Chapter 289 Digging The Pit In Advance

"My name is Asahi, and Nelliel is working for me now. My purpose is very simple. I want to chat with you and recruit you!"

Asahi said with a smile and didn't show any impatience, but Starrk was a little anxious because of Lilynette. He was usually calm, but when things involved Lilynette, he couldn't calm down.

"An unknown person actually dares to come to the Las Noches to recruit the First Espada!"

Starrk doesn't know what he should say now, as it's kind of amusing.

"That's right, the reason why I came here to recruit you is because of your strength and good personality, moreover, you are looking for companions, right? The companions who can resist your powerful Reiatsu. Join me, and I can give you these things!"

Asahi said calmly, but Starrk couldn't help but laugh, and Nelliel and the others were also a bit speechless, 'Isn't this reason a bit too blunt? No one would want to join with such recruitment.'

"I have obtained everything now. In Las Noches, the Espada is my companion. They can resist my Reiatsu, so everything I need has been obtained. So, why do you think I need companions?"

Starrk thinks that there's something wrong with Asahi's brain, after all, how can he give out what he already has as a bargaining chip?

"It's just because you don't recognize the current companions. Ask yourself, do you really treat them as companions? When Aizen found you, he promised to find you an existence that could withstand the impact of your Reiatsu and be your companion, but there are only few among the Espada who are suitable for this. Except for the current Third Espada Harribel and the previous Third Espada Nelliel, do you really treat the others as companions?"

"I'm afraid you know this answer very well yourself. Those Hollows all have different characters, there are many ambitious people, and there are also many people who like to cause chaos, but they can't really be called your so-called companions, except for…Harribel and Ulquiorra. However, Ulquiorra is Aizen's diehard, and you are always a little wary of Aizen. After getting in touch with Aizen, you know Aizen's character very well. He is very arrogant, sitting so high that he feels that no one can compare with him."

"He never treats you as a subordinate, let alone treat you as a companion. You are just a pawn that he can use. Once this pawn is defeated, it will be useless, and then it will be time for him to abandon you."

"Don't be in a hurry to refute me. You should be very clear about the probability of this kind of thing happening. Aizen is so arrogant that he doesn't bother to disguise himself in front of you, and he presents the most authentic scene of himself in front of you."

"So according to his character, you can simulate your own future, or the future of the others."

"Of course, I didn't expect you to make a decision right now. I am different from Aizen. The people I can recruit are the people I approve of. The person I approve of will become my companion in the future, but you can't make a decision right now."

"If there's no accident, what I said will come true in the future. At that time, you won't be able to escape yourself, so I will give you this thing. If there is a problem, use this to contact me. I'm waiting for you."

After he finished speaking, Asahi, Nelliel and the others disappeared, and a small spar appeared in Starrk's hand. It is a modified ultra-small Lacrima, and after adding the power of space, it can completely ignore the space barriers between Human World, Hueco Mundo and so on. Because of the particularity of the Bleach World, Asahi developed this kind of thing.

"Starrk, what's wrong with you?"

Lilynette, who had returned to normal, looked at Starrk with some curiosity.

Her time is paused before, so she didn't know what happened just now, but seeing Starrk's mood swings are a bit huge now, she is curious.

"It's nothing, go back and rest. I was just thinking of something!"

Starrk didn't say much. He also knew what the other party meant, and why he controlled Lilynette in the first place. It was not to use Lilynette as a bargaining chip to force him to submit, but to show a thorough understanding of his character.

He was always wary of Aizen, but Lilynette was different from him and was very loyal to Aizen. In this regard, Starrk had to admit that he was indeed moved, as the other party really guessed his current thoughts.

That's why he gave him time to think. In fact, he already has an idea. If such day really comes, then maybe he will really leave, but everything is not easy to say now. After all, although Aizen is likely to do this, he still has some nostalgia for his current companions.

Just like when Baraggan died in the original, he was dissatisfied with Aizen. It's because after Baraggan died, Aizen didn't even fluctuate at all, as if the one who died weren't his subordinates.

As Asahi said, he just used these guys as tools, and they are also disposable tools, and he didn't feel hurt if he lost them. This is what Starrk thought. Even if there is a little hope, he didn't want to give up this place completely.

So he put away this modified crystal ball and it will need to wait to be used in the future. When it really came to that day, he won't hesitate anymore, but for now, he chose to put it away first.

On the other side, Asahi went to find Harribel. The process was similar to Starrk, but what Harribel cares about is her Fraccion. To be fair, Harribel and Nelliel are considered quite strange among Hollow.

And Nelliel is even more strange than Harribel. Although Harribel is good to her companions and her own Fraccion, she will not be soft at all when it is time to strike, but Nelliel is the real Virgin Mary. Because of that, Asahi can't say anything about her.

The dignified Third Espada was actually defeated by the Fifth and Eighth Espada. To be reasonable, with her strength, killing the Fifth Espada is as easy as playing. After the Fifth Espada is gone, the Eighth Espada will naturally not target her anymore. So, to put it bluntly, she is still too soft-hearted.

But it was also because of this that she is Nelliel. After seeing Harribel, Asahi said the same thing, but in another way of saying it, and he also gave Harribel a crystal ball to contact him.

Asahi can be 100% sure that these two will not reveal his existence, as Asahi has completely figured out their characters.

However, Asahi still has a question. He wondered if for Female Hollow, the stronger they are, the better their figure?

Although the position of Harribel's mask is a bit awkward, which is on the mouth, but after using Resurreccion, she became a big beauty. And her body is also the same as Nelliel, which is very explosive. As for Lilynette, she is just a subordinate type, so the difference is a little far away.