Chapter 297 The Small Turmoil Caused by Hell's Destruction

It's useless to beg for mercy, and Asahi has seen the dead point of the core. In fact, generally speaking, the core of this small world is also very difficult to deal with. After all, the hardness is quite exaggerated, so if Hell meets other people, even if the core is discovered, it is not a big problem, but it happened to meet Asahi.

Without talking about those abilities, just with MEoDP, this thing can't do anything at all. After Asahi stabbed the dead point with his knife, the core of Hell shattered like a broken glass bead, and then turned into ashes and dispersed.

Immediately afterwards, the entire Hell began to shake crazily, and started collapsing from the core position in all directions. Asahi, who saw this scene, directly moved away with his Space Magic and appeared in Human World.

At this moment, the Gates of Hell reappeared, and released a considerable amount of Reiatsu. The Hell itself was attached to several other worlds, the Human World, Soul Society and Hueco Mundo, but now, Hell is collapsing.

After the collapse, the Reishi in it will also quickly dissipate. At this moment, the Gates of began to collapse, and then burst open. A huge hole appeared, and a large number of Reishi spew out from it, but there's no uniqueness from Hell's miasma. After all, those miasmas are the product of Hell itself, but now that Hell has collapses, the miasma will also dissipates and become the most primitive Reishi.

Countless Reishi are gushing out, and because the current location of the Gate of Hell is in the Human World, the Reishi of the Human World have begun to skyrocket. Although Hell can't be compared with other worlds, it is still a small world.

Now that the Reishi are constantly gushing out, Karakura Town, which originally a land with high-level of Reishi, began to absorb these Reishi. There are not many Reishi scattered outside, but this result also led to the richness of Reishi in Karakura Town, and it has increased several times in one blow.

Originally, as a land with high-level of Reishi, the richness of Reishi here was not low, but now that a large number of Reishi have poured into this town, Asahi found that the richness of Reishi here is slightly beyond Hueco Mundo.

'My god, this place won't become the nest of the Hollow in the world in the future, right?'

Asahi was a little speechless, as he didn't expect that such a thing would happen after he destroyed Hell.

In the future, most of Hollow would like to stay here, but Asahi is not worried. After all, there are many experts in Karakura Town, and there are also Shinigami, as they will not ignore this place, so at worst, they will send people to be stationed here.

At this moment, Asahi discovered that after he had slashed Hell's core, his percentage had increased by a large margin, and rushed directly to 60%. Right now, he can use MEoDP for one minute in ten minutes. The proportion of time is getting smaller and smaller.

After finished his harvest, Asahi no longer stays here, and just left directly. But since he left, the mess here was left without being cleaned up, and it has attracted the attention of Shinigami in both Human World and Soul Society.

In this small city, there are a lot of hidden dragons and crouching tigers, and the first person to sense the change is… Urahara Kisuke.

However, this guy is very cautious. At the beginning, Aizen used Hollow White to make a big fuss here, so he also became more careful. He remotely observed through his Reishi's monitoring device.

After that, he also found this huge hole, but now that the Gate of Hell has completely collapsed, he doesn't know what this hole is.

"Kisuke, what's going on? Why did Karakura Town's Reishi improve so much in an instant?"

A black cat stood behind Kisuke and asked.

"I don't know. I only saw a huge hole in the sky above Karakura Town, and a large number of Reishi are constantly coming out of this hole. I don't know where this hole comes from!"

Kisuke's face became extremely solemn.

"Could it be Aizen's work again?"

Tessai asked. Although he is usually unreliable, he is still very reliable at critical moments.

"I don't know, but the probability should not be high. Of course, maybe he has some new conspiracy, and I just can't see it for some reason. Recently, some special things have happened. Since we can find this hole, the others will definitely notice it too. Let's watch again when the time comes."

"By the way, Yoruichi-san, can I trouble you to find out about Kurosaki Masaki? It's unbelievable that a person who has been swallowed by Hollow can be resurrected!"

Kisuke already knew about Isshin's matter, after all, Isshin didn't mean to hide it.

Although Masaki has now begun to learn about Shinigami's power, Kisuke must figure out the specific reasons. He wondered how those who are swallowed up by Hollow can be rescued. After all, this is an impossible thing that even he can't do.

"Why don't you just ask?"

Yoruichi looked at Kisuke with some puzzlement. She wondered when did this guy learn to beat around the bush. Kisuke is undoubtedly an old villain, but he is still good with his own people. Although he has always used Ichigo as a pawn, Isshin has acquiesced it.

After all, after Ichigo became Shinigami, he would definitely inevitably deal with those guys, and if he was not strong enough, he would definitely die.

So Isshin felt it's okay to ask Kisuke for help, as they have a common enemy. But now, this matter is different. It's not that Kisuke has not asked him, but the answer Isshin gave him makes him a little speechless.

Kisuke thinks that his brain will not lose to others, but he has no idea how to resurrect a person who has been swallowed up by Hollow.

He believes that this kind of thing cannot be done even with heaven-defying thing like Hogyoku, so he must figure out the situation, but Isshin didn't say anything about it, so he intends to ask Yoruichi to help investigate the situation.

After all, Yoruichi's black cat appearance is very good for investigating.

"In other words, your real purpose is to ask me to check this person for you? Can't you just say it clearly?"

Yoruichi rolled her eyes directly. She felt this guy's words are not on the point, and it is easy to mislead others.

"Uh, don't you understand what I said? Forget it, these are not important. I will leave the matter over there to you. I still have to stare at this hole now, as I want see what this thing is!"

After Kisuke finished speaking, Yoruichi left and went to Kurosaki's house. With her black cat form and her Reiatsu well hidden, she doesn't have to worry about being discovered, and even being discovered is not a problem, as her speed is quite fast.