Chapter 296 Kill

"Hell, you backstab us!"

Seeing the Hell's chains coming out of their body, Shuren and the others shouted angrily. The number of chains on everyone's body increased sharply, but how could Hell be arguing with them? At this moment, a large number of chains rushed to Asahi, and there are at least hundreds of thousands of chains that have appeared.

But Asahi doesn't care at all. His current MEoDP can be opened for one minute in 30 minutes, and he can easily control when he activates and closes it. These Hell's chains are also a part of the Will of Hell, which is still giving him constant experience, so there's no way he would be unhappy will this.

I didn't use the powerful Divine Axe Rhitta. After all, he already has the MEoDP, so this kind of weapon is not very necessary. Instead, he used an ordinary knife to continuously slash the chains of Hell, "One, two…, Seven"

A large number of dead points were hit.

The chains are constantly breaking, and the percentage of Asahi's MEoDP is also increasing rapidly. The Bleach World is indeed very good, at least the experience he got is much higher than the other two worlds, but who told the people's combat power system to improve so fast?

At the end of the incident, Asahi felt that Aizen who had Hogyoku was awesome, and Ichigo, who use Mugetsu, was even more awesome, but it was only after the Thousand Year Blood War that the power's ceiling hadn't appeared yet.

It's just like the madly smashing of the power's ceiling in Naruto's Fourth Shinobi World War, and the same is true for Bleach. The Thousand Year Blood War Arc madly raises the power's ceiling, making the power system so broken.

Because he was moving too fast, even these mediums were cut off by Asahi. Asahi was a bit speechless about this. He was so happy just now that he didn't notice them, and he subconsciously stabbed when he saw the dead point, making the result be like this.

At this moment, Kokuto was so scared that he was drenching with cold sweat. Hee really didn't dare to move now, as this is too much. Even if Shuren and the others were used as mediums, they were killed in the end, so Kokuto was horrified, and then he saw these guys have not been resurrected.

However, when he thought that the other party could break the Hell's chains directly, Kokuto was suddenly stunned, 'Since the chains are gone, they naturally won't be resurrected.'

Of course, he can't think of the effect of Asahi's MEoDP. Even if Hell's chains are still there, they still won't be able to resurrect. After all, once you are stared at by the MEoDP and hit on the dead point, then you will die.

"Dude, what are you doing hiding there? You see that all of them have already left. As the last Togabito in Hell, shouldn't you accompany them to avoid them being lonely on the way!"

Asahi smiled as he looked at Kokuto in front of him. Kokuto was easily seen by him, and he couldn't hide at all, so after seeing that there was no movement in Hell at this moment, Asahi went to find Kokuto.

Kokuto is a treacherous guy, but the matter of his sister seems to be true. In terms of appearance, if his right eye is blindfolded, he looks really similar to Ichigo.

But it's a pity, being able to be pulled in by the Gate of Hell shows that this guy is not innocent. If it is just revenge, it is estimated that he will not be dragged into Hell. So it must be the kind of indiscriminate revenge on society.

"Please, please spare my life, no matter what you want me to do, I'll do it!"

Kokuto didn't care about his dignity at the moment, and just knelt down and begged for mercy. After all, if he didn't beg for mercy now, he would definitely die.

"You, although your strength is good, I don't dare to use a guy who is full of conspiracies, and aren't you still thinking about waiting for a chance to kill me now?"

Asahi said after reading this guy's mind. Although this guy has succumbed to him now, but deep in his heart, he intends to tear Asahi's body into pieces. After all, he is forced to kneel and beg for mercy right now.

After Kokuto heard this, he raised his head with a dazed expression. He never expected that his mind would be read by the other party. But before he could give any response to Asahi's words, he found out that an extra knife was already on his body from who knows when.

His body quickly collapsed, and then dissipated. It was this kind of strange way of death. He couldn't understand what happened, but his body was dissipated in an instant. It's obviously that he was just stabbed by a knife, so he can't understand it.

This is the MEoDP. If someone is attacked on dead point or dead line, then don't think about living in this world anymore.

"It's done, then let me see, where is your core, Hell!"

Asahi's MEoDP turned to hell itself. He planned to cut this small world directly. After tasting the sweetness just now, which giving is much more experiences than killing some Hollow, he can't give it up. After using MEoDP to look around, Asahi found that the dead point was actually below the resurrection point, which is the skeletal structure that can resurrect killed Togabito, and the Hell's core is here.

"No wonder you can bring those guys back to life!"

Asahi then slashed and cut the dead line, and the dead line spread instantly. The resurrection point was directly divided into two halves, and a core was directly shown, which is the core of Hell. As long as this thing is cut off, Hell will be destroyed.

After the core was exposed, Hell began to vibrate again, and the lava below continued to form various words. Hell could have transmitted the news directly to other people's minds, but against Asahi, it couldn't be done at all.

So it can only be communicated in this way, and after these words are composed, the meaning is also very obvious. It admits defeat and begs for mercy.

But how could Asahi let it go? This thing is a super experience pack. As for his needs for Hell, he can just make a new one in the future. Right now, he just wants to kill Hell. After all, this product is also a cunning bastard, so it's useless to keep him.

There is a very strange thing about Hell, that is, it likes to snatch other people's prey. It didn't take the evil guys immediately, but wait until others beat the other party so that he has no resistance before taking the other party.

Before that, this guy will never accept these people, even if they are a very sinful guy, so his existence is like taking off his pants when farting, which is extremely extravagant.

The reason Asahi wants Hell is just to build a prison here, a prison that keeps the prisoner resurrecting. After all, except for MEoDP, other techniques can still accumulate experience without killing the enemy completely. That's why he must kill Hell for MEoDP, which gave a lot of experiences.