Chapter 274 Encountered The Plot Directly

"Now is… to determine what time is it now!"

After Asahi habitually created a huge barrier, he went to the Bleach World. Although it is in the Human World, it is inevitable that some vain Shinigami will notice this passage, but the probability that Shinigami notices this passage is not very high, after all, it is the middle of the ocean.

And he is also not worried that Shinigami will detect his existence. In Bleach World, the people detect Reiatsu, and Asahi, although his soul is extremely powerful, didn't train Reiatsu, and he can also perfectly restrain his power. The level of Bleach World cannot detect his soul power, and Reiatsu is not just pure soul power.

To put it bluntly, Reiatsu is a refined energy derived from the Bleach World, just like Chakra in the Naruto World. Chakra is extracted from the cells and combined with Spiritual Energy to be born, while Reiatsu manifested through the power of the soul.

Although it is true that Shinigami's soul can become very powerful, this kind of soul power is not pure soul power.

Strictly speaking, in the Bleach World, if their luck is not too bad, everyone has two lives. One in the human world, and the other is in Hueco Mundo or Soul Society. It depends on the final choice and what they encountered.

However, White Zetsu's abilities has been abolished again, and it is also even worse than in One Piece World.

Asahi can use his spatial ability to perceive the existence of Soul Society, Hueco Mundo and Hell, and even open the passage to go there, but White Zetsu is different from these existences.

Although these guys also have flesh and blood body, but strictly speaking, there is still a big difference. White Zetsu's flesh and blood body has passed away, so the only place White Zetsu can stay is… the Human World. After they change a little to camouflage in this world, there would be no different between them and other humans.

Therefore, even Shinigami cannot detect their existence in the Human World, but once they enter Hueco Mundo and Soul Society, their lurking ability becomes a joke. A soul converter is needed to convert people into a spiritual sub-state, which is equivalent to an alternative in order to enter the state of the soul.

Asahi doesn't need to worry about it himself, because he is a super existent, but White Zetsu can't do it, so White Zetsu can't go in those worlds directly, and can only act as an eyeliner on the Human World, but it is still better than nothing.

'Why do I encounter another strange world? Last time, there was Observation Haki, this time, there was Reiatsu. Thinking about it makes me dizzy.'

'Karakura Town… Karakura Town… Found it!'

Asahi found a gold store, and after exchanging some currencies, he got a map and found the location of Karakura Town. To be honest, the whole plot of Bleach, except for in Soul Society and Hueco Mundo, is in Karakura Town. Almost all other plots took place in Karakura Town, and he almost thought that there is only Karakura Town in the Bleach World.

But now, it doesn't seem to be the case. Of course, Asahi doesn't care about these. He went directly to Karakura Town, which is the center of the plot. Otherwise, where would he go if he didn't go here?

'Can I dig up Urahara Kisuke, the Visored, and the existing Quincy in this world?'

From what he knows about this world, resurrection should also work in this world, but the problem is that, the soul is needed. There should be no problem with the Kurosaki family, as Kurosaki Masaki's soul still has a part of her soul remaining in the void.

Although it is incomplete, it is not unusable. There are magics that complement the soul, but it is a taboo magic. Of course, for Asahi, who has fully activated the limiter and various explosive energy, there is no taboo magic.

There will be no gods in this world to curse him. Furthermore, his current strength is much stronger than Zeref, so even with the curse of the God, he won't feel anything.

For Quincy, he can use Yhwach to dig them, and for the Kurosaki family, he can use Kurosaki Masaki to dig them. As for whether Ishida Ryuken's wife can be resurrected, it is a bit troublesome, as it is still a question whether he can find the soul.

Regarding the Visored, as long as he shows them enough strength and let them see the hope of defeating Aizen, it is barely possible, and only the follow-up needs to be stabilized. The biggest trouble is Kisuke, which can be described to be the one driving all of Aizen's plots.

Otherwise, how could Hogyoku appear in Rukia's body if it wasn't for this guy's purpose? Therefore, this guy is very troublesome, and he also has Tessai Tsukabishi and Shihouin Yoruichi on his side…

Asahi didn't have any certainty to dig him.

Of course, Asahi can take the last step, which is to let Yhwach takes the power of the Soul King and becomes the new Spirit King. He can also take the power of the Soul King, so that the world is equivalent to his, and the entire Bleach World will be equivalent to his subordinates.

But as for whether this would work or not, it depends on how he does it afterwards. Before that, if he wanted to dig the Shinigami, it will be very hard.

There are also Fullbringers, which except for Ginjo Kugo and Tsukishima Shukuro, he should be able to dig the others, but their strength seems to be a little weak. He would see when the time comes, it would be fine if he can dig them. And if he can't, then just forget it.

After coming to Karakura Town, he has been wandering on the road and thinking about these issues. For him, the money in this world is too easy to get. After all, he holds the wealth of the two worlds in his hands, especially in the One Piece World, as there is too many gold.

Of course, the money Asahi exchanged for is only a small part of it, but it should be more than enough. He is also thinking about bringing back the modern technology and various books from the Bleach World.

After all, although this world was created by the Soul King, modern technology is still modern technology.

Those things that have been researched before have to be discarded. After all, in this modern type of world, science and technology have already taken shape, which is much better than the crooked technology in Naruto and One Piece.

He reckoned that it doesn't matter whether it is Orochimaru, Tobirama, or Vegapunk, as this level of knowledge is going to blow their minds.

"Huh? Is it the plot?"

Soon, Asahi arrived to a street, and he saw a group of people gathered around the street at this moment. After Asahi saw the situation inside, he was a little stunned. Although he didn't feel familiar with this scene, one of the two people surrounded by the crowd at this moment is very familiar.

'Inoue Orihime, she's so easy to recognize.'