Chapter 300 Asahi: Don't Worry, I Just Blow Up The Hell

Yoruichi ripped everything off her body, and she didn't care about the sad expressions of the two girls behind. It took them a lot of effort, but Yoruichi finally finished ripped them off.

"Cough, okay, since it's a misunderstanding, then forget it, but Yoruichi, what are you trying to do by coming over?"

Isshin asked helplessly, and stepped forward to smooth the things over!

"Isn't it because of your wife whose soul was swallowed by Hollow can be resurrected? And the soul that has already scattered into Reishi can also be resurrected. Do you think that Kisuke will be able to withstand his curiosity about this kind of thing?"

Yoruichi said bluntly, and Isshin immediately shut up. At that time, Asahi was not there, so he didn't dare to say it casually. After all, this is their boss now, so he has been hiding it all the time, he didn't even leak much to Kisuke.

"Okay, I guess it's fine to tell you, in fact, the principle is very simple, when Kurosaki Masaki was swallowed by Hollow at first, a part of her consciousness still remains in that Hollow's body, so we only need to find the Hollow and then find the incomplete soul. Then we put most of the Reishi back and let her soul recover. As for Katagiri Kanae, it's the same principle, as we collect the Reishi and restore them again!"

Asahi spread his hands as he spoke, and the next second, the place fell silent. Both Ryuken and Isshin couldn't help but shook their head. It was indeed so simple, but if they hadn't watched it with their own eyes that their wives are recovering, they might probably explode. After all, this kind of operation is simple impossible for ordinary people. Reishi spread all over the world after the person died, and Asahi used his Space Magic to transfer these Reishi over, so when Asahi had done it, they saw that it is indeed so simple.

And Asahi can also set back the time of the soul, so that the soul can be repaired by reverting the time. But they still felt that it is too much to explain it all in just two or three sentences!

And Yoruichi's face is full of bewilderment and disbelief, 'Is this guy trying to fool me again? Is fooling me that fun? Although what he said seems to make sense, and I understand the reason, but isn't this too simple?'

For a while, everyone's eyes were wide open, and was a little confused. As for the people who don't understand like Ichigo and the others, they were confused by everyone's reaction. And they couldn't understand what's going on.

Seeing this scene, Asahi also explained some principles in detail, and finally Yoruichi understood… bu****it! Regarding time and space, Shinigami can indeed use space, but it is only to open the door to other worlds.

There are other thing that can use space like Oin (King's Seal), but is this something that ordinary people can use? There's also the matter with time. Although Oin can also do so, it is not so exaggerated.

'What kind of monster are you?' The current Yoruichi wanted to say that, but the words stuck on her throat.

She wanted to scold Asahi, but he has explained the principle, and it is something that an outsider shouldn't have known. So she knew that she couldn't scold him, but it is uncomfortable to have such words stuck in her throat.

"Huh…well, I understand, thank you, but I wonder if you know what is going on with the big hole above Karakura Town now?"

After taking a few deep breaths, Yoruichi knew that she couldn't say anything more about this matter. After all, the restraint she obtained when she was the head of the clan told her that she must have restraint. Because of that, she chose to ask about the big hole in the sky.

"Ah, it's not a problem, that is, I went to hell before, and then accidentally blew up the hell, so it became like this. After the hell collapsed, a lot of Reishi from Hell is poured out to the Human World, um, this is the principle, is there any problem?"

Asahi said this very naturally, and the others already know the details, otherwise, they wouldn't have a dinner here in such situation of Reishi pouring madly from the big hole in the sky. ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

But at that time, their expressions were the same as Yoruichi now. They were stunned by what Asahi said for a while. They really couldn't understand how Asahi could still sit here and explained so calmly after blowing up the Hell.

"Hell… Hell is destroyed?"

Yoruichi asked again with uncertainty, and Asahi nodded.

"That's right, is there a problem?"

"No problem… bu****it. You… Explain to me how you blow up the Hell. Do you what kind of existence Hell is? That is a world created by the Soul King, and you actually exploded such world, moreover, you also said it in such a tone that is completely irrelevant to you! You are too much!"

Yoruichi's self-cultivated restraint has completely thrown away at this moment, and then she began to complain crazy. After hearing Yoruichi's crazy complains, Isshin and Ryuken also nodded quickly.

Yoruichi expressed their thoughts. Although Hell is not very big, it is still a world that ranks alongside Soul Society, the Human World and Hueco Mundo in terms of level. But now, it has been destroyed, and Asahi, who has done that, said it so naturally, as if what he has done is something normal.

"You can't blame me for this. I just planned to go in and tour around, but that guy produced a lot of Kushanada to stop me. There's no way I can just sit still and wait for my death, right? So I started to resist."

"Later, this guy sent out more Kushanada, and then I cut off more than 90% of the Kushanada, and along the way, I found its core directly. Besides, its core is as crisp as a glass bead. I only took a fruit knife and jabbed it lightly, but as a result, the core shattered instantly. So this blame can't be thrown at me."

Asahi distorted the facts a little bit, and then said it in another way, but except that he went to tour in Hell, everything else was true. With the ability to MEoDP, the Hell's core is indeed as brittle as a glass bead.

"I… I see, thank you for your clarification. If it's fine with you, I will leave first. I will come back to apologize again later, and also, I apologize for trespassing today!"

After saying that, Yoruichi left by using Shunpo directly. She no longer wants to stay here, as there is a monster here, who is even more abnormal than Aizen. This guy just casually explained the way he blew up the Hell, as if it was a matter of course, and it also looks so easy.

She just wants to go back and let everything out. She can't vent her frustation here, but there will be no restriction after she goes back.