Chapter 277 Library Tour

"Well, you can't see it because your Reiatsu is too weak!"

Asahi injected a burst of energy into Sora's body, and this energy allowed him to see the little guys held by Orihime at this moment.

"This is Orihime's ability. Those guys are so small, what can they do?"

After Sora saw this thing, he felt a little emotional, but he felt that these guys are too small, and even if they are more magical, they don't seem to be able to do anything extraordinary.

"Haah, what you bastard are talking about? How dare you look down on us? Watch me, Tsubaki-sama, teach you a good lesson!"

Tsubaki's violent temper burst out in an instant, and he rushed up and scuffled with Sora. Fortunately, it's just fists and kicks. If he used Koten Zanshun, it is estimated that Sora would die directly.

"One two three"

But even if he didn't use Koten Zanshun, Tsubaki relied on his agility and ability to fly to beat Sora while run around the room. If words is used to describe it, it would be hit and run tactic.

In the end, Tsubaki was taken back by Orihime, and then she tested her abilities, and the final result was…, a slashing shield cut the table in half. When Sora saw this, his face turned pale with fright. He didn't expect he would almost walk through the gate of hell again.

However, Orihime didn't feel well at this moment. This Koten Zanshun has already exhausted her Reiatsu. Although she didn't faint, she still lost her strength directly, and Shun Shun Rikka also changed back.

"You just awakened your ability, and the current amount of your Reiatsu is still too small, so take your time to train slowly, and your ability is also more inclined to support. As for combat, it's only enough to deal with ordinary people!"

Asahi shook his head. At the beginning, everyone was too weak, even Sado Yasutora was the same. At the beginning, he was the one-punch king, but he would fall down immediately.

"Cutting the table in one go, is this kind of ability really weak?"

Sora's face twitched felt it was too much. When most people encounter Orihime, there would be no way to survive, 'Are all Shinigami's so abnormal?'

"A little better Shinigami and Hollow can directly turn a city into ruins if given time. This is only a little bit more powerful, not considered the top, so, what do you think?"

Asahi glanced at Sora with a faint smile, and Sora turned autistic again, and he couldn't say anything more. After a while, Orihime regained her mobility.

"From now on, you will work for me, so I will teach you some other things, including you. Don't envy your sister, as I will teach you other things. At most, your sister just has one more special ability than you."

Asahi looked at Sora and said. Hearing this, Sora was directly resurrected with full blood. After that, the group came to the largest library in Karakura Town. The existence of the library is for the people who like to learn.

Of course, some people also like to date here, and some people like to work here. After all, it is quiet here. At this moment, after Asahi comes, he took action, and all the people in the library was controlled by him. After that, the books in the entire library were thrown into the air, and the words were constantly transformed into some virtual magic words, and then they were directly poured into Archive.

"It's amazing, but what are you doing!"

Both brother and sister were shocked, as it was too shocking.

"This is a kind of magic I have, and it's called Archive. Storing a lot of information directly in it is equivalent to carrying countless knowledge with you, it is also a perfect search tool, and it is the kind that does not need to be connected to the internet.

Asahi said with a smile. This Archive has some advantages. It can be empowered and the knowledge in it can be instilled to other people, just like Lucy in Fairy Tail, which is infused with the super magic of the celestial spirit, Urano Metria.

However, if too much knowledge is instilled at once, it may turn people into fools, so this kind of thing must still be used carefully, otherwise, it will be bad if these people are brainwashed.

In fact, the people who have Archive must know what information they want to enter, but Asahi can also use other magic, so he converted the text into magic text, and then recorded it into the Archive, which is much more convenient.

And while recording these information, he is also transmitting these things to Orochimaru and the others. Soon, there were some reactions on Asahi's Archive, and three windows appeared.

"Asahi-kun, how did you manage to transfer so much knowledge in one go!"

Orochimaru spoke directly, and Tobirama and Vegapunk in the next two windows also nodded immediately.

After receiving the knowledge transmitted by Asahi, and then read it a little, they blew up.

"As you can see, it is the knowledge of a new world, and these… are only part of it. It is estimated that it will take a while to inputted them completely!"

Asahi smiled and said. The library here is indeed big enough, but the book collection is not perfect, so he has to go to other places to collect the knowledge. As for the internet, to be honest, it is not that he does not want to use it, but his magic is kind of helpless about the internet.

Books have an entity, so he can convert these words, but it is different on the internet. Although Archive is somewhat similar to the internet, they are not the same at all.

Therefore, he has to go to other libraries more, so that there are entities that he can collect. Asahi wondered if he should also go to Soul Society's Great Spirit Book Gallery, which should record all the knowledge about the Soul Society, such as Kido, etc….

Kido is quite good in the Bleach World, but there are not many people who are completely proficient in Kido.

Everyone relies on Zanpakuto to fight, but to be honest, Zanpakuto is a bit tricky. In the original anime work, it was first pitted by Muramasa, and then it was pitted by the Wandenreich, which make Zanpakuto seems to be completely useless.

To be fair, Asahi also doesn't want to split his soul. After all, Zanpakuto is just a product of this world, and Zanpakuto can't compare the path he took.

His limiter can make his soul stronger, but it can't make foreign objects become stronger, so Zanpakuto will eventually become a burden.

If possible, Asahi doesn't want the people close to him to get Zanpakuto, however, for them, it will take a long time for them to go to a higher level, so he felt that Zanpakuto is still okay to be used as a transition.