Chapter 268 Saving Ace

"What a bullshit… He gave up so soon… I thought he would continue to attack like that woman for a few days, trash!"

At this moment, the prisoners who lost the gambling were all upset. After all, how long did it take for Blackbeard to give up, so they felt that he is trash among trashes. However, Blackbeard is not Big Mom, Big Mom only continued to attack for several days because of her brain problems. Blackbeard is different, this guy knew it was useless to attack, so he gave up directly, otherwise, he would have great perseverance.

Having spent so many years on the Whitebeard's ship, he still wasn't influenced by Whitebeard. So in terms of persistence, he is still the best.

"What did you say!!"

Blackbeard's eyes are red at this moment, and bloodshot has spread all over his pupils. He glares fiercely at these bastards who are laughing at himself. Now that he can't get out anyway, and he needs to vent, so he might as well do something to these people.

Dark-Dark Fruit's ability is activated, and he wants to kill these bastards who laughed at him, but the dark power unleashed by Dark-Dark Fruit's did not swallow these people, instead, this group of people looked at him with disdain.

"Newcomer is indeed a newcomer. In this place, you can't attack other people. That crazy woman had the same idea as you when she first came, but now, why don't you look at her?"

These pirates, who have been staying for a while, said with disdain. In this place, unless their strength can surpass Asahi, they will not be able to attack each other at all, and they will not even be able to crush a piece of small stone.

Now that Blackbeard has offended these people, it means that he will be targeted in the future. Although they can't attack each other, plundering food has become another struggle. After all, food wasn't protected.

They couldn't eat until their belly is full, and although it was much better than in the past where they could only get a little food in the cell, but who wouldn't like to eat too much? So Blackbeard will be targeted to death if there is no accident. As for Big Mom, she didn't have any worry, after all, she can make Homies, and it's much simpler to use Homies to grab food, but Blackbeard is different.

Dark-Dark Fruit is useless against the others, so how can he fight for food? After seeing this, Asahi directly closed the screen. There's nothing to look at Blackbeard anymore, after all, he has pitted himself.

"That guy won't be able to stay well in Impel Down in the future. Now that Impel Down has been transformed into this, the rules here are not friendly for people who are independent at all, but that guy really deserve it!"

Shanks sighed. Asahi's means are really too many that he can't count them, it's too exaggerated.

"Well, that's the end of Blackbeard's matter. For this kind of people, killing them is not a big punishment. It's better to detain them like this."

"Now, let's talk about Ace. There's no need to talk nonsense with Kaido, and we should just go straight to Kaido's territory. I will rescue Ace first, and then you will attack Kaido's people. His territory will be be taken over and managed by the two of you, how about it?"

Asahi asked, and Whitebeard and Shanks nodded after looking at each other. More territory management is not a big problem, especially for Whitebeard.

As long as he is still alive, he is still a huge deterrent. The consumption of his entire fleet is very huge, so it is indeed very good to have these places to continuously provide offerings.

This is equivalent to paying a protection fee. Of course, these protection fees are not much. Whitebeard Pirate Group also relies on a large enough territory to supplement the quality, and people didn't pay these protection fees in vain. After paying it, it is equivalent to being under Whitebeard's protection, this is a bit similar to paying taxes in Asahi's previous life.

Whitebeard also doesn't dislike having a lot of territory, as he may have more sons and daughters in the future.

"That guy Kaido would never have imagined that Ace would be rescued first. With that guy's despicable means, he might have prepared a lot of methods to deal with Whitebeard. In this way, we will save Ace first, and then hit them. Dealing with this kind of person like this is the best!"

Shanks is very aware of Kaido's despicability, so it is indeed a good choice to save Ace first, and then attacked him. At that time, Kaido won't be able to do anything, and no amount of back-ups will be useful.

In response, Asahi also nodded, but he didn't think Kaido had any back-ups. Since almost all of the top fighters in the sea were taken care of by him, where else can Kaido go to find enough people to help him? As for Orochi? Don't be ridiculous.

Even if Orochi has a Mythical Zoan Devil Fruit, he will not be able to set off any storms even if he joins in. Right now, Wano Country and Kaido's other territories are the last lawless zone, so Asahi will take care of all these guys in one fell swoop.

After almost grasping the situation, the fleet set off and headed towards Kaido's territory.

As for Asahi, he came to Kaido's base directly, and directly discovered Ace's location. Ace is also very miserable. Regardless of whether it is the original work or the present, he was defeated by Blackbeard, but to put it bluntly, he is too impulsive.

His personality is like his Devil Fruit ability. Is this person annoying? Not so much, as he is indeed very good to Luffy. Although he was provoked by Akainu and caused troubles, he still protected Luffy from a mortal blow.

In fact, he didn't have to die at that time, but his personality was too impulsive, and he ran back after being provoked by Akainu. there were not a few people lost their lives in order to save him, and the lives of these people have already been counted on his head, but in the end, he still confronted Akainu directly as soon as his father was mocked.

Of course, that Akainu is also despicable, but according to the situation at the time, although it is disgusting, there is nothing wrong with Akainu's action, it just feels unscrupulous.

At this moment, Asahi has found Ace. Because of Ace's particularity, he wasn't sent to work in the prison, but was imprisoned in a separate cell.

At this moment, Ace's expression is also sluggish, and his condition is not very good. He also knows the news that Whitebeard has changed his career from a pirate to normal civilian, but after knowing it, he encountered Blackbeard, so the situation became like this.

Asahi didn't talk nonsense with him. He directly broke his seastone shackles, and then disappeared from the cell with Ace.