Chapter 287 Domineering Mystic Eyes of Death Perception

"Amazing, we actually arrived at Forest of Menos in an instant!"

Whether it was the two Fraccion or Nelliel, both of them are very amazed, but suddenly, Nelliel's face becomes a little weird.

"Nelliel-sama, what's the matter? Do you feel anything uncomfortable?"

Seeing Nelliel's face become a little weird, as if she was a little uncomfortable, the two Fraccion became nervous in an instant, and Asahi was also a little puzzled. It is reasonable to say that there should be no problem with his methods.

"No, it's just… my clothes are a bit too tight!"

Nelliel suddenly said, and Asahi almost spit out a mouthful of blood when he heard this. He didn't expect she would say such thing at this moment, but after looking at Nelliel, well, Asahi took another piece of clothing.

This little farce passed quickly, and they started 'traveling' in the Forest of Menost.

The Forest of Menost has a lot of powerful aura, so reasonably speaking, there is a huge gap between Hollow and Shinigami in terms of quantity, and it can even be said that to be the ratio between a drip of water to a lake.

The number of Hollow almost uncountable, but Shinigami is different. Even if the entire Gotei 13 plus the Kido Corps are added up, it is not enough to compare to the fraction of the Hollow's numbers.

But in terms of high-end combat power, the strongest Hollow in "Hueco Mundo" are in the Las Noches, and if even these all these Hollows is added together and the entire Forest of Menos are included, Yamamoto Genryusai can burn them all alone, which is kind of embarrassing.

In terms of quantity, Hollow is countless times that of other party, but in terms of strength, they are countless times weaker. And from the beginning to the end, Hueco Mundo is always being used and controlled. First, they are controlled by Aizen, and then, the entire Hueco Mundo was destroyed by Yhwach. Even though they are called Soul Society's mortal enemy, in the end, they are nothing against the big villain.

So, it can be said that quantity is not the key, and the key is actually quality, which is the most important.

Soon, Asahi led them to find one Adjuchas. The Adjuchas here are still in the very primitive state. Although they are no longer the same as Gillian, it is inevitable that they are still very primitive state.

The one Asahi met was like a huge lizard.

"Shinigami… No, humans, wait…, what is going on?"

After seeing Asahi and the others, this Hollow's brain crashed. When he saw Asahi, he thought that the other party was Shinigami, but he couldn't perceive his Reiatsu at all, so he thought Asahi was a human, but then he felt the high-level Hollow behind him, especially Nelliel, although she didn't release her Reiatsu.

But that kind of actual level suppression, as well as the half of the mask on the other partu's face, all told this guy this group is not simple. However, he couldn't understand why such powerful Hollows would mix with humans.

'Shouldn't a powerful Hollow like you stay in a high-class place like Las Noches? Why did you come here?'

"Brother, please be my guinea pig!"

After saying that, Asahi shot Bakudo directly to control the Hollow, and then he activated the Mystic Eyes of Death Perception. Currently, he can only open the Mystic Eyes of Death Perception for a short time. But although the time is only one second, it is already more than enough.

After the Mystic Eyes of Death Perception was activated, Asahi's eyes turned blue, with a trace of red in the center of the blue pupil. And after opening this pair of eyes, the world he saw changed, and there are a lot of lines and points on this Hollow's body.

These are all dead lines and dead points. Once the dead line is cut, the opponent's self-healing ability is useless. No matter how awesome the self-healing ability is, it will become useless, and because of the existence of the limiter, the upper limit of Mystic Eyes of Death Perception has become a bit higher.

Unless the upper limit of the limiter is exceeded, the victim will die if they are hit at the dead point, and they will not be able to recover if their dead line was hit. It is impossible for this world to have someone that exceed the upper limit, so the final conclusion is… there's no solution.

However, because there is only one second, Asahi did not test the dead line. Instead, he directly aimed at the dead point and pierced it directly with a small knife. In an instant, this Hollow's body was shattered, and then disappear.

This is the kind that directly wiped out the opponent, leaving nothing behind.

"Dead…? How can it die so easily?"

The two Fraccion and Nelliel are all dumbfounded at this moment, 'What is this operation? Just now, it was obviously a very simple stab, like a person gently pricking the others.'

It is estimated that the stab just now can't even pierce human skin, but now, the victim died immediately, moreover, it is a Adjuchas-level Menos Grande, but it just disappeared without a trace, so it's not strange that the three of them are shocked to the extreme.

"It's one of my special ability. Once someone is stabbed at a certain point, the other party will be finished, but there are some restrictions on this ability. For now, I can only use it for one second within an hour!"

Asahi didn't conceal his ability to them. He felt there was no need to, because if it was him who has the Mystic Eyes of Death Perception, that's why it was so incomprehensible. If it is placed on other people, they might not be able to do the same.

After all, if the gap between the two sides are too big, you can't touch the other party, and they can easily kill you, so it's useless to give you the devil's eye.

But it is different for Asahi. He is already an invincible existence, so coupled with the Mystic Eyes of Death Perception, as long as someone appears in front of his eyes, they are basically dead.

"Even if you can only use it for one second in an hour, this technique is too powerful!"

Nelliel is a Menos Grande at Vasto Lorde-level. She can't imagine what it will be like to have such an ability with her strength. As that would be super explosive.

After that, Asahi felt a little helpless. It was indeed useful to kill the Menos Grande at Adjuchas-level, but it also needed a sufficient number to increase his percentage, so he could only wait until one hour later to increase it again.

And during this hour, Asahi asked about the situation of Hueco Mundo and learned from Nelliel that Aizen had already controlled Hueco Mundo from a long time ago, so that means that he didn't do so after betraying Soul Society.

This is also expected. After all, it also takes time for Aizen to look for these Hollows, and it takes time to bring the other party under his command. Moreover, Nelliel was the Third Espada and she was replaced by Halibel.

However, Asahi felt that Aizen is really awesome. He has started planning everything a long time ago. If he hadn't nurtured Ichigo, who is the protagonist, he might have already stood at the top. Unfortunately, he was defeated because of the protagonist. After all, no one can win against the protagonist's plot armor.