Chapter 276 Creating Shun Shun Rikka In Advance

Awakening Fullbring is a bit harsh, that is, before the birth, the parents were attacked by the Hollow, so that the power of the Hollow will be incorporated into the child, and when the child grows up, their ultimate love will need to be injected into the carrier, so that they can fully awakened the Fullbring ability. And now, Orihime's carrier is… the hairclip that Sora gave her.

However, the timing of Sora's delivery was obviously wrong and an accident caused him to die too, but now that Asahi is involved, the situation became completely different.

However, the probability of Sora possessing this ability is not high. After all, he and Orihime are fifteen years apart, and it is unknown whether their parents were attacked during these fifteen years or were attacked before that.

So it's unclear whether Sora has the Fullbring ability, but Asahi doesn't care. It is enough to have Orihime as a super support, as her ability is much better than others, although it is not in combat.

"I believe it, I believe it, thank you for saving my life!"

Sora was afraid that Asahi would be angry, so he was scared at this moment, and immediately stood up, then bowed and thanked Asahi. Orihime behind him also reacted at this moment and did the same action as her brother.

"Don't thank me so much, I have a price for saving you!"

Asahi shook his head, and Sora's little heart began to beat unbelievably at this moment. He is different from Orihime. He is 27 years old now, and he is also a person who has been in the society for a long time.

'Is there anything in me that is worthy of the other party's attention?' He is very worried now.

"Don't panic, it's not too much. I have taken a fancy to your sister's talent, as she has the talent to awaken a special ability, so the price of saving you is also very simple. You brothers and sisters will work for me in the future, just treat it as the reward for saving you once!"

When Asahi saw Sora's expression, he knew what he was thinking, so he explained it a little bit. When Sora heard the other party was targeting his sister, he quickly wanted to stand in front of Orihime to protect her, but when he heard that his sister had special talent, and the other party only asked them to work for him, he breathed a sigh of relief.

"You mean, Orihime can learn magic?"

Because he felt the power of magic at the beginning, Sora directly leaned in this direction, while Orihime's eyes suddenly turned into star-shaped. Although she does not have the natural airhead character of the later stage, she is already almost there.

After her brother recovered, her big heart quickly let go of the previous state, and after hearing that she might have magical talent, her eyes began to shine.

"You're thinking too much, it's not magic!"

Asahi directly interrupted the two's fantasy, and their faces immediately collapsed. Sora actually had some fantasies. After all, if his sister has talent, then as his brother, doesn't that mean he also has magic talent? Although he has been rolling in society for a while, he is only in his twenties, and Orihime still haven't passed the second year of middle school, but Asahi's words the hearts of the two brothers and sisters.

Seeing this, Asahi is a bit speechless. He didn't expect the nerves of these two brothers and sisters are really rough. They have just experienced a life and death parting, but they have recovered so quickly. He wondered if they felt no sadness at all.

"If you want to learn magic, it is indeed possible, and it only requires some special means. The talent I am talking about is not magic, it is another ability called Fullbring!"

Seeing the two's continuous sighs, Asahi said the main things speechlessly, and explained the situation of the Fullbring to the two.

"Um…, may I ask what is Hollow?"

The two were confused again. They understood the theory, but they didn't know anything about Hollow.

Because of that, Asahi once again introduced the concept of Shinigami and Hollow, and then their faces turned into shock, with their mouths open….

"There are really Shinigami and Hollow in this world, and we can't see them. No wonder there are always some supernatural incidents reported on TV, it must have been done by them! I recalled that before Orihime was born, mother had indeed encountered such a thing, but no one believed it at the time. I didn't expect it to be true!"

Sora said what he knew in the past, and Asahi almost understood the situation, 'It turned out that their mother was attacked before Orihime was born, which means, Sora didn't have this talent.'

"The awakening of the Fullbring ability requires the ultimate love to be injected into a carrier. As for what the carrier is, this needs to be decided by yourself. As for the ultimate love, we will talk about it after you find the carrier!"

After saying all that, Asahi brought the two back to the previous street. As memories of the crowd had been wiped out by him long ago, there was no one here, and then Asahi followed the two to their home.

After the two of them rummaged through the box, Orihime still picked up the hairpin that Sora gave her. This pair of hairpins is the culprit that caused the series of events that happened just now. At this moment, Orihime finally knows the price of willfulness, so she has very complicated feelings for this pair of hairpins.

As for Asahi, he has the expression of 'as expected' on his face. He knew this pair of hairpins have indeed became very meaningful to Orihime now.

After Orihime picked up the hairpin, Asahi directly set her an illusion magic on her. In this, she will experience some things. After all, in the original works, Orihime and Sado Yasutora, were both forced to awaken because they wanted to save people.

But even if Orihime's Reiatsu is not as strong as in the original book, she still has amazing talent in Reiatsu, so awakening her ability is not a big problem. After all, awakening does not need too strong Reiatsu, and she can just find a way to train her Reiatsu later.

Soon, the illusion magic shattered, and several little guys appeared around Orihime.

"It's awakened!"

Seeing Orihime holding the little guys her arms, Asahi was also speechless, 'It took her only a few seconds to recover from the illusion. Sure enough, airhead is… The airhead, so invincible.

"Um…, can you tell me what happened?"

Sora suddenly said, as he is really stunned now. Asahi just said that Orihime has awakened, however, why he can't see anything? He suddenly feels that he was being targeted by the world.

Once upon a time, he was also a hero who fantasized that he could save the world, but now, the truth has given him a slap in the face. He can't even see what kind of thing is going on, 'It's too much… we're siblings.'