Chapter 275 Poaching The Heroine In Advance

'Since Inoue Orihime is here, the one lying on the ground is… Inoue Sora, right?'

When Orihime was twelve years old, Sora had a car accident because of something. Later, Orihime took Sora to the Kurosaki Clinic, but in the end, he couldn't be saved. To put it bluntly, it was because of the problem of treatment methods.

At that time, the only person in the Kurosaki family with power was Kurosaki Isshin, and his power had not recovered yet, so it was impossible to cure Sora. However, since Asahi encountered this incident, then he felt that he must intervene with this.

Not to mention about others, as far as Orihime's ability is concerned, it was already really awesome. The others may not be so good, but Soten Kisshun, which can directly reject all injuries and negative states, makes her a super nanny.

This power of her is indeed very powerful, as it is a perfect auxiliary talent. Asahi can only say sorry to Ichigo first, as he wants this person.

After some tossing, Orihime left here with Sora, who was already seriously injured and only a breath away from death, and went to the clinic in a panic, while the crowd also scattered.

"If you still want him to live, it's best not to move him so casually, otherwise, he will really die!"

The corners of Asahi's mouth couldn't help but twitched, 'At this time, shouldn't the best solution be to wait for the ambulance to come? Why would she want to take her brother directly away?'

For this kind of seriously injured person, the best way to do is don't move him, because it is impossible to determine where he was injured and how serious the injury was.

Maybe you won't cause him trouble if you leave him alone, but once you move him, and it's also with unprofessional method, he wouldn't be far from death.

Although Sora's soul hasn't come out yet, he really only has one breath left, and apart from external injuries, he also has internal bleeding. With this level of injury, it is useless to send him to the emergency room, let alone sending him to a general clinic.

After Asahi's words reached Orihime's ears, it makes her body directly stiff and she didn't dare to move anymore. Seeing this, Asahi shook his head, snapped his fingers directly at the crowd, and instantly controlled their thinking.

Immediately after, he used his space ability and the three people appeared on the top of a building. After that, the crowd did not respond, and slowly dispersed.

The memory of this incident has been directly modified by Asahi.

"Put him down, I will heal him later!"

Asahi asked Orihime to put Sora down, and at this moment, Orihime also looked confused, shocked, and disbelief, but she still obediently put Sora down.

After that, Asahi directly uses healing magic, and an emerald green magic circle appeared under Sora's body, and Sora's body was recovering quickly.


Orihime couldn't believe her eyes. Although she had never seen magic before, this thing had the concept of a magic circle at first glance, just like the one she knows from reading novels and some animation works. Although the appearance of various magic circles had some difference, they are all the same type, so the word 'magic' instantly appeared inside Orihime's mind.

"Yes, it is indeed magic, a kind of healing magic, alright!"

After Asahi's voice fell, the emerald green magic circle disappeared. At this moment, although Sora's clothes were still in tatters, and some places were stained with blood, he has fully recovered.

"Wake up!"

Immediately after, Asahi stimulated Sora's spirit and directly awakened him from a coma.

"Uh, Orihime… Wait, why am I here? No, hadn't I been hit by a car just now?!"

Sora, who was still a little confused, quickly recalled what happened just now, and touched his body with a panicked expression, but in the end, he didn't feel the slightest discomfort. If he didn't have the memory, he doubted whether he had hallucinations just now.

At this moment, Orihime quickly told her brother about what happened just now, and then burst into tears. After all, this matter was caused by her. If she hadn't run out so suddenly, Sora would not have come to chase after her. And as soon as he chases after her, something like this happen.

As an older brother, Sora is indeed pretty good. When they were young, because their parents were abusive, he took the three-year-old Orihime to live by themselves, and has been slowly raising Orihime.

After his death in a car accident, his soul has been guarding Orihime around, but his luck is not very good. In the manga version, he directly became a Hollow, but in the anime version, he was attacked by another Hollow, and then became Hollow himself.

But in the end, he was purified by Ichigo because of his sister. It can be said that he is indeed a very qualified brother.

"Magic is not real!"

After knowing that he was saved by magic, Sora's face twitched a few times. Although it is true that some strange things often appeared in this world, there is no magic exposed on the bright side.

Although both Hollow and Shinigami are souls, they both have entities, so some strange phenomena often appear in this world. For example, if someone is hit by Shinigami or Hollow, it is equivalent to being hit by an invisible existence.

The other party has a physical body, so some supernatural news often appears, and there is no way to get rid of this, not even the Shinigami. After all, there are too many places and things that happen, plus the existence of the internet, this kind of thing cannot be erased.

However, Sora has always thought that magic is something that only exists in fictions, how can it appear in the real world?

"Sorry, but magic really exists. If you don't believe it, you can try it yourself!"

Asahi said with a smirk, and then directly gave wings to Sora. This is the unique magic of Happy and other Exceeds, but Asahi can do it very simply, after all, with Zeref's knowledge coupled with his understanding of magic, it is too simple to make a pair of wings.

After this pair of wings appeared, he too Sora to fly around in the sky. When they stopped completely, Sora had turned grayish white. After all, it was too thrilling, and it was many times more powerful than bungee jumping.

"How about it? Do you believe it now?"

Seeing the pale Sora, Asahi asked a little bit amusedly. Since Orihime is going to be poached, then Sora will be one of his own in the future, so it is not a problem to take care of him a little bit. However, he wonders if Sora also has the talent to become Fullbringer or not.