not be qualified to be an experience pack.

"I really don't know what to say about this. Then, that means that bastard Teach won't be able to come out in the future, right!"

Whitebeard is also a little speechless, 'Is this a nursing home?'

"That's right, he can't get out, but he doesn't know about this matter yet, so just wait to see his expression."

Asahi is very much looking forward to what this guy's expression will look like after knowing that he chooses to fall into the trap himself. Will he regret it to death? His ambitions will be completely buried in this prison.

"Hey hey, criminals, why don't you go out since you are not detained? What are you doing here?"

Blackbeard, who was full of doubts, finally asked these people. He couldn't understand what these people were thinking, and they didn't have any seastone chains on their body. He even saw Big Mom making Homies here, so he was confused why these people don't go out.

'If they have the ability, why are they still staying here? Is it really a nursing home?'

"Boy, you must be a newcomer. You don't even know these things. This place can only be entered but cannot be exited. No one can get out. Do you see the woman over there? She's Charlotte Linlin, what she's called… Ah yes, the Four Emperors. But after being imprisoned here, she could only stay here obediently. Since you have already entered, then you should just stay here honestly!"

A pirate looked at Blackbeard with a puzzled expression and gave him some explanations, but this explanation made Blackbeard stunned for a while, 'What does he mean by can only be entered but cannot be exited? The strength of the guards outside is not good, and I can come in easily, so why can't Big Mom go out? There must be a problem.'

"It looks like there's a newcomer. Why do you tell him so much? Just let him cause trouble for a while, and he will definitely understand!"

The other pirate said with a disdainful expression. When Big Mom was locked in, she was not in the best mood, but after a few days of attacking the only entrance that could only be entered and could not exit, Big Mom also gave up.

She found that in here, she couldn't even beat other people, and even her Devil Fruit's ability was useless, which can be described as quite tragic. In here, the only thing she can do is finding a few friends, so that she can still live without being very bored. Of course, Big Mom also made a few Homies with her own soul to accompany herself, and now, she is kind of autistic.

Seeing the appearance of these pirates and combined with the other party's words, Blackbeard also panicked, and ran towards the entrance. In response, the pirates who saw this movement all looked disdainful. People who think they can run out from here have already given up. They knew this kind of newcomer will give up after experiencing that kind of despair.

"The newcomer is indeed the newcomer. Let's see how long this guy will attack the entrance."

A group of pirates gathered together and started gambling, but what they are betting is food. Asahi gave them a lot of food, but usually, they can only eat until half full. So the food here is hard currency.

"This guy looks different from that crazy woman, then, I will bet less than a day!"

The group of pirates began to bet, and at this moment, Blackbeard had already arrived at the entrance, but before he rushed out, he was directly blocked by a transparent barrier.

"What's going on? What is this?"

Blackbeard slapped the transparent barrier in front of him. He can be sure that when he came in, there was no such thing at the entrance. Blackbeard was frightened and attacked the wall several times like crazy, but there's no change at all.

Even his Dark-Dark Fruit didn't have any effect either.

"Blackbeard Teach, the sins you committed are enough for you to stay here for the rest of your life. Like these guys said, you can only enter but not exit, you should give up!"

Magellan, who pretended to be defeated by Blackbeard before, appeared at the entrance and looked at Blackbeard calmly. At this moment, Blackbeard realized that he was plotted. He finally understood that there were almost no people when he came in. He was curious about how there are so few guards in Impel Down before, so that he can walk here so smoothly.

"Magellan, what the hell is going on? Let me out!"

Blackbeard panicked and started talking nonsense. He asked Magellan to let him out, isn't this nonsense?

"This is your own choice, you should just stay inside honestly!"

After saying that, Magellan left. He felt that this guy was pretty arrogant before, but now, he wants to see if he can still be arrogant.

Seeing that Magellan left directly, Blackbeard screamed with anger and madness, but no one would respond to him. His attack fell on the barrier like a stone sinking into the sea, his hands start bleeding, but it was of no use at all.

At this moment, Blackbeard felt chill in his heart. He finally knows why Big Mom stays here honestly, it's because she can't get out at all.

His ambitions were instantly shattered the moment he entered this place. He obviously waited for so many years. He waited until Dark-Dark Fruit appeared, and even killed Thatch directly for this reason. He also captured Ace and threw him to Kaido.

Everything was going well, but who knew that Impel Down turned into a big trap, and now he could do nothing.

After that, Blackbeard looked for several directions, but he found that he cannot leave in any direction.

He couldn't damage the wall or the ground even a tiny bit, as this place was completely covered by the barrier.


In the end Blackbeard could only let out an incompetent howl. He knew that he could no longer get out, and he regretted it very much. Why did he come to such a place? Moreover, if he didn't kill Thatch, he wouldn't be a pirate now, and his life would be even better. How could he appear here and be imprisoned?