Chapter 298 Do You Want to Eat Dried Fish?

After Yoruichi left and came to Kurosaki's house, she found out that Isshin was teaching his children and wife about Shinigami. To put it bluntly, using Zanjutsu and Kido, but after observing for a while, Yoruichi discovered that Ichigo, Isshin's son, has almost zero talent in Kido, but great talent in Zanjutsu.

In terms of talent, Masaki is talented on Kido, as for the other two little girls, one has a good talent in Kido, and the other has a good talent in Hoho. It can be said that the talents of this family are very good.

Yoruichi is very clear about Shinigami's talent. Among the freshmen, there are not many who can stand out. In Shin'o Academy, the few geniuses who appeared there are all plot characters, and the rest are just cannon fodder-level existence.

And Yoruichi discovered that the Isshin's family are all incredible.

But so far, she didn't notice anything else. After some time, Isshin and others left home after finished training, and collectively walked in one direction. Yoruichi quickly followed them, and soon followed them inside a manor.

Later, she discovered that in addition to Isshin's family, there was also Ryuken's family, and when she saw Ryuken's wife, she couldn't help but being stunned. Kisuke only knew Masaki was resurrected, but she didn't expect Kanae to be also resurrected.

As for how she knew Ryuken's family, the answer is simple. Back then when Yhwach performed Auswahlen, as long as her eyes were not blind, she would basically know about that Ryuken's and Isshin's family can also be regarded as relatives.

In addition, Ryuken is a Quincy, with the strength of a proper Captain-level, so Kisuke naturally checked the information at the time, and also found that the soul of the other party's wife was directly broken, but now, it is not just those being swallowed by Hollow who were resurrected, as even those, whose souls were broken and turned into Reishi, were resurrected.

Yoruichi can be said to be confused and stunned. Of course, although her existence is hidden from Ryuken, Isshin and the others, but it would be foolish dream if she wanted to hide it from Asahi. No matter how she hide herself, once she comes to Asahi's territory, she was already exposed.

'Shihouin Yoruichi? How come she came here? Is it Urahara Kisuke who sent her here to investigate me? But that's also right, after all, if he doesn't want to figure out the problem with Masaki and Kanae after so long, he won't be Urahara Kisuke.'

Asahi doesn't think it's strange either, but after that, a smirk appeared at the corner of his mouth. He then used Space Magic to get a bag of dried fish from a store outside, and after leaving the money, he planned to go and tease Yoruichi.

At this moment, Yoruichi just walked in from the outside, and as a result, she ran into Asahi who came to look for her, so Yoruichi very simply pretended to be a very normal black cat. She doesn't know that she was exposed, so she just pretended to be a cat.

"Where did this kitten come from? It's also a black cat. Well, it looks a little bit fierce, and I know it is not a good one from a glance. It seems that it has been mention that black cats will attract evil spirits!"

Yoruichi, who originally planned to go directly while pretending to be normal cat, staggered and almost cursed after hearing the voice coming from behind. At this moment, Yoruichi's face is full of black lines, 'Who do you called having a fierce face? What do you mean attracting evil spirits? Do you think black cats have no cat rights?'

Although Yoruichi himself knows some legends about black cats, it is not so exaggerated. She didn't expect someone would complain like this just after seeing a black cat! The surprised and angry Yoruichi turned back, and bared her teeth at Asahi directly.

"Heh, why is he baring his teeth? Can this little guy actually understand human words? Do you want to eat dried fish?"

Asahi looked at Yoruichi amusedly. He wondered why does Yoruichi seem inexplicably dull now? To be honest, when Asahi said this in front of her now, after combining their location and her current situation, Yoruichi shouldn't think he is an ordinary person.

Of course, Asahi is not wrong, as Yoruichi did have such thought, but after sensing Asahi's Reiatsu, she found that there was no movement at all, and Asahi was just an ordinary human being, so Yoruichi didn't think too much about this.

But now that Asahi took out the dried fish, the scene became very awkward again, and Yoruichi's cat face showed also very humane expression.

Who is she? She's Shihouin Yoruichi, the former Clan Head of the Four Noble Houses in Soul Society and the former Captain of the Second Division. Although she hid herself as a black cat, she never expect that someone wanted to feed her with dried fish, so she was a little speechless.

'Did this person always carry dried fish with him?' After a closer look, Yoruichi recognized the package. After all, she maintained her cat form all the year round, and she had seen many people who fed cats, and those people had also used this kind of dried fish. This is the most common kind in the outside store.

At this moment, Yoruichi was very speechless. She didn't expect that she would be treated as a real cat one day, and this person also used dried fish to tempt her, which is unbearable. Yoruichi felt that she should give this guy something to pay him back.

Thinking of this, Yoruichi directly raised her foot and walked towards Asahi. After approaching Asahi for about one meter or so, she made a big jump and rushed into the air. Her cat's claws came out, and then she suddenly scratched Asahi's face.


However, in the next second, before she could show a smug smile, she was shocked to find that not only there are no scars on the other party's face, but a lot of nails on her cat's paws were also broken.

Although her black cat form is not as exaggerated as her human form and she has not used her real ability, the degree of hardness of her claw is still more than that of the stone. Well, she only intended to scratch this person to teach him some lessons, but she never expected that his face is actually harder than stone.

In this regard, Asahi is a bit amused. He naturally has no hobby of being scratched, and Yoruichi's claw was actually blocked by his energy layer. In fact, even if her claws hit his face, he will still be fine. His skin defense is more exaggerated than that of the planet now.

After all, his limiter is giving development in all aspects, and with some increases from it, his skin defense has become very exaggerated.

Right now, even if he was attacked with Soul Society's Sokyoku, which is said to be equivalent to that of a million Zanpakuto, without responding, the power would be even worse than when a normal person was bitten by a mosquito.

Although Yoruichi's claws are hard enough, in the face of his invincible existence, even the most powerful claws will shatter. Not to mention the claw with the hardness of the stone, even diamond will be destroyed.