Chapter 301 Kisuke: Can You Also Brag That Way?

"That… my lord, is there really no problem with that big hole in the sky?"

Isshin asked again. Although he has already asked this question, it is not a strange for him to ask this a few more times. After all, it is a bit difficult to accept.

"No problem, as long as the Reishi in it are released and emptied in a few days, the hole will disappear. However, it is not surprising that there should be a lot of Hollow appearing in Karakura Town. After all, this place is originally a land with high-level of Reishi, and now that it has absorbed so many Reishi, it is sure to attract a lot of Hollow!"

Asahi nodded. The Reishi here will be super high for a while, but after some time, the Reishi will disperse, and at most, it will only transform Karakura Town to be a little better than Hueco Mundo, so there is no big problem.

After getting the answer to the matter, Isshin and the others also nodded. At this moment, he was feeling a little lucky. Fortunately, he taught his family members about Shinigami's strength, otherwise, something big might happen to them, moreover, his strength has also recovered in advance.

Regarding his current family, that is, his wife and his two daughters, are still weak. As for his son, Isshin wants to say that even a Captain can't do as well as Ichigo, so I ignored him decisively, as there is almost no Hollow that can be his opponent.

Ichigo, who has the complete Zangetsu, can be said to be able to reach the sky in one step. Of course, training is indispensable, otherwise, no matter how awesome his power is, it will be useless. In the original work, after the real Zanpakuto is obtained in the later period, he is almost invincible, and it is also because of he used to constantly temper himself through battles.

At the same time, Yoruichi returned from Asahi's manor to Kisuke's shop at a very fast speed. She was already on the verge of collapse after today's shock, and she needed a punching bag to vent her emotions.

"Yoruichi-san, you're back, the matters… argh!"

Before Kisuke could finish his words, he was hit by Yoruichi's cat claws a hundred times, resulting in dense claw marks on his face. After giving Kisuke some scratches, Yoruichi let out a long sigh, and then told the matter under Kisuke's speechless eyes, of course, she directly and subconsciously ignored her own scandals.

"Wait…, Yoruichi-san, are you sure that you are not tricking me? Controling the space, returning time, and the big hole above the town was formed because the other party accidentally blow up Hell?"

At this moment, Kisuke smiled and looked at Yoruichi with a look that said 'you were teasing me'.

"Why do you think I came back full of anger? It's because of this incident!"

Yoruichi rolled her eyes, and Kisuke took a deep breath at this moment and stabilized his mentality. As a scientist, his mentality is the most important thing, but it is a little unstable now.

"What a way to brag. I didn't expect that you can also brag like this, but even if the first two is possible. How did he destroy a world like Hell?"

Kisuke's face is covered with the words of 'You are kidding me.' After all, what is Hell? Any sinful soul will never come out after being dragged in. It is something that have existed for a long time, and it stands to reason that every world was created by the Soul King, so Hell is also the same, but if a world is destroyed, can such a thing be done in the end? In short, he really can't understand it.

He felt that even Aizen, that… natural conspirator, could never do such a thing. After all, no matter how he thinks about it, he thinks that such thing is impossible.

"Okay I've checked everything out for you, so now, pay for it!"

Yoruichi stretched out her cat's paw as she said that.


Kisuke asked with a dazed look, 'Is it possible that Yoruichi-san collects information for a fee now? When did it happen!'

"Nonsense, I have already said that I will come to his manor to apologize later. I don't dare to provoke such a strong person. Shouldn't you bring a gift when you are going to apologize? So hurry up and pay for it!"

Yoruichi said very stubbornly, and Kisuke nodded quickly this time, as he felt that she is correct. He doesn't want to provoke an existence that can destroy a world at will.

After all, if Hell can be destroyed, doesn't that mean that the Human World, Hueco Mundo, or even Soul Society can be destroyed? So Kisuke couldn't help but broke into cold sweat and decisively paid for it.

To put it bluntly, it is impossible for a person like him to be short of money. The so-called lack of money is just an illusion. Isn't it easy for these people to get money? Especially if he plays with technology, he can get a lot of money casually. After Yoruichi left with the money, Kisuke started to calm down.

'There is such a super big trouble, I hope he is not an enemy, otherwise, that guy would be even more difficult to deal with than Aizen!'

Kisuke is very helpless. Aizen and he are both smart types. Aizen relies on Kyoka Suigetsu to play everyone around, so if he wants to defeat Aizen, he must find someone who has not been caught by the hypnosis of Aizen's Kyoka Suigetsu.

But even if this kind of person is so easy to find, they are not qualified.

However, Kisuke knows knows what Aizen needs, the Hogyoku, so he can work on Hogyoku. Although he can't destroy it, he can still tamper it to his advantage.

But facing Asahi, it is reasonable to say that in the face of an existence that only knows how to use brute force, there's no need to think too much, but with the ability that the other party shows now, even controlling Time and Space, and Kisuke knew that this guy is not a barbarian.

And also, Isshin and Ryuken have both been recruited by him, so how could this be done by a barbarian? He doesn't want to provoke such existence that has both strength and brains.

Regarding blowing up a world, no matter whether it's him or Aizen, they can't do it. Only the Soul King can do it easily, so he doesn't think so much at the moment, and plans to visit this guy with Yoruichi later.

As for the thing that monitored the big hole, he also withdrew it, as it is no longer necessary. Now that he knows what it is, there's no need to be bothered by it. Moreover, he may be exposed because of this thing, so it is better to retract it.

Kisuke withdrew the thing back at this moment, but Soul Society was blown up at this moment. After all, what kind of concept is the Reishi of the Human World skyrocketed? How could they just sit idly by? They quickly locate this place above Karakura Town, and reported the matter immediately.

So at this moment, Soul Society is also in a meeting, and all the Captains have been gathered in the First Division's building. No, not all of them, as Jushiro Ukitake, as this guy is a sick child.