Chapter 288 Going To Las Noches

In the next period of time, the Adjuchas in Hueco Mundo's Forest of Menos were dealt by Asahi one by one. In one day, Asahi can handle twenty-four of them, so after staying here for a few days, Asahi wiped out the entire Adjuchas in the Forest of Menos, and the percentage of MEoDP increased to 10%. (T/N: I shortened Mystic Eyes of Death Perception to MEoDP.)

However, there are indeed less Adjuchas here. Although there are used to be a lot of them, many of them were taken to the Las Noches by Aizen after becoming Adjuchas. In fact, there are not many of them left here. Strictly speaking, most of the Hollow in the Forest of Menos are at Gillian's level.

But to be able to reach 10% from here is already amazing. And after reaching 10%, the time for Asahi to use the MEoDP becomes ten seconds in one hour. Although it is still very short, it can be turned on and off at will.

Att his speed, it is estimated that it does not take even one second to kill hundreds of people, so for him, there is almost no limit, but he is still a little unhappy, as he wanted this thing to reach 100% as quickly as possible. After all, at that time, it should be able to be used unscrupulously.

In addition, in the past few days, he suddenly changed his thought. It is true that Hollow admires power, but there is also a problem. Hollow also has their own pride, just like Coyote Starrk, as he is just looking for the so-called companions.

Although he didn't find these so-called companions in the Espada, as everyone is a loner-type. What he wanted is having companions who can withstand his own strength and stood by his side.

For this kind of guy, it's useless to use brute force, and there is also Ulquiorra, Aizen's diehard loyalist, which is even more unshakable. Therefore, in order to let these guys willingly join him, he changed his thought.

He intends to get in touch with Starrk and Halibel first. As among the Espada, only the two of them can be dug. The Second Espada, Baraggan is too ambitious, so even if he is temporarily suppressed by force, this guy will find the chance to backstab him. The Fourth Espada, Ulquiorra is Aizen's diehard loyalist, and the Fifth Espada, Nnoitra is sexist and must be dealt with decisively.

The Sixth Espada, Grimmjow is too arrogant, so no need, the Seventh Espada, Zommari, is also Aizen's diehard. The Eighth Espada, Szayelaporro is just like Nnoitra and must be dealt with. Asahi has no impression of the Ninth Espada, and the Tenth Espada is insane and manic, there is no need to recruit him.

After counting down the entire Espada, only the First and the Third can be recruited, and the others are impossible, but if he wanted to dig these two, then it will be a little troublesome.

Aizen hasn't done anything to them yet, so even if he wants to dig them, there is nothing he can do. However, just like the past, it's not completely impossible. After all, Aizen, regards them as pawns, will abandon these two sooner or later.

And neither of them is an idiot, especially Harribel. Harribel was recruited by Aizen because of her three Fraccion, and she is not Aizen's diehard. As long as these two are encouraged a little, and then wait until Aizen does something later, Asahi will be able to dig them sooner or later.

Moreover, both of them belong to the kind of brainy type and will not tell Aizen in advance, so Asahi plans to contact these two first, and then go to the next place to harvest more experience. If he remembers correctly, there are a lot of Kushanada in Hell, and they are also strong, so they can be used as a tool for gaining experience.

After cleaning up all the high-level Hollow in the Forest of Menos, Asahi brought the people around him to Las Noches. The vastness of Las Noches is huge, so Asahi couldn't help but sighed as it is too exaggerated.

The hugeness is a bit terrifying. Of course, distance and defense are useless to him. Soon, Asahi found Starrk's location.

'They are really inseparable, but this little girl is a bit difficult to deal with!'

Looking at Lilynette next to Starrk, Asahi was a bit helpless. Lilynette was actually split from Starrk, so he was also wondering why there are girl in the souls of these guys. Starrk is like this, so is Kyoraku Shunsui, Abarai Renji and Aizen…, which is a bit strange.

Although they will be reborn after the split, if they played around, won't it be equivalent to doing it themselves…Well, let's not talk nonsense.

Lilynette is different from Starrk, as Starrk is not completely devoted to Aizen and even retains a little vigilance, and Lilynette is relatively loyal to Aizen.

But now, the two are inseparable, so Asahi simply temporarily paused the time around Lilynette, and Lilynette stopped moving, as if you had pressed the pause button while watching a movie.


Seeing this scene, Starrk's pupils immediately shrank and he stretched out his hand towards Lilynette, but found that his hand could not reach Lilynette at all, as if there was a wall blocking it directly.

This is a time barrier. Because only a small area of ​​time is suspended, the time of this area is equivalent to being isolated from the outside world, and a barrier will appear in the middle, which is the time barrier.

Against the time barrier, unless someone has the power to surpass time, can break time or destroy time, they can't do anything against it at all, and they cannot touch the people inside. It is also a good way for defense, but it is estimated that there are not many people who are willing to be protected by this. After all, it's just like seal themselves in time, and they can only wait for someone to save them.

And using it on himself is even more stupid. After all, his time will be stopped, so at that time, how can he release himself? So this technique can be said to be last resort if used as protection.

If it was changed to someone else, they may be released from it when their energy was exhausted, but Asahi's energy can be said to be endless, so if he used time stop on himself, he can be said to be permanently sealed.

"Don't waste your efforts, you can't open this time barrier, but don't worry, I don't have any malice towards you. I just intend to talk to you, but it is best not to let her hear this kind of topic."

Asahi and the others appeared in front of Starrk.

"Nelliel, you actually recovered. What are you trying to do?"

Almost every time when Asahi contacts other people, this is the standard answer. At most, it will be a little different, but this is normal. After all, everyone's thinking is similar, unless you encountered someone who is very calm, such as Aizen…

Asahi felt that if he appeared in front of Aizen, he would calmly ask who he is, and would not panic at all, and it is in stark contrast to others.