Chapter 299 Yoruichi, Who Is Courting Death

"You know who I am!"

Seeing that her claws, which are as hard as a stone, were broken, Yoruichi spoke immediately. After all, normal Human's skin shouldn't be that hard, unless he is a Hollow. And based on the situation just now, she knows that the other party sees that she has a problem, and the probability is more than 90%.

"Well, Shihouin Yoruichi, how could I not know the famous Shihouin Clan's former Clan Head and also the former Captain of the Second Division. Although they are both formers, they have been brilliant at any rate, haven't they?"

Asahi stopped pretending, put away the dried fish, and said with a smile on his face. But he felt that the voice of Yoruichi's black cat form is indeed a bit too weird. If he didn't know about it before, Asahi would have thought that this black cat is a man.

"You even know this! So you were playing tricks on me just now!!"

Yoruichi's cat's face showed a hint of disbelief, and then it turned into anger, and finally turned into rage. After all, Asahi is playing tricks on her. Thinking of his reaction just now, Yoruichi was furious.

"Is there anything wrong with it? After all, you look like a black cat, and black cat is indeed very unlucky. What I said at the time is the truth, as black cats will attract evil spirit. In addition, can I ask why you appear in my house? Don't tell me you are just passing by, I don't believe it!"

Asahi looked at Yoruichi with a faint smile on his face, but Yoruichi suddenly felt a little uncomfortable. After all, her information had been leaked, and she was planning to make Asahi felt guilty first, but suddenly realized that she had broken into someone else's home first.

And saying something like passing by is only enough to deceive a child, and it is completely impossible to deceive any normal adult!

"Wow, what a cute black cat!"

Just when Asahi finished speaking, the two little girls, one middle school and one elementary school, looked at Yoruichi with their eyes bright. It is unknown from when, but Orihime and Yuzu have already arrived here, and they are looking at the black cat in front of them with their eyes shining.

These two girls have some problems with their hobbies. The foods that Orihime likes to eat are unacceptable to Asahi, and her aesthetics are also a bit problematic. It is incomprehensible for Yoruichi to be called cute.

From what Asahi understands, cute cat is the kind that is pure white or blue, patterned, and fluffy, but Yoruichi looks fierce, so he can't understand the aesthetics of these two girls.

Of course, Yuzu's aesthetic is also a bit problematic, and she is really like a naïve little girl, while Karin is a little tomboyish. It can be said that when she grows up, she will be a real female man, and Yuzu would be a very normal kind or the naive kind.

"Since you think it's cute, you can play with her for a while!"

After saying that, Asahi temporarily blocked Yoruichi's Reiatsu and mobility. The black cat Yoruichi, who showed a bewildered and disbelief expression, was carried away by the two, and it is unknown what would happen to her later.

But Asahi can't control it. Today, he invited Ryuken and the others to have a dinner. In fact, the other party is the one inviting him, but their house is not very big, so the meeting place is placed in Asahi's manor.

As for Asahi's girls, who should be here, they have all gone out on a group trip.

So at this moment, only Nelliel is here, and her two funny Fraccion. Asahi is also quite helpless about this.

Almost an hour later, everyone gathered together, and it was time for dinner. At this time, Orihime brought Yuzu down, and the moment he saw Yoruichi, Asahi burst out laughing.

At this moment, Yoruichi's face was painted by Yuzu, and besides that, a doll wig was put on her hat. She also wears a small skirt, which almost made Asahi laughed to death.

As for where these things came from, of course, they came from the shopping. At that time, Orihime also followed the girls, and then she took Hinata and the other little girls to look at the toy stores. Don't look at the people in the Shinobi World are maturing very early, but to put it bluntly, they still have childish heart.

"Where does this black cat come from? Hahahaha, you are really amazing!"

Isshin also laughed wildly, and even Ryuken, who has always liked to keep a straight face, couldn't help but laugh too. Seeing this, Yoruichi's face changed very fast.

"Isshin you bastard, how dare you laugh to me! And that bastard over there, hurry up and give me back your strength!"

Yoruichi is about to explode. And seeing Isshin and Asahi's response after seeing her current appearance, her eyes are full of hatred. Regarding the two girls behind, she is a little helpless. Although Asahi sealed her Reiatsu and her ability to move, she still knows how to talk, but she somewhat underestimates these two little girls.

These two little girls are… the legendary airhead, or they are born with less than others. After all, if normal person are faced with a talking black cat, she might be called a ghost or monster, and they would be very frightened.

But these two little girls are different. After she spoke to the two, these two people didn't even have the slightest sense of fear. Instead, they looked at her with stars in their eyes, and then argued for these messy things for her.

Yoruichi blew up on the spot, but she didn't have the ability to move, so she couldn't do anything. Now that she finally came out, she naturally began to curse.

"Yo… Yoruichi!!"

Isshin's laughter stopped abruptly, and then he looked at Yoruichi with an incredulous expression, and then he looked at Asahi with a puzzled expression.

"Well, I saw her come here with your family, so I temporarily sealed her power and gave her to Orihime and Yuzu. I didn't expect it would be like this!"

Asahi said while suppressing his laugh.

When a person laughs, it is easy to cause others to laugh, and once some people laugh, it is as if they have been tapped on the laughing button, so they can't stop at all.

However, the displeasure on Yoruichi's cat face is getting stronger and stronger. In this regard, Asahi also feels that it should be enough, and simply remove the seal. Feeling her power and mobility are back, Yoruichi immediately tore off these messy things on her body, and quickly removed the paint on her face.